Student Sessions

Undergraduate, graduate and PhD Students must submit their paper using topic number 90.

Students presentations will take place only on August 4th

The Steering Committee of FISP, the Italian Organizing Committee, and the International Programme Committee encourage the participation of undergraduate and graduate students from all continents and regions.

World Congresses have consistently been extraordinary opportunities for students and junior scholars to forge long-lasting professional and personal relations, develop cooperative skills, and start early scholarly networks. Student submissions are kindly invited.

Student sessions will be organized thematically in the programme, and divided taking into account diverse career levels (undergraduate and graduate students). They will be chaired by senior philosophers from all continents.

Student sessions will take place under the scientific coordination of Professor Ernest Lepore (Rutgers).

To submit proposals for student sessions, please refer to section 90 of the submission platform
For further inquiries, please contact Dr. Benedetta Catoni,


The interactive program is now online. Check out it on the "program" page.

The program is always being updated. Times and days are subject to change.

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