Round Tables

The Organizing Committee invites proposals for round tables on specific topics.

Round tables would usually last 2 hours. They should include speakers from at least three different countries and are subject to the approval of the Steering Committee of FISP.

Participation in more than one Round table as well as multiple submissions are allowed. Submissions of overlapping panels are nonetheless discouraged.

To submit a proposal for a round table, please follow the RT Guidelines.

The following Round tables have been approved (regularly updated):

The Emplaced SelfLaura Candiotto (Italy)
ParticipantsCandiotto Laura, Ghilardi Marcello, Gallagher Shaun, Malpas Jeff, Hashimoto Noriko, O'Donnell Katherine
AbstractThis roundtable aims to discuss the reciprocal constitution of self and place from the perspectives of situated affectivity, phenomenology, environmental ethics and aesthetics. By challenging the dualistic assumptions of already established subjects and places, the panel contributors will explore (1) the different dimensions in which self and place co-institute each other, (2) the aesthetic practices that can enable processes of self and place co-creation, and (3) their ethical significance, in particular regarding how they reply to the “displacement” of the self at the time of the climate crisis.
Origin is the goal Anthropogenesis and the Crisis of Neolithic CivilizationVincenzo Cuomo (Italy)
ParticipantsDe Conciliis Eleonora, Caignard Gael, Pacilio Annamaria
AbstractIl tema della crisi della civiltà comincia a inquietare la filosofia europea già nell’Ottocento, a partire dalle diagnosi di Schopenhauer e Nietzsche, fino a diventare una verità “scontata”, per quanto amara, con Spengler, Freud, Huizinga e Heidegger, per ricordare solo alcuni suoi interpreti. Nella seconda metà del Novecento, e durante i primi vent’anni del nuovo millennio, tutta la questione della crisi della civiltà si è trasformata, progressivamente, secondo due direttrici. La prima è stata, ed è ancora, quella transculturale che tende a derubricarla a crisi della civiltà “occidentale” e a esaltare le differenze culturali degli altri “mondi” extraeuropei; la seconda direttrice è quella che, all’opposto, la slarga trasformandola in crisi della civilizzazione neolitica. All'interno di questa seconda linea di ricerca si situa la questione dell'antropogenesi, che sarà oggetto del panel.
Hermeneutics and Memory: Why there is no future without a pastBusacchi Vinicio (Italy)
ParticipantsMura Gaspare, Agís Villaverde Marcelino, Delacroix Christian, Magni Filippo, Piazza Tommaso
AbstractHuman identity is constitutively ‘historical’, as well as cultural and a narrative. History is the quintessence of us, as human beings that live in a certain epoch and within a certain culture. At the same time, different kind of scientific research reveal that the realisation of a human life is, on one hand, in a dialectical connection with the past and tradition, and is, on the other hand, a form of action under a horizon of expectation (Koselleck) and a present full of new possibilities. Referring to Koselleck’s research, Ricoeur, for example, develops the theme of historical consciousness, interpreting it as the ceaseless dialectics of counterposition between the ‘space of experience’, which is inevitably rooted into the past, and the ‘horizon of expectation’, which always addresses the future. A living present culture constitutes the point of convergence between past and future, because in the human being there is this perpetual connection between ‘space of experience’ and ‘horizont'.
The Trascendental and its Metamorphoses: a Mimesis Publisher book series.Gaetano Rametta (Italy)
ParticipantsRadrizzani Ives, Tamborini Marco, Seron Denis
AbstractThe meeting is centred on the notion of “The Transcendental and its Metamorphoses”. Reference is made to Kant and Fichte, but particular importance is also given to the various meanings that the idea of “Transcendental” has taken in Contemporary philosophy. Attention will be given to the following traditions: 1) Neo-Kantianism and Transcendental phenomenology, from Lask and Husserl to the recent theories about consciousness, subjectivity and philosophical epistemology; 2) “Transcendental” in 20th Century French philosophy, from the young Sartre to the late writings of Deleuze; 3) possible developments of the notion of “Transcendental” with regard to Artificial Intelligence and the contemporary Philosophy of Technology.
'Sol libertà può farci forti, sagaci e lieti'. Germana Ernst e la filosofia del RinascimentoAntonella Del Prete (Italy)
ParticipantsBertolini Manuel, Couzinet Dominique, De Lucca Jean-Paul, Giglioni Guido, Plastina Sandra, Ponzio Paolo, Ricci Saverio
AbstractGermana Ernst ha lasciato un'impronta profonda negli studi filosofici italiani. Il suo magistero ha saputo coniugare un'inesauribile curiosità filosofica; il fiuto di un detective per la scoperta di documenti rari e preziosi; una grande abilità nell'organizzare il lavoro proprio ed altrui; una stupefacente generosità intellettuale verso gli studenti e i colleghi più giovani; la capacità di costruire e nutrire nel tempo rapporti umani e intellettuali che si trasformavano non di rado in imprese culturali, come nel caso della splendida rivista Bruniana & Campanelliana, fondata e diretta insieme a Eugenio Canone. A distanza di otto anni dalla sua scomparsa, il panel si propone di sondare la fecondità di un pensiero che ha cambiato il volto degli studi sul Rinascimento.
Tradiciones aristotélicas en la clasificación de los animales de América (principado novohispano, siglo XVI)Virginia Aspe Armella (Messico)
ParticipantsGraciela Zamudio, Salvador Reyes Equiguas, Virginia Aspe Armella, María Elena García Peláez, Luis Xavier López-Farjeat, María Idoya Zorroza
AbstractLa mesa abordaría la tematización de los animales en Aristóteles y sus intérpretes árabes, así como la clasificación zoológica que a partir de esto se dio más tarde en la Nueva España (especialmente en el siglo XVI). Se hablará de la descripción de las distintas especies y sus operaciones. El objetivo de la mesa es comparar las distintas tradiciones aristotélicas (clásica, árabe, latina, renacentista, novohispana) y los horizontes de comprensión que cada una abrió, en este caso, en el contexto de las investigaciones zoológicas.
The Universality and Specificity of Hanese* PhilosophyShuifa Han (China)
ParticipantsBeaney Michael, Sunday Grève Sebastian, Yang Haifeng, Han Linhe, Chen Jidong, Wang Jun, He Huanhuan, Sun Xiangchen, Cheng Lesong, Zhou Cheng, Bai Tongdong, Dong Ping, Chen Jianhong, Bing Wen, Li Qilin, Cao Jieyi
AbstractThe strong rise and rapid development of Hanese philosophy in the twenty-first century mark a new era in philosophy, characterized by universality and specificity. Philosophy, like science, is grounded in human reason and rationality, investigating general subjects. It is a universal endeavor realized through various languages, not confined to any specific one. Therefore, universal philosophical thought requires validation across languages. Hanese philosophy, an integral part of this pursuit, shares a universal mission, engaging in diverse philosophical thinking and research within the limits of human reason.
ParticipantsGiombini Lisa, Kvokacka Adrian, Ratiu Dan Eugen
AbstractThis panel explores the field of everyday aesthetics, examining its theoretical foundations, current trends, and future challenges. Representing the Everyday Aesthetics Network (EVAnet), the speakers present diverse research interests and interdisciplinary perspectives within the network. The first section of the panel will analyze the current state of the field of study, focusing on the start of the network and showing the activities already promoted and organized. The second section will explore emerging themes and trends in everyday aesthetics, providing insights into interdisciplinary perspectives employed by the EVAnet community and emphasizing the collaborative nature of everyday aesthetics research. In the third and last section, the panel will showcase the diverse research interests within EVAnet.
Aesthetics of Thought: a transdisciplinary perspective on philosophy from the CaribbeanDialitza Colón-Pérez (Puerto Rico)
ParticipantsRamos-Riera Alejandra, Leyra-Soriano Ana María, Costa-Santos Rui, Rábanos Miguel Florián, de Pablos-Escalante Raúl, Ramos Francisco José
AbstractThis workshop aims to present the philosophical trilogy Aesthetics of Thought, by the Puerto Rican philosopher Francisco José Ramos. The work focuses mostly on Aesthetics, Ancient Philosophy, Eastern and 20th-Century Philosophy, Neuroscience, Psychoanalysis, and Buddhist thought, in which philosophy is presented as a literary experiment, an artistic experience, and an exploration into the nature of aesthetics. For Ramos, aesthetics is not a branch of philosophy, but philosophy itself. This can explain that the central focus of his project is to reflect upon thought as a subject and the art of thinking with words. In this sense, writing is the scenography of thought and the laboratory of philosophical conceptualization. From there, sensitivity and intellect, the mind and the body, can come to a recognition of their mutual implications. Therefore, Aesthetics of Thought is not only an aesthetic but an ethical, political and ontological project.
Bad persons: if only moral virtue was built from its antipodesRicardo Gutiérrez Aguilar (Spain)
ParticipantsR. Aramayo Roberto, Kienstra Natascha, Velema Floris, Pfister Jonas
AbstractSince dawn of moral reflection inquiries on behaviors were weighed in a good/right/correct/lawful fashion. Moral performances added up in value tipping the scale, constructing what is called a character. Virtues, characters, should be coherent and consistent. This is part of the well-known argument of the 1981’s Philosophy hit After Virtue, by Alasdair MacIntyre. Heroes, saints and geniuses are contradictory these very days though, even when we ignore the fact. Why is it that the focus of moral action has been always set in these and not in avoiding their counterparts? The aim of the Round Table could be summarized as the intent to answer questions such as if can wrong-doers offer a better resemblance of a solid character than their more good-natured versions? Is it this the secret of their popularity in nowadays fictions and philosophical arguments? Lastly, should we turn our theoretical-eye towards vices in Education instead of virtues to boost the present philosophical debate?
International Round Table on Contributions of Chinese Philosophy to World PhilosophyAnn Pang-White (USA)
ParticipantsForster Michael, Yao Xinzhong, Rošker Jana, Heurtebise Jean-Yves, Cheng Chung-Ying
AbstractThe purpose of this roundtable is to continue and further inquiries and reflections on the actual and potential impact and influence of Chinese philosophy on the formation and transformation of a world philosophy in fields of logic, dialectics, metaphysics, epistemology, hermeneutics, ethics, aesthetics, and political/social philosophy. Authors have appealed to the use of methods of harmonization such as embodied in the philosophical hermeneutics and onto-hermeneutics and possibly other ways of thinking.
Women in Legal Philosophy - Perspectives on Legitimacy and JusticeGiulia Battistoni (Italy)
ParticipantsAlbrecht Kristin Y., Zucca-Soest Sabrina, Magni Chiara, Battistoni Giulia, Uygur Gulriz, Condello Angela
AbstractThis panel responds to the congress’ mission and topic in two senses: 1. it brings together researchers from all around the world (in this case: Presidents and Ambassadors of the Society); 2. it presents philosophy as providing conceptual tools useful and even necessary to other disciplines, in this case law. Consequently, the talks will address issues like environmental justice, criminal justice, responsibility, constitutional theory, issues related to artificial intelligence, using a philosophical, critical approach. The questions of Legitimacy and Justice provide a common basis to all talks, developed from the perspectives of women doing research in legal philosophy. Note: The Panel will have 6 presentations, so I would like to ask for two slots of each 2 hours, in order to have time to present and discuss the papers, and to present SAFI - Societas Aperta Feminarum in Iuris Theoria, whose Presidents and Ambassadors are the speakers in the Panel.
Philosophy Across Boundaries – A Mexican ExperienceFanny del Rio (Mexico)
ParticipantsMaria de los Angeles Eraña, Erika Torres, Cintia Martínez, Lourdes Velázquez, Virginia Aspe, Fanny del Río
AbstractThe Mexican Network of Women Philosophers / Red Mexicana de Mujeres Filósofas (or ReMMuF) was created in February 2020, amidst the worst pandemic the world has ever known. With lockdown measures implemented around the globe, the ReMMuF was faced with the challenge to go across boundaries: physically as well as geographically, because our mission, as well as our survival, depends on reaching out to women philosophers, including Trans and Indigenous philosophers, across the Latin American community, but also within our own country, which has always been heavily centralistic. ReMMuF has successfully reached out to women philosophers across the country, expanding the network to reach a national level, and with that in mind we also created a data base that spotlights the area of expertise and research of ReMMuF members, and started a weekly Seminar of Women Philosophers, where women from different academic backgrounds have the chance to speak about their current research topics and receive.
Hegel und die Herausforderungen unserer Zeit - Facing the challenges of our time with HegelFrancesca Iannelli (Italy)
ParticipantsVieweg Klaus, Ralf Beuthan, Haas Bruno
AbstractWith this panel we will address the growing presence of Hegelian philosophy in our time, so much so that we can talk about a real "Hegelian Turn in the 21st century," also encouraged by the discovery of un-published sources by Klaus Vieweg in the summer of 2022 in the German Library of the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising, documenting Hegelian philosophical reflection in the Heidelberg period. This discovery has brought Hegel's philosophy and its theoretical richness back to the center of debate, not only of specialists, in order to address the challenges of our time in the most diverse fields, from aesthetics to ecology, from logic to philosophy of right, to combat political extremism and cultural one-sidedness, thanks to a universalistic concept of freedom, Bildung and recognition, and thanks to a notion of care and prevention as philosophical foundation of the idea of sustainability.
Social Religious EpistemologyJohn Greco (USA)
ParticipantsLaura Callahan, Domingos Faria, René van Woudenberg,
AbstractThe proposal is to hold a session on "social religious epistemology," i.e., religious epistemology that engages recent developments in social epistemology more broadly, and especially the theme of epistemic dependence on other persons and on one's epistemic community, for example through authority and teaching structures, the transmission of knowledge via testimony, the role of trust in testimony, and the division of intellectual labor more generally. Other themes in social epistemology include the nature and role of interpersonal trust in the epistemic realm, the nature and role of social norms, and the nature and role of institutions.
Seneca in Seven WordsFrancesca Romana Berno (Italy)
ParticipantsMalaspina Ermanno, Pià Comella Jordi, Gazzarri Tommaso, Courtil Jean-Christophe, Edwards Catherine, Torre Chiara
AbstractThe aim of the roundtable is to discuss seven key concepts in Seneca's philosophy, to show his personal interpretation of Stoic thought: voluntas - free will, deus - god, sapiens - wise person, proficiens - person in progress, vitium - passion, vita beata - happy life, animus - soul. Each concept will be illustrated starting from the reading of a significant passage. Other transversal ideas, such as fate and its correlative, i.e. (accepting) death, will emerge from the discussion. Each participant will have a 20 minutes slot, plus 15 minutes of Q/A; there will also be a final discussion.
ParticipantsNagasawa Yujin, Hongladarom Soraj, Biana Hazel
AbstractThe Global Philosophy of Religion Project is a major initiative that aims to make the philosophy of religion a truly global field. The philosophy of religion addresses the most fundamental issues concerning religious concepts, beliefs and practice. Among these are the existence and nature of deities, evil and suffering in the world, religious and mystical experiences, and death and the possibility of immortality. However, the scale and diversity of the current discussions of these issues have been limited, even though they are relevant to a variety of religious traditions and geographical locations. Thus, there is a need to diversify the field by looking into philosophers of religion from underrepresented regions and religious traditions in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East. In this roundtable discussion, we discuss how the perspectives from Southeast Asia, particularly those from what we call “appropriated religions,” may help in this endeavour.
Philosophy and Contemporary Art. Values, technologies, innovationsElisa Caldarola (Italy)
ParticipantsEarley Chris, Fisher Saul, Vidmar Jovanović Iris, Tavinor Grant, Terrone Enrico, Barbero Carola, Anscomb Claire
AbstractIn this panel, we highlight some values of contemporary art, in terms of topicality and innovation in expressive forms, media, and creative practices. We discuss the notion and value of contemporary art, and look at relevant contemporary art forms: socially engaged art, nonrepresentational art, VR art, and AI art.
Progressive ConfucianismAnn Pang-White (USA)
ParticipantsAngle Stepehn, Norden Bryan Van, Huang Yong, Cheng Cheng-Yi, Sung Hiu Chuk Winnie
AbstractWhat is “Progressive Confucianism”? Is “Progressive Confucianism” a legitimate branch of Confucianism or is it simply “western ideas” dressed in Confucian clothing? In the past two decades, “Progressive Confucianism,” as opposed to “Conservative Confucianism,” has played a key role in bringing Confucianism up to date in creative and critical dialogue with contemporary concerns and movements. Confucian scholars have actively engaged with issues of gender, feminism, liberalism, democracy, social welfare, education, ritual, and morality, among others. The purpose of this panel is to continue further inquiries and reflections on new possibilities of Confucianism in the modern world and its potential in providing guidance to living a flourishing life.
Epistemic injustice within and across borders: mathematics and philosophyBrendan Larvor (United Kingdom)
ParticipantsPimentel Elaine, Gutiérrez Rochelle, Karsli-Calamak Elif, Tanswell Fenner, Chemla Karine
AbstractWhat kind of injustice is caused by the concentration of knowledge (especially but not only mathematics) in the hands of privileged scholars and scientists at elite institutions in the global north? Most obviously this includes lack of access by scholars and disadvantaged citizens of developed countries. It might also include inequalities within such countries since some academics and peoples have more access than others to the so-called centres of excellence – perhaps scholars in privileged positions are epistemically impoverished too. Another possibility is the neglect and erasure of knowledge-cultures and traditions considered as “others” by the privileged ones. Within and across borders, who is disadvantaged by the waymathematics is taught and researched, by the way it is positioned as ethnically and politically neutral? How does reflection on epistemic justice modify our very concept of knowledge?
Filosofía andina en el contexto globalMario Mejia Huamán (Perú)
ParticipantsHirotaka Nakano, Mario Mejía Huamán, Fabio Sánchez, Saby Lazarte, David Esteban Espinoza, Ángela Maria Santur Arreluce, Valentinne Serpa, Kasumi Ichinose, Mg. Jorge Luis Carrera Honores
AbstractEn esta mesa redonda discutiremos la posibilidad de la filosofía andina, sobre todo, su contenido y metodología. Esta reflexión es motivada por demandas extrínsecas e intrínsecas para explorar la filosofía andina como un área de investigación académica. La demanda extrínseca atiende a la reconsideración mundial del concepto de filosofía. La concepción tradicional de filosofía, basada en la producción intelectual de universidades modernas y occidentales, está puesta en duda ante nuevos problemas críticos globales. La región andina propone importantes recursos intelectuales para ampliar la “filosofía”. Atendiendo a la demanda intrínseca de territorios colonizados, filósofos y pensadores andinos buscan liberar tanto la dimensión política-económica como la mental. Así, examinaremos la propuesta de la filosofía andina como una posible respuesta a dichas demandas.
Charles S. Peirce. People, Problems and Scientific Disciplines in his Time and BeyondElize Bisanz (USA)
ParticipantsElize Bisanz, Susan Petrilli, Alisa Bokulich, Ernest Hess-Lüttich, Augusto Ponzio, Toni Jappy, Stephanie Schneider, Titus Lates, João Queiroz, Tullio Viola, Giovanni Maddalena
AbstractPeirce’s initial formation was in the sciences, with a strong education in chemistry, physics and mathematics. His encounter with philosophy came later. He worked as a geodetic engineer for thirty years (1859-1891) and also taught logic at various universities (including Harvard and Johns Hopkins) for twenty years (1864-1884). As reflected in his life’s work and writings (published and unpublished) interdisciplinarity for Peirce was a modus vivendi, a research perspective and theoretical priority. His pragmatism evolved from his vocation for dialogue across boundaries through theory and practice, implicating the sciences, philosophy and life under different aspects. The complexity of his work emerges from a polymorphic context, with foundations in dialogue between the hard sciences, the life sciences and the human sciences.
Democracy and Populism in the Digital AgeGabriele Münnix (Germany)
ParticipantsBringeland Hans, Feldmann Klaus, Karageorgieva Aneta, Pozzo Riccardo, Boteva-Richter Bianca
AbstractSince the emergence of the populist movement in the United States of America in the second half of the 19th century, the worldwide phenomenon of populism has been researched and assessed. Given the increasing mediatization of politics and the tendency toward "politainment," media and communication studies also analyze phenomena of populism. The frame of reference, however, in this descriptive and prescriptive discourse is philosophical. Philosophers of five countries will presewnt aspects of populism and discuss consequences for educational institutions. On the one hand, it seems to be confirmed that low educational attainment increases the probability of voting for populist parties. On the other hand, it is argued that the "half-education" promoted in the school system, in Adorno's sense, even favors populism. It is undisputed that philosophical education, with its focus on value formation (as opposed to value teaching), has a key significance in dealing with populist phenomena.
Empirical EpistemologyJack Lyons
ParticipantsHilary Kornblith, Silvia De Toffoli, Madelaine Angelova-Elchinova
AbstractThis round table brings together researchers from USA, Sweden, and Italy to discuss epistemology in a way that is informed and constrained by empirical research. The panel is not only interesting in its own right but it part of a larger effort to promote a nascent Empirical Epistemology Network, the point of which is to get methodologically like-minded people together, to know about each other, to elevate the visibility of empirically informed epistemology, and to provide support and inspiration to the younger generation of emerging philosophers.
Late Medieval VoluntarismMonika Michałowska (Poland)
ParticipantsDunne Michael W., Nannini Andrea
AbstractMedieval voluntarism has already been recognized as a philosophical theory that “helped pave the way for empiricism, Cartesian doubt about the senses, legal positivism and Reformation theology” (Leftow, 1998), yet it is still regarded as a uniform movement. Recent studies have shown, however, that it was of multifarious and complex nature with various tendencies and trends. Our round table will focus on some of its themes with a special attention on those medieval authors whose voluntarism have not been so far widely studied, yet their approaches and mutual interconnections show they all contributed to the newly developed trend of the fourteenth-century Oxonian philosophy, namely Richard FitzRalph, Richard Kilvington, Robert Holcot, and John Ripa, as well as their predecessors and followers.
Cross-Cultural Conceptions of 'Self' and Persistence for Global-Critical Philosophy of ReligionNathan Loewen (USA)
ParticipantsHerbert Moyo, Maki Sato, Agnieszka Rostalska, Abrahim Khan, Nathan Loewen
AbstractHow might philosophical studies of religion enter the globalized, 21st century? This roundtable dis-cusses how a “global-critical” approach to the philosophy of religion informs cross-cultural studies of “self.” Such an approach generates useful problems and categories to expand the scope and relevance of the field. The participants are contributors to a forthcoming volume, which is based on results from a 2022 project (see Herbert Moyo of South Africa, Nathan Loewen and Tim Knepper of U.S.A, Maki Sato of Japan, and Abrahim Khan of Canada. By focusing exclusively on Enlightenment concepts of the self, the field has largely avoided basic issues of incommensurable ter-minology, access to texts, and anachronistic engagements across widely divergent social-historical peri-ods. The roundtable demonstrates how dialogue based on sources from Africa, Asia, and South Asia produces novel issues by which philosophers of religion might revise their methods for reflection.
Eleatism: redefining the boundaries of a Historiographical CategoryMassimo Pulpito (Italy)
ParticipantsBernabé Alberto, Berruecos Frank Bernardo, Brémond Mathilde
AbstractThe panel aims to investigate and reflect on a crucial passage in the history of ancient philosophy, i.e., the conceptual and historiographical definition of those thinkers who can, prima facie, be grouped under the heading of the “Eleatic School”. A. Bernabé will focus on Parmenides’ poem, examining the sets of concepts that Parmenides associates with the two paths (the path of truth and the path of opinions) and their connections. B. Berruecos will deal with the reception of Parmenides’ thought outside the traditionally recognized members of the Eleatic school, with the aim of revising the very boundaries of Eleatism beyond Presocratic philosophy in a narrow sense. M. Brémond will consider the affinities between Melissus’ philosophical approach and the sophistic method. M. Pulpito will evaluate the hypothesis that Zeno proposed a philosophical point of convergence between Parmenides and Melissus, which could serve as the foundation for an Eleatic school.
Leopardi as a Philosopher - Contaminations between Literature, Science, and PhilosophyGaspare Polizzi (Italy)
ParticipantsCosta Luca, Crivelli Tatiana, Landi Patrizia, Abbrugiati Perle
AbstractRecent interpretations of Giacomo Leopardi's work increasingly recognize the intricate unity of his writings, paying careful attention to the evolution of his production, from his earliest childhood creations through to his later Canti. Within this complex framework, the intersections of poetic practice, philological and literary research, as well as philosophical and scientific contemplation become increasingly evident, necessitating a multi-disciplinary approach. A comprehensive understanding of Leopardi's oeuvre cannot be achieved without scrutinizing the interplay of his personal and literary relationships, and extending our perspective to the influences from and interactions with the (literary, scientific, philosophical) culture of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
Roundtable on European Perspectives on Teaching Chinese PhilosophyAmbrogio Selusi (Italy)
ParticipantsGeir Sigurðsson, Jana S. Rošker, Fabian Heubel, Dimitra Amarantidou, Dawid Rogacz, Carine Defoort
AbstractChinese philosophy is different in Europe than in China. What it is and can be emerges in an open and multi-layered dynamic of interpretation and discussion. Historically, approaches to Chinese philosophy in European languages have varied considerably. The EACP has set up an “Educational Network” for teaching Chinese philosophy in Europe, both to connect European scholars who teach Chinese philosophy and to reflect on the question of how traditions and perspectives of engaging with Chinese philosophy differ among various European scholars. The participants of the round table will reflect upon this variety of approaches and their possible connection to their native language(s) or home place(s). The purpose of the roundtable is therefore to explore how European philosophical and intellectual traditions influence the perspectives and methods of teaching Chinese philosophy and thus shape our very understanding of what Chinese philosophy is and can be.
Wissenschaft der Freyheit – Heidelberger Hegel-Nachschriften von F. W. CarovéKlaus Vieweg (Germany)
ParticipantsKlaus Vieweg, Christian Illies, Francesca Iannelli, Bruno Haas, Marko Fuchs, Federica Pitillo, Gabriele Schimmenti.
AbstractIn 2022 Klaus Vieweg found 5000 pages of transcripts of Hegel's lectures in Heidelberg, written by Hegel's first assistant F. W. Carové. This sensational find is to be presented by the intended German-Italian team of editors. The papers contain significant news on Hegel's Encyclopedia, on his philosophy of nature, on the philosophy of mind, and on the aesthetics and history of philosophy. Examples of the content of this very first Hegel interpretation are three new passages on the topic of recognition (master-slave) and on the theory of signs and language, as well as the first comprehensive conception ofaesthetics.
The Vienna Circle at 100: The Legacy of Logical EmpiricismErnie Lepore (USA)
ParticipantsSamet Bağçe, Bohang Chen, Stella Fillmore-Patrick, Silke Koerber, Sahotra Sarkar, Adam Tamas Tuboly, Thomas Uebel
Abstract2024 marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Vienna Circle, a group of thinkers that launched logical empiricism, a movement which set the agenda for the philosophy of science throughout the 20th century and beyond. Members of the Vienna Circle included such well-known philosophers as Rudolf Carnap, Hans Hahn, Otto Neurath, and Moritz Schlick. The Circle had a progressive social agenda that was also a focus of resistance to the rise of fascism and Nazism, and in the late 1930s, many members were forced into exile. This panel will examine the work and legacy of the Vienna Circle from its earliest days to the present. It will reassess major and ignored figures, and explore how the political context of being left-wing immigrant exiles in the United States during the McCarthy Inquisition affected the work of Circle members and led to a loss of its focus on progressive social involvement.
Naturalizzare la fenomenologia: nuove prospettiveAlberto Peruzzi (Italy)
ParticipantsJocelyn Benoist; Andrea Pace Giannotta; Francesco Pisano
AbstractAl crocevia fra scienze naturali e filosofia, l'impegno ventennale nella naturalizzazione della fenomenologia è ancora oggi decisivo, nel momento in cui il riconoscimento del profondo intreccio della coscienza umana con il mondo naturale si trova di fronte a domande urgenti sul significato esistenziale, epistemico ed ontologico della coscienza. Cercare di svelare questo confronto attraverso una valutazione della possibilità e dei limiti di una naturalizzazione della fenomenologia significa ottenere un accesso rigoroso e metodico a questioni quali la relazione tra coscienza e corpo, conoscenza razionale ed esperienza, ricerca trascendentale, scienza e metafisica. Il nostro panel si concentrerà sulla ricerca filosofica attuale su questi temi e suggerirà alcune direzioni per sviluppi futuri.
Perception, Action and Cognition at the interfaceAlberto Peruzzi (Italy)
ParticipantsAnna Borghi; Albert Neuwen; Gabriele Ferretti; Silvano Zipoli Caiani
AbstractThanks to 4E cognition (embodied, embedded, enactive, extended), we came to understand that the boundaries of the mind are much more blurred than previously thought. In this picture, sensory processing, motor processing, and cognitive processing are deeply interconnected in our internal representations of the external environment. The purpose of this symposium is to put together philosophy and cognitive science in order to outline a reliable description of the universe of the mind by exploring the different crossroads where perception, action and cognition meet.
Humanoid Robots as inter-religious dialogue partners: Across Lessing’s ditch?Abrahim H. Khan (Canada)
ParticipantsBojan Žalec, Veronica Cibotaru, Anna Puzio, Wilhelm Danca
AbstractAre humanoid robots (AI) a replacement as a conversation partner for the human relationship associated with inter-religious dialogue? Will its cognitive ability or self-learning algorithm enable it to leap across Lessing’s ditch, to move from philosophical options to theological choice? They are likely to have, write sermons, and may pave the way for spiritual counselling conversations, and possibly preaching an administering sacrament. They are hardly unimaginable, given the rapid upgrading of physical and cognitive abilities through human movement technologies of a biomedical kind. Hence, are they replacements for the human relations interaction in a spiritual counselling setting? Can empathy or grieving be digitally uploaded? These and similar questions are to be considered in the leap to become human.
Kierkegaard  on and across boundaries: existential, politico-social, cultural, and civilizationalAbrahim H. Khan (Canada)
ParticipantsVasiliki Tsakiri, Igor Tavilla, Jizhang Yi, Paula Arizpe, Malwina A. Tkacz, András Nagy, Trans Laszlo Toth, Mirjana Medojević, Primož Repar, Andrzej Slowikowski, Bojan Žalec, Peter Kondrla, Jasna Koteska, Amber Bowen, Laura Llevolot, Cassandra Swick, Martina Pavlokava.
AbstractPresentations focus on Kierkegaard relative to boundaries or thresholds crossing and tension points in contemporary life. His writings are across disciplinary boundaries: theology, philosophy, psychology, literary and cultural criticism, fiction, and drama-performance. They are communicative of existential transitioning from the aesthetic sphere towards ethico-religious subjectivity and identity formation to becoming a genuinely existing person. His thinking is also reflectively insightful for addressing contemporary cultural, political-social, and global-AI challenges. The rapid increase in knowledge and technological advances to have humanoid robots- human interactions a live option are opening new doors to revisit questions of human consciousness, personhood, and existing as a single individual for which Kierkegaard’s writings are a resource. FOUR SESSIONS
The Hegelian constellations of the feminine: a chance for an inclusive BildungFrancesca Iannelli (Italy)
ParticipantsStefania Achella; Eleonora Caramelli, Jean-BaptisteVuillerod; Erzsébet Rózsa; Gabriele Schimmenti; Silvia Pieroni; Chiara Magni; Mohaddeseh Rabbaninia, Rachele Lo Piano
AbstractWith this panel discussion, we intend to explore with experts from the international Hegel-Forschung the Hegelian constellation of the feminine and focus on the contemporary resonances of the Hegelian conception of the role of women in the family and society; Likewise, we wish to shed light on the Hegelian demand for the emancipation of the feminine, bringing out the idea of a difference-respecting and non-sexist “Bildung”, which is the basis of the tradition of classical German Idealism. It will similarly be our intent to present the research goals we have set with the Relevant National Interest Research Project (2023-2025) funded by the Italian Ministry of University and Research, which intends to realize by 2025 a hyper-archive of the Hegelian constellations of the feminine.
Aesthetic theory and/in Translation practice: Challenges, intentions, outcomes of the international network Hegel Art NetFrancesca Iannelli (Italy)
ParticipantsEleonora Caramelli, Jean-BaptisteVuillerod; Federica Pitillo, Gabriele Schimmenti; Giampiero Moretti, Klaus Vieweg
AbstractWith this panel discussion, we intend to present the goals and first results of the International Hegel Art Net Network, as well as discuss some issues related to translation choices, political value, direct and indirect resonances, and the topicality of translating the manuscripts of Hegel's Lectures on Aesthetics.
The Varieties of Justified BeliefMiguel Ángel Fernández-Vargas (Mexico)
ParticipantsZalabardo José, Echeverri Santiago
AbstractThis round table brings together epistemologists José Zalabardo, Santiago Echeverri and Miguel Ángel Fernández. The notion of epistemic justification, as it applies to the evaluation of belief states, figures center stage in many epistemological discussions, which appear to be very different from each other. For example, the notion is used to formulate the paradox of the radical sceptic, who argues that we lack justification for most of our ordinary empirical beliefs; it is also used to ask whether being justified in believing something is explainable in genuine deontological terms or rather in purely consequentialist ones; it appears also in formulating the question of how our experiences provide us with basic justification to believe things about the world. The papers in this round table will discuss the different pressures and desiderata that are exerted upon a theory of epistemic justification depending on the theme the notion is used to theorize about.
Outside identity. The feminine in philosophy, science, art and lifeZoe Hurley (UAE)
ParticipantsAugusto Ponzio, Laura Marchetti, Genevieve Vaughan, Peter Flynn, Gillian Dooley, Margaretha Hendrickx, Devon Schiller, Zoe Hurley, Elisabetta Ostuni, Iuliia Nikitenko, Orsola Lermano, Nataša Lacković, Dario Dellino, Alin Olteanu, Zhao Sikong, Susan Petrilli, Anand Raja
AbstractMost unfortunately the world is built on identities that are juxtaposed to each other, opposed to each other. This is identity concerning gender, nation, culture, religion, language, “ethnic” group, etc. A world build on identity, “closed identity” is inevitably a world of war where peace is no more than the peace of a truce in preparation for war. This panel considers how the sensibility of the feminine, the maternal, as we are describing it here, fosters dialogue, responsive understanding, participative involvement, cooperation, rigorous investigation, creativity. The panel will discuss how problems and ideals of the feminine that concern us are relevant to scientific research, philosophy and art as much as to life in its everyday expressions.
Transforming philosophical canonsRiccardo Chiaradonna (Italy)
ParticipantsFreschi Elisa, Michael Beaney, Pirrotta Serena
AbstractThe papers presented in this panel address methodological aspects related to the study of the history of philosophy in an inter- and cross-cultural perspective above and beyond canons, as well as the challenges presented by dealing with non-canonical corpora. Michael Beaney will offer a general introduction to the topic, while Riccardo Chiaradonna and Elisa Freschi will present some case studies respectively from Greek and Roman Philosophy and Sanskrit Philosophy. Furthermore, Michael Beaney and Riccardo Chiaradonna, in their role as General Editors, will give a short presentation of Works of Philosophy and Their Reception, a new online research platform pub-lishing collaborative volumes on works of philosophy from antiquity to the present, published by De Gruyter ( ).
Southeast Asian Philosophy in the Second Quarter of the 21st CenturySoraj Hongladarom (Thailand)
ParticipantsSatha-anand Suwanna, Joven Joaquin Jeremiah, Blumson Ben
AbstractThis panel will be a function of the Philosophy and Religion Society of Thailand, a member of the FISP. We will consider the outlook of philosophy in Thailand and other countries in Southeast Asia in the second quarter of the twenty-first century, which starts in 2026. Countries in Southeast Asia have progressed steadily in many fronts and have integrated themselves coherently with the global community. These fronts, nonetheless, are mostly in the form of economic and, to a certain extent, scientific and technological capabilities. What has been rather neglected is a close and critical look on the prospect for progress and development of philosophy in the region. What can be done, or what needs to be done, in order for philosophy in Southeast Asia to become more developed? There are many points that we can discuss in this question. For example, what is exactly meant by saying that philosophy “can be developed”? Another important question is: What lies ahead for philosophy in Southeast.
Translating Philosophy: The Jewish and Arabic Roots of “Western” ThoughtGiovanni Licata (Italy)
ParticipantsYehuda Halper, Giovanni Licata, Chiara Adorisio, Francesca Gorgoni
AbstractThe ethnocentric prejudice that only Christianity “saved Greek thought” continues to resurface in contemporary philosophical historiography. At the same time, there is a growing awareness that the roots of philosophy from the Middle Ages to the early modern period were Jewish and Arabic as much as Greek and Latin. The originality and importance of medieval Hebrew and Arabic philosophical sources was gradually rediscovered beginning in the first half of the nineteenth century. Moreover, the recent concept of translatio studiorum has led many researchers to reconsider the traditional narrative shared by most handbooks, in which the histories of Arabic, Jewish and Latin medieval philosophy are artificially separated as non-communicating fields of studies. Our round table aims to discuss the possibility of a Mediterranean history of philosophy which overcomes the ideological barriers that have impeded a genuine understanding of our philosophical tradition.
The Moral Epistemology of the Wartime Quartet: Anscombe, Foot, Midgley and MurdochCathy Mason (Austria)
ParticipantsBagnoli Carla, MacCumhaill Clare, Mylonaki Evgenia, Wiseman Rachael
AbstractAlmost every recognized school of philosophical thought is wholly male, and philosophy in the twenty-first century continues to be a largely male-dominated discipline. However, in recent years there has been growing interest in the ‘Wartime Quartet’: Elizabeth Anscombe, Philippa Foot, Mary Midgley and Iris Murdoch, who are unique among (recognized) philosophical schools of thought as an all-female school of philosophers. It has been suggested, both by Midgley herself and other commentators, that in ethics the Quartet were unified by a joint ‘no’ to the anti-realism and expressivism popular in their era. But what did this ‘no’ amount to? What was their own conception of moral knowledge? And how did they think that such knowledge might be gained? The participants will discuss the nature, sources and significance of moral knowledge in the work of the Quartet, as well as convergences and divergences in their thinking.
Philosophy and the Comic: A New FieldLydia Amir (Israel)
ParticipantsLuca Grillo, Steven Harvey, David Bartosch, Sheila Lintott, Robert Clewis, Francesco Campana, Russell Ford, Abraham Olivier, Lauren Olin
AbstractPhilosophy entertain with the comical a close relationship, which is understudied both in philosophy and in humor studies.This roundtable breaks ground in exploring the various ways this relationship expresses itself in the history of philosophy and in contemporary contributions through a in careful differentiation between various cognates of the comical. In seeking to undertand both humor and philosophy, it addresses ethics, epistemology, ontology, and draws on analytic philosophy, phenomenology and the cognitive sciences. A re-evaulation of philosophy’s relationshipwith the comic not only illuminates humor in unprecedented ways, but it also amounts to a study in meta-philosophy.
Transformative PhilosophyLydia Amir (Israel)
ParticipantsDavid Bartosch, Lou Marinoff, Andrea Hurst, Finn Thorbjørn Hansen, Jose Barrientos-Rastrojo, Anders Lindseth, G. John Abbarno
AbstractThat Western philosophy is a transformative discipline is a well-kept secret. The roundtable breaks ground in putting the topic of transformative philosophy on the agenda. By presenting philosophic theories and practices of transformation, both historical and contemporary, this roundtable offers viable ways of ensuring the thriving of philosophy in the academe. A meta-philosophical enterprise, it helps unraveling what philosophy was, clarifying what it is, and pointing to what it can be. All the participants of the roundtable are contributors to the Transformative Philosophy Handbook (Springer), a first of its kind, systematic and comprehensive companion, which defines a new field in philosophy.
The Human Condition: Rekindling the Philosophic DialogueLydia Amir (Israel)
ParticipantsLuca Maria Scarantino, Giorgio Baruchello, G. John Abbarno, Lou Marinoff, Mor Segev
AbstractThe philosophic dialogue on the human condition has been rekindled in the 21st century. Without being called so, this topic has generated various studies which merit to be brought together in view of a fruiful encounter with our reality and its perspectives. This roundtable attempts to put the perennial topic of the Philosophy of the Human Condition on the agenda again through updated discussions of our current reality in view of a Companion to this new or renewed field.
Nietzsche and the Crisis of the AnthropoceneYunus Tuncel (USA)
ParticipantsSorgner Stefan Lorenz, Lemm Vanessa
AbstractOver the last half-century many voices identify our disconnection from the earth with the centrality of technological progress, capitalist production, industrialization and globalization that are essential to our modern self-understanding and way of life. What was supposed to be the mark of human distinction has ended up uprooting us from the earth. Is this because we have a distorted view of what it means to be human in the first place, and our dependency on the earth and all life and beings on this planet? Our planet has entered into a critical phase in its long life, as humanity in its short span on the planet brought about insurmountable problems that impact all life and all beings of the planet. Philosophers have for a long time reflected on the question of the human responsibility to and care for the earth. In this round table panellists will focus on Nietzsche's critique and response to 19th century culture, ultra-rationalism, religion, and anthropocentricity.
Revering the Sacred Creation – Spiritual Ecology and the Akṣara-Puruṣottama DarśanaMahāmahopādhyāya Bhadreshdas Swami (India)
ParticipantsBhatt Siddheshwar Rameshwar, Devarakonda Balaganapathi, Swami Paramtattvadas, Swami Aksharananddas, Parekh Tilak
AbstractThe proposed roundtable brings together two emerging fields of inquiry: spiritual ecology—the integrated study of ecology, science and religion—and the South Asian philosophical school known as the Akṣara-Puruṣottama Darśana—a thriving Vedic tradition with a distinct body of philosophical literature, a characteristic ethical position, established practices and diverse worldwide humanitarian initiatives. There are five aims of this roundtable: 1) to analyze the relationships between religious faith, practice and ecological studies; 2) to address gaps in research on Hindu belief systems and ecology; 3) to consider the relevance of Hindu traditions to environmental issues; 4) to investigate the ecological impacts of the Akṣara-Puruṣottama Darśana; and 5) to model focused, faith-based research methodologies in spiritual ecology. This discussion will promote intercultural and interdisciplinary perspectives while elucidating the contributions of a major Hindu tradition to an emerging field.
Nietzsche and MusicAysegul Durakoglu (USA)
ParticipantsSorgner Stefan Lorenz, Prange Martine
AbstractNietzsche (1844-1900) is one of the few philosophers who have an intimate connection to music. His musical ambition urged him to compose music, although he had no training in this area. Most of his compositions are from his late teens; his earliest inspirations come from Beethoven, Mozart, Haydn, Schubert, Schumann and Wagner. However, Nietzsche did not follow a musical path and decided to become a philologist and dedicated his life to writing and philosophy. Nietzsche’s background in music, on the other hand, influenced his way of thinking and writing. An Anthology on Nietzsche and Music: Philosophical Thoughts and Musical Experiments, edited by Durakoglu, Steinmann and Tuncel, will be presented at this round table. Editors and several contributors will present their findings and explain the significance of Nietzsche’s experimentation in thought and music.
Posthuman StudiesStefan Lorenz Sorgner (Germany)
ParticipantsVanessa Lemm, Yunus Tuncel, Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, Nicolás Rojas, Natasha Vita-More, Andrei Nutas, Tamara Kamatovic, Francesca Ferrando
AbstractThe presentations of the posthuman studies round table analyze what it is to be human in an age of rapid technological, scientific, cultural, and social evolution. As the boundaries between human and "the other," technological, biological and environmental, are eroded and perceptions of normalcy are challenged, they have generated a range of ethical, philosophical, cultural, and artistic questions that this round table seeks to address. Drawing on theory from critical posthumanism and the normative reflections of transhumanism, it encourages constructive but rigorously critical dialogue between the various philosophical movements which think beyond a dualist version of humanism.
Revisiting Gödel's Incompleteness TheoremYu LI (France)
ParticipantsPaola Cattabriga, Patrik Eklund, Paul Jorion, Mo Luo, Yu Li
AbstractTo promote academic and public reflection on Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem, we propose to revisit Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem from different perspectives, such as philosophy, epistemology, psychology, logic, mathematics, algorithm theory and artificial intelligence, and penetrate into Gödel's original proof in his 1931 paper « On Formally Undecidable Propositions of Principia Mathematica and Related Systems I », to go beyond the limits of our thinking, and to confront the malaise involved in Gödel's proof together. We believe that the aspiration for truth and the seeking of truth is the most fundamental way to dissolve malaise, a quality indispensable when caring for the future of our world, …
Enactive AestheticsCarlos Vara Sánchez (Spain)
ParticipantsCarlos Vara Sánchez, Roberta Dreon, Joerg Fingerhut, Shaun Gallagher, Harry Drummond, Efrosini Charalambous, Zakary Djebbara, Guido Bittosi
AbstractIn this panel, we will present and discuss new approaches to different dimensions of aesthetic experiences from an enactive perspective. Nowadays, many philosophers have left behind the classic understanding of aesthetic experiences as perceptual experiences afforded by art products focused on beauty, and regard aesthetic experiences as a heterogeneous set of dynamic engagements between human beings and the environment that afford us the possibility of exploring an object, practice or event as well as our being affected by them leaving behind dichotomies between internalist and externalist perspectives.
Russian Philosophy of Art: Romanticism, Leo Tolstoy, and Philosophy of the IconVladimir Marchenkov (USA)
ParticipantsOppo Andrea, Steiner Lina
AbstractThe panel will address several aspects of Russian philosophy of art, looking at it through the lens of overarching movements, individual thinkers, and particular themes. The papers will encompass the role of Romanticism in the history of Russian aesthetic thought, Leo Tolstoy’s classic treatise What Is Art?, and Russian religious philosophers’ ground-breaking encounter with the icon. In these explorations the panellists will bring forth both the characteristic and typical moments in Russian aesthetic thought, and its ramified connections with the European philosophical tradition. Filling gaps, as in Tolstoy’s indebtedness to German thought, and drawing out unexpected implications of differences, as in the case of Florensky’s and Trubetskoi’s approaches, the panel will evoke the richness, dynamism, and continuing relevance of the Russian contribution to world philosophy of art. The Russian thinkers’ dialogue with their counterparts across national boundaries will be a particular thread.
Habits, Rituals and Human LifeRaffaela Giovagnoli (Italy)
ParticipantsRaffaela Giovagnoli, Renate Querenberger, Irena Mostowicz
AbstractThis event is inspired by interesting discussions that took place at the IS4SI Summit 2017 (Gothenburg), IS4SI Summit 2019 (Berkeley), IS4SI 2021 (online Japan), GSIS workshop 2023 (online Vienna) .Habits and rituals play a fundamental role in human individual and social life. We discuss important aspects of habits and rituals and their relevance for human life.
Cruelty and HumorLydia Amir (Israel)
ParticipantsJacob Dahl Rendtorf, Mirella Pasini, Giorgio Baruchello, Ársæll Már Arnarsson
AbstractGiven the enormous extent and variety of extant usages and expert interpretations of "humor" and "cruelty" in the Western humanities and social sciences, the roudtable systematizes the topic through a discussion of Cruelty and Humor, the four volumes published by philosopher Giorgio Baruchello and psychologist Ársæll Már Arnarsson, which inaugutes de Gruyter Series in Philosophy of Humor, Humor and Cruelty. It evaluates their research, which led them into pursuing a somewhat puzzling yet extremely rich conceptual history and into presenting two sets of family resemblances capturing some of the recurring connotations of these two terms and corresponding concepts.
Philosophy: Between Theory and PracticeLydia Amir (Israel)
ParticipantsGiancarlo Marinelli, David Sumiacher, Michael Picard, Anders Lindseth, Ora Gruengard
AbstractThe roundtable will put on the philosophers' agenda the relation between theory and practice in philosophy. It will concentrate on the question of the relevance of academic philosophical theories and the academic discourse about them, on the one hand, and the philosophizing activities of “lay” participants in the various frameworks of philosophical practice, in particular in philosophical counseling, on the other hand. A special attention will be given to the question of the relevance of the academic knowledge and expertise of philosophical practitioners, as teachers, facilitators or counselors.
Who Is a Philosopher? Thinking Philosophical Praxis with its Founder, Gerd B. AchenbachLydia Amir (Israel)
ParticipantsGerd B. Achenbach, Laura V. Adrian, Michael Picard, Soung-Suk Nho, Anders Lindseth, Ora Gruengard
AbstractPhilosophical Praxis was founded in 1981 by the German philosopher Gerd Achenbach, and has meanwhile taken root all around the world. On the occasion of his first book-length publication in English, Philosophical Praxis (2024), and in response to evaluations of this work, Achenbach will share some of his thoughts on and experiences in Philosophical Praxis, as they have grown through over 40 years of counselling. Most importantly, Achenbach explains why a theory and method of Philosophical Practice would necessarily be a misunderstanding.
Philosophy and Methodologies in Media & Digital StudiesSophia Tikhonova (Russia)
ParticipantsVarkhotov Taras, Tikhonova Sofia
AbstractThe nature of the current development of new media is systematically questioned by researchers and is associated with a range of problems. The key aim of the round table is to bring together philosophers who are interested in the philosophy and methodology of Media & Digital Studies. Nowadays, there are several thematic and methodological approaches: 1. Movement from media theory (M. McLuhan, H. Innis, N. Postman) to the concept of mediatization (A. Hepp, N. Couldry, S. Hjarvard); 2. Understanding the Internet as a simulative, hyperreal space (J. Baudrillard) and at the same time as a new space of meritocracy (M. Castells), where actors are able to make socio-organizing decisions outside the social hierarchy (B. Noveck); 3. The development of new ontologies (M. DeLanda, B. Latour, J. Law, G. Harman); 4. The spread of the posthuman approach (D. Haraway, R. Braidotti, K. Barad), which puts human beings on a par with nature and technology.
Heidegger Circle in Asia: Comparative Studies between Heidegger’s philosophy and Asian thoughtsChoong-Su HAN (South Corea)
ParticipantsDing Deng, Qinghua Zhu, Rajabi Ahmad, Suehisa Asuka, Saito Motoki, Kageyama Yohei, Ha Peter, Lagdameo Federico Jose T., Loquias Victor John M., Barbaza Remmon E., Luh Jing-Jong, Tsai Wei-ding
AbstractHeidegger Circle in Asia (HCIA) is an international academic network founded on the 24th WCP in 2018 (Beijing). The HCIA aims to promote intercultural dialogues between Heidegger’s philosophy and Asian thoughts. The 1st conference was organized in 2019 (Taipei). Because of the pandemic, the 2nd conference was held online in 2022 (Seoul). After the 3rd conference in 2023 (Taipei), the HCIA prepares to open itself to the globe and is going to hold its 4th conference in the form of a round table on the 25th WCP in 2024 (Rome). This round table will be hosted by Prof. Choong-Su Han and Prof. Wei-Ding Tsai and have 13 speakers from 6 regions (China, Iran, Japan, Korea, Philippines, and Taiwan). They will pre-sent the results of their comparative research from different cultural perspectives and welcome everyone to join the discussion across boundaries. After the round table, the HCIA will announce its next conferences: 2025 (Seoul), 2026 (Manila), 2027 (Tokyo).
Genealogical and Functional Reconstructions in Machiavelli’s Forms of StatesClaudio Corradetti (Italy)
ParticipantsVatter Miguel, Dymond Jeff
AbstractIn the opening lines of The Prince, Machiavelli put forth the general classification of the states: “All states and all dominions […] have been and still are either republics or principalities” (Chap. I 1-2). However, it is the case that ‘republican moments’ can be found in the civil principality of Chap. IX of The Prince as well as, reversibly, principalities or even dictatorial shifts are found in the critical periods of the Roman Republic. In order to make sense of these complexities, the panel welcomes a broad array of contributions targeting Machiavelli’s definition and classification of states as well as the notion of their constituting powers. What is the notion of state (stato)? Where does it come from? What is it meant by “change of state”? Papers can adopt either an analytic or an historical/genealogical approach. The panel will seek advancing substantive understanding in the reconstruction of the overall picture of Machiavelli's conception of states.
Pratiche filosofiche e pratiche femministeGiulia Gentile
ParticipantsGiovanna Borrello, David Sumiacher D'Angelo, Teresa Lucente, Virginia Sanchez Rivera, Luisa de Paula, Patricia Solis Galindez, Giulia Gentile
Abstract"Counseling filosofico, consulenza filosofica, autobiografia, dialogo socratico e praxis sono pratiche che si radicano nel discorso filosofico, usano una certa filosofia, ma quale filosofia? Una filosofia essenzialmente pratica come quella greco-latina, socratica, stoica o epicurea, ma anche correnti più attuali come il Pensiero della differenza sessuale: L. Irigaray, M. Zambrano, S. Weil. Queste maitres à penser contemporanee si rifanno alla filosofia orientale che si fonda su esercizi e meditazioni. Per Weil la filosofia è “esercizio” ed è difficile da spiegare, come un trattato di tennis. L’esercizio filosofico è un allenamento alla vita: tra esistenza e pensiero c’é una correlazione d’intensità che esclude ogni iato. Ma correlazioni con le pratiche filosofiche le possiamo ritrovare anche nella pratiche del femminismo tout court, come il partire da sé, la relazione con l’altro/a, e soprattutto l’autocoscienza che è una pratica di autoconsapevolezza affine al training di gruppo."
Interpretations of SocratesFrancesca Pentassuglio (Italy)
ParticipantsAlessandro Stavru, Chloe Balla, Emidio Spinelli, Francesca Pentassuglio, Carolina Araujo, Nicholas Smith
AbstractThe history of interpretations of Socrates covers the entire span of the history of philosophy, ranging from the earliest followers of Socrates – each of whom provided their own view of Socratic philosophy – to the historiographical trends that emerged in the 19th and 20th centuries. The proposed round table aims to discuss crucial highlights of this history: notably, the speakers will address the following key moments: (1) the (often conflicting) interpretations of the 5th-4th century (Aristophanes, Xenophon, Plato), as well as the
scholarly trends that stress the ‘interaction’ among the first-generation Socratics and take into account the constraints of the literary genres they employ; (2) the interpretation of Socratic literature provided by major German and French scholars in 19th and 20th century (Schleiermacher, Gigon, Foucault, and Hadot among others); (3) the image of Socrates as reconstructed by the philosophical historiography of the late 20th century in Italy, with special regard to the studies of the so-called ‘Roman school’ by Guido Calogero and Gabriele Giannantoni; (4) the major interpretive trends of the mid- to late 20th  and early 21st centuries
in the Anglophone world and their application to the study of (Plato’s) Socrates (e.g. analytic method, constructivist and anti-constructivist approaches, the Straussian movement, literary interpretative methods); (5) the recent Socratic literature in Portuguese and Spanish.
An Intercultural Philosophical Dialogue on Technology and the Making of Transhumanist Rights and ValuesOjochogu Abdul (Nigeria)
ParticipantsNatasha Vita-More, Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, Doreen Sesiro, Sarah Ahamed, Avinash Singh, Ojochogu Abdul, Osinakachi Akuma Kalu, Amara Esther Chimakonam, Leo Igwe
AbstractTechnology is reshaping our world, and transhumanism as a philosophy at the intersection of technological and scientific revolutions, cultural changes and postmodern politics keeps growing. Transhumanist values advocate the desirability of transforming the human condition through ethical use of technology, science, reason, equity, humaneness and wellbeing, while transhumanist rights comprise principles of morphological freedom, cognitive liberty and life extension. Close examination of these concepts however reveal their background in the Enlightenment project of Western philosophy, thus provoking suspicion among non-Western thinkers of a mental neo-colonial agenda disguised as promotion of “universal principles”. This roundtable aims to present a diversity of Western, African and Asian perspectives in an intercultural philosophical dialogue on technological implications and towards cross-cultural engagements for the making of a truly inclusive set of transhumanist rights and values.
Can Religious Experience Bridge the Interreligious Gap?Klaus Viertbauer (Germany)
ParticipantsMarkus Riedenauer, Christian Jung, Maureen Junker-Kenny, Ludwig Nagl, Enrico Peroli, Genia Schönbaumsfeld, Klaus Viertbauer
AbstractSince we live in a globalized world, we are more and more confronted with a plurality of cul-tural and religious traditions. At least in western democracies, people with different religious convictions live peacefully side by side. On the one hand the state considers itself as secular and on the other side grants the different religious traditions much autonomy. But within such a postsecular context the question what religious traditions have in common becomes more and more apparent. In the search for a common ground for such an interreligious dia-logue, the recourse to religious experiences seems to be a promising candidate. Specifically, it is important to explore how the phenomena of self-transcendence and resonance can be re-lated to each other as a relation between individual experience on the one hand and religious articulation and interpretation on the other. In light of this, the round table takes up this issue and asks whether religious experience can be recognized as a bridge.
Pensare la nascita.
Percorsi fra fenomenologia, etica e ontologia
Giovanna Costanzo
ParticipantsSilvano Zucal, Mario Vergani, Paola Ricci, Alessandra Papa, Alison Frances Scott-Baumann, Manuela Moretti, Giovanna Costanzo
AbstractCogliere la vita non sub specie mortis ma sub specie nativitatis consente al pensiero quella torsione all’indietro verso quel punto da cui tutto ha inizio. Un inizio inteso come novità e irruzione, come capacità di rivoluzionare il dato e il consolidato, eppure al contempo come un inizio che non può mai assurgere alla pretesa di cominciamento assoluto. Del resto, se pensiamo al nascituro, la nascita è un evento che è suo ma che non gli appartiene completamente: nascere significa non essere la propria origine ma venire a sé da una origine data secondo le modalità della passività, della consegna, del dono e del “ritardo costitutivo”. Pensare la condizione umana sub specie nativitatis stimola inoltre una riflessione etica sul legame e sui tanti legami che vincolano gli uomini fra di loro: l’impegno, l’amore, la promessa, la libertà, la responsabilità, la fiducia, il perdono, il rispetto.
Philosophy of the experience of noiseBasil Vassilicos (Ireland)
ParticipantsDi Bona Elvira, De Warren Nicolas
AbstractThis panel’s aim is to stimulate philosophical interest in experiences of noise. There are at least three important open questions about noise. First, how should the relationship between noise as a scientific phenomenon and as a type of experience be understood? Second, are experiences of noise strictly limited to perceptual states or to one type of perceptual state – for instance, to auditory experiences? Third, can philosophy make sense of noise in the first place? Should noise simply be relegated to the hither side of the explananda of philosophy, as the mere leftover of whatever philosophy sets out to account for; meaning, being, totality, etc.? This panel will contribute to the burgeoning philosophy of noise by highlighting how contemporary philosophy of mind and phenomenology – the latter under both broad and narrow construals – can make inroads to these questions about a fascinating yet little understood quarter of human experience.
Perception and HallucinationAlessandro Salice (Ireland)
ParticipantsOvergaard Søren, Schellenberg Susanna
AbstractMain aim of this panel is to contribute to a recent trend of studies that put in dialogue contemporary debates on philosophy of mind with classical phenomenology. The panel is devoted to the nature of perception and, in particular, to the question of whether hallucination and perception are mental states that share the same nature. Current philosophy of perception is divided into two main camps: positive answers to that question are usually grouped together under the name of ‘conjunctivism,’ whereas negative answers are generally labelled as ‘disjunctivism.’ At the beginning of the past century, a similar debate was conducted, although with a different terminology, by classical phenomenologists like Husserl, Linke, Reinach, Scheler, and others. The panel will discuss virtues and vices of—phenomenological and contemporary—conjuctivism and disjunctivism.
Phenomenon of Generations in Contemporary Research of the 20th Century PhilosophyOndrej Marchevsky (Slovak Republic)
ParticipantsYulia V. Sineokaya, Ondrej Marchevský, Marina F. Bykova, Boris Podoroga, Alexey Zhavoronkov, Sergei Shevchenko, Anna Vinkelman (Winckelmann)
AbstractThis roundtable is devoted to a new methodological approach in the study of the history of 20th century philosophy in different philosophical environments. These contemporary considerations problematise the phenomenon of philosophical generations. Based on the definitions of the term “generation” given by K. Mannheim, H. Ortega-i-Gasset, N. Howe and on the notion of “philosophical generation” launched by Y. Sineokaya, the ideological nature of the generation as a phenomenon will be examined is the first key objective of this round table.
The Perceivability of Higher-Level PropertiesAlberto Voltolini (Italy)
ParticipantsDi Bona Elvira, Papineau David, Sacchi Elisabetta, Zeimbekis John
AbstractIn philosophy of mind, notably in philosophy of perception, a very intense debate has started after Siegel (2010) as to whether there is a criterion for selecting, among higher-level properties (i.e., properties whose instantiation depend on the instantiation of lower-level properties such as colors, sounds and shapes; e.g, properties like being a pine tree (or any other natural kind), having a certain meaning (for a linguistic expression), looking sad (or any other expressive property)), those which can be specifically addressed by perceptual states or experiences from those which can only be grasped by other cognitive means. Up to now, none of the extant proposals (e.g., the method of phenomenal contrast, the method of introspection, the method of specific neural instantiation) has turned out to be completely satisfying. By involving some of the worldly experts on this theme, the round table wants to discuss whether it is possible to find necessary and sufficient conditions in order.
New Perspectives on Leo Strauss's Philosophy and its SourcesChiara Adorisio (Italy)
ParticipantsZank Michael, Kerber Hannes, Licata Giovanni, Minkov Svetozar, Green Kenneth Hart, Adorisio Chiara, Zank Michael, Kerber Hannes, Licata Giovanni, Minkov Svetozar, Green Kenneth Hart
AbstractThe scholarly interpreters of the German-Jewish philosopher, Leo Strauss (Kirchhain 1899– Annapolis 1973), have resisted defining his philosophy, which is based on a deep critique of philosophical modernity and is often expressed in ambiguous propositions. Many of them have stated that Strauss’s most famous writings – such as Die Religions Kritik Spinozas (1930), Philosophie und Gesetz (1935), Hobbes’ politische Wissenschaft (1936) and Persecution and the Art of Writing (1952) – contain no original thoughts but are merely useful tools for reading the philosophers of the past, who had a more direct access to the “eternal” problems of philosophy and could show us the path toward an authentic philosophical rationalism. Recent studies have shown the limits of this kind of reception and have opened the path to stimulating perspectives on Strauss’s philosophy.The panel aims to bring into a dialogue new intepretations of Strauss.
New approaches in the historiography of philosophy: The status of oral traditionsAnke Graness (Germany)
ParticipantsVété-Congolo-Leibnitz Hanétha, Etieyibo Edwin, López Molina Amalia Xochitl, Burkhart Brian
AbstractToday, there is a growing consensus among philosophers in Africa, the Americas and other regions of the world that the history of philosophy has to consider both existing written and oral sources in the reconstruction of the history of philosophy. Even though it is usually not denied that philosophy also and above all expresses itself in oral practices, such as conversation or instruction, the question remains as to how orally handed down philosophical traditions can become part of a history of philosophy. This is subject to a number of methodological questions: What are oral philosophical traditions? How do they differ from other kinds of oral knowledge? How and where are oral philosophical traditions manifested? How can philosophical traditions in an oral culture be documented and analysed – without altering them by using academic language and concepts to describe them? What are appropriate methods?
Filosofía Experiencial en Prisión y en otros medios de vulnerabilidadJosé Barrientos Rastrojo (Spain)
ParticipantsJosé Barrientos Rastrojo, Victoria Sarmiento Aponte, Angel Alonso Salas, Víctor A. Rojas, Luis Triana Llano, Félix García Moriyón
AbstractA lo largo de la historia, Filosofía y prisión han sellado alianzas. En la Apología de Sócrates, el maestro de Platón pasó sus últimos días entre rejas al igual que Boecio; Hobbes sufriría reclusión en Inglaterra, Gramsci en Italia, Foucault en Francia y Angela Davis en Estados Unidos. La realidad penitenciaria ha sido central en las investigaciones de pensadores como Concepción Arenal en España o Michel Foucault en Francia. Quizás, por ello, no sea insólito encontrar a licenciados y doctores de filosofía realizando talleres y clases en estos medios: Vaughana Feary, Gregory Sadler y el matrimonio da Venza Tillmanns en Estados Unidos, Eduardo Vergara, Delia Manzanero y Alejandro Moreno en España, Szifris o Andy West en Inglaterra, Angel Alonso en México o Gronke en Alemania.
Philosophy of Physics Across Methodological BoundariesSamuel Fletcher (USA)
ParticipantsArdoline Michael, Castellani Elena, Halvorson Hans, Plotnitsky Arkady, Wiltsche Harald
AbstractThere are multiple ways to investigate the interactions between philosophy and physics. First, one may draw implications for metaphysics, epistemology, or even aesthetics directly from the concepts and findings of contemporary physics. Second, one may use specific cases from the history of physics to learn lessons about the methodology of science, the social structure and epistemological practices of scientific institutions, and the history of philosophy, science, and ideas more broadly. Third, one may focus on articulating and resolving conceptual issues within physical theories and the practices of physicists by applying philosophical methods. Fourth, one may take inspiration from physics to generate new philosophical ideas in areas not directly related to physics. This roundtable brings together philosophers of physics working in analytic, phenomenological, and poststructuralist traditions to discuss how these traditions approach the philosophy of physics.
Michel Foucault: His Philosophy between the Questions of the Enlightenment, Critique of Psychoanalysis, and Contemporary LifeEva D. Bahovec (Slovenia)
ParticipantsThomas Diesner, Koteska Jasna
AbstractPresentations offer a new perspective on one of the most influential scholars of philosophy and the humanities of our time, Michel Foucault, with a particular focus on the unity of his work, and his new approaches to philosophy, history, theoretical psychoanalysis and the contemporary life. His multidisciplinary writings include critique of traditional psychology, psychiatry, medicine, legal practices, literary, fiction, and in-depth analysis of modern and post-modern phenomena. His conceptualization of the modern living in the 20th and the 21st century also reflects on the contemporary cultural, social, and global challenges, and provide new possibilities of resistance to power and domination.
Identity, Community, Legality and Goodness according to John Duns Scotus and the Scotist TraditionFrancesco Fiorentino (Italy)
ParticipantsAndersen Claus A., Chen Ziang, Serafini Marcella
AbstractThe formal identity and distinction, human and Trinitarian persons, natural and positive laws and essential and moral order are analyzed from the fourteenth to the sixteenth centuries, in the Scotist tradition: John Duns Scotus, Peter Thomae, Gerald Odonis, Francis of Meyronnes, and the “treatises on the formalities”, on many aspects of ethics and politics, as well as their metaphysical foundations. The first paper shows how the highly differentiated Scotist identity metaphysics may be relevant for the modern discussions of identity politics. The second paper points out Scotus’s important theory of correlated, yet independent, divine persons for the coexistence of human persons. The third paper investigates the Franciscan debates, in the wake of Scotus, about the relationship between natural, revoked law and positive law, where the prudence can correct the obsolete natural law. The fourth paper discusses, in Scotus, essential and moral order, justice, goodness and selfless love.
Philosophical encounter between the West and China in Ming and Qing dynastiesThierry Meynard
ParticipantsGe WANG, Ping ZELLER, Jin QIAN
AbstractIn this panel, the three presenters will present in Chinese language their own research based on their analysis of Confucian texts and concepts being reinterpreted (1) by a Late Ming Chinese literatus, Yang Tingyun, (2) by a Jesuit missionary under Kangxi, François Noël, and (3) by a French orientalist under Louis XIV, François Bernier.
Space Ethics: Philosophy of Space Exploration and the Future of Human SocietyKoji Tachibana (Japan)
ParticipantsGarasic Mirko, Milligan Anthony
AbstractSpace ethics is a growing research area in philosophy. The recent development of space science and technology raises various philosophical and applied ethical questions: whether living in space can change the existing conception of human beings, or earthling--being on Earth--is an essential factor of being human; whether it is morally permissible to abandon the polluted Earth once humans have sufficient technology to survive as a species in space, or the Earth has an absolute value that we must respect in any case; whether humans are allowed to colonize other planets, or they have a moral duty to preserve the natural environment of space; whether it is morally permissible to use aerospace technologies for geo/earth-engineering, or air and space have natural values that we must not manipulate for the sake of humans. This roundtable will consider these and other questions of space ethics from philosophical and applied ethical perspectives.
Transcending Boundaries: Humans and Ultimate RealityKatia Lenehan (Taiwan, China)
ParticipantsLi Bernard, Tran Van Doan, Selvamani Maria John P., Chan Tak Kwong, Chen Wen Hsiang, Su Ying-Fen
AbstractN today's multicultural world, crossing boundaries is an important topic. Dialogue is an essen-tial method for crossing boundaries. Religious and cultural traditions can enrich and learn from each other through dialogue. In addition to a horizontal crossover of multiple traditions, there is also a vertical one, or a continuous upward crossover which is transcending boundaries, a crossover towards ultimate reality. The transcendental dimension in human nature serves as the basis of “boundary breakthrough” in life and leads humans to ultimate reality. In this forum, we will consider this upward transboundary issue from the perspective of different cultures and religious traditions, and reveal various possible relationships between human beings and ultimate reality. Presented topics involve Christian traditions, Confucianism, philosophical counseling, technology, anthropology, cultural conversations...etc.
Political Philosophy and Its Relationship with Moral PhilosophyChang Jiang
ParticipantsCora Toralba, Lydia Amir, Thomas Menamparampil, Cuéllar Pérez Hortensia, Jialian Li, Hongyan Zhou, Jingyun Long, Fubiao Xiong, Shipeng Wang, Suxiang Ni, Yanhong Qi, Jia Wang, Wanzhi Li, Juhua Peng, Xiulian Wu, Jinping Zhou, Huabing Mao
AbstractWhen philosophy was born,philosophers noticed the two basic characteristics of human nature,namely, self-action and sociality,and took them as the focus of thinking and exploration.So there was moral philosophy that focused on the self-acting potential of human nature and its realization, and po-litical philosophy that focused on the social potential of human nature and its realization. The study of politics in political philosophy mainly belongs to the field of values, therefore it belongs to the subject of value and it has a cross relationship with axiology. The common purpose of political philosophy and moral philosophy is to study how to live a good life according to the requirements of human nature, but there are differences between the two in the research object,mission,and main issues of concern. However, the difference between the two is relative.Both of them may cover all aspects of the good life of social members in a comprehensive way, but the focus of the study is different.
On the Future of Global Histories of PhilosophyRolf Elberfeld
ParticipantsNadja Germann, Anke Graness, Ricardo Pozzo, Bret Davis
Abstract"World History of Philosophy," "Global History of Philosophy," "World Philosophy," "World Philosophies," or "Histoire mondiale de la philosophie" are book titles under which attempts have been made from 1945 to the recent past to systematically expand the historiography of philosophy - more or less - to the global context. The number of attempts has increased significantly in the last 20 years. The discussion will begin with a critical look back at previous attempts at a global history of philosophy. In a second step, the desiderata should be asked and the question whether a truly global history of philosophy is possible. The topic will be observed not only from the field of philosophy, but also from the field of literature, since the concept of world literature can provide important clues for the conception of a global history of philosophy.
Post-Kantian Perfectionism: Political, Ethical, and Aesthetic ChallengesGabriele Schimmenti (Italy)
ParticipantsDouglas Moggach, Koula Mellos, Heikki Ikäheimo, Maximiliano Hernandez Marcos, Gabriele Schimmenti
AbstractThis round table intends to present and to explore the tradition of Post-Kantian Perfectionism in political philosophy, ethics and aesthetics through a dialogue among international scholars. Post-Kantian perfectionism is intended to refer to that current of ethical and political thought that emerges in the wake of Kant’s critique of his precursors and that, echoing elements of Leibniz’s philosophy, understands modern freedom as autonomy and spontaneity while reflecting on the legal and the institutional relations that support such freedom. The aim of the proposed dialogue is to discuss and investigate the development from a Pre-Kantian Perfectionism, based on the concept of happiness, to a Post-Kantian Perfectionism based on the concepts of freedom and autonomy. The discussion will comprise a presentation of the ethical, political and aesthetic challenges of Post-Kantian Perfectionism and an exploration of such Perfectionism in eminent figures and currents in the history of philosophy.
New Research Avenues in PhenomenologyHamid Taieb (Switzerland)
ParticipantsArnaud Dewalque, Hamid Taieb, Guillaume Fréchette
Abstract"Phenomenology has ushered in numerous novel research avenues, putting this vibrant discipline at the core of many philosophical debates. This panel aims to showcase three major research projects, each with the potential to amplify this ongoing trend. The first project, run by Arnaud Dewalque at the University of Liege and entitled “MIND - The British Sources of Philosophy of Mind 1888-1949,” (2023-2027) is an investigation into the common historical roots shared by phenomenology and analytic philosophy. Alba Montes Sánchez is the PI of “Belonging Reconfigured: A Phenomenological Study of Migrant Emotions in a Sample of Spanish Expats” (University Carlos III Madrid, 2023-2028), which aims at developing the first phenomenological account of migratory grief. “A Sensible World. The Problem of Secondary Qualities in and around the School of Brentano” is a research project led by Hamid Taieb (2020-2026), which explores the phenomenology of secondary qualities.
Humanity Revisited: Navigating a World Shaped by AIYoichi Iwasaki (Japan)
ParticipantsTachibana Koji, Izumi Yu, Verdicchio Mario, Zhang Sonia Yuhui
AbstractThis roundtable primarily discusses the ethical issues stemming from human-AI interactions. Koji Tachibana (Greek philosophy) delves into the unique attributes of humans in contrast with AI, highlighting the 'relationship', especially the notion of 'love', between humans and AI. Yu Izumi (philosophy of language) addresses the abusive treatment of AI by humans, examining the concept of 'dehumanization' and evaluating the potentially harmful aspects of human-AI interactions. Yoichi Iwasaki (Indian philosophy) explores how AI presents itself as an intelligent being from the viewpoint of Buddhist semantics. Mario Verdicchio (philosophy of technology) sheds light on the risks of AI use, interpreting AI as an outcome of the coproduction of technology and society. Lastly, Sonia Zhan, possessing an STS (Science, Technology, and Society) background, offers insights from case studies in robot development, prompting a reevaluation of the nexus between philosophy and technology.
Susanne K. Langer's Philosophy and LegacyLona Gaikis (Austria)
ParticipantsGrüny Christian, Bergonzo Carolyn, Priest Eldritch, Felappi Giulia, Nocek Adam, Hadravová Tereza, Dryden Donald, Gaikis Lona, Sauer Martina
AbstractLogician and philosopher of art Susanne K. Langer (1895–1985) is a remarkable figure of twentieth-century thought. She devoted her philosophical engagement to mathematical and linguistic questions, and had a deeply ingrained curiosity for the meaning of the forms of art. In this, Langer continued Ernst Cassirer and Alfred North Whitehead’s attempts towards a broader symbolistic turn. In review of twentieth century philosophy, and the female voices that shaped it, her work is currently experiencing a renaissance. This round table collects international scholars from various fields (philosophy, arts, aesthetics, psychology and theoretical biology) engaged in Langer’s work and its generative ideas. Langer is considered an early and formative figure of the analytic movement in the US, bridging the continental divide. Her philosophy centres on the idea of the arts having “epistemological import.”  We will touch upon the interdisciplinarity in Langer’s philosophy, reaching from logic, across the study of perception to a biologically grounded theory of the embodied and embedded mind.  Which aspects, brought into the present day, have visionary potential, offering, e.g., an organic theory of feeling as a new avenue in biology? Can her concept of mind aid in navigating an age of Human-like artificial systems?
Critical Political Epistemology RoundtableSolmu Anttila (Netherlands)
ParticipantsDeig Stephanie, Agra Kelly, Altanian Melanie, Kusch Martin, Löffelmann Flora, Riegler Sonja, Veigl Sophie
AbstractCritical Political Epistemology (CPE) is a recently formed interdisciplinary, critical, feminist research program for investigating socially pressing issues arising from the intersections of current political and epistemic structures, systems, and institutions, such as social identity, governance, activism, expertise, ideology, and labor. The aim of this roundtable is to introduce CPE to philosophers interested in critical approaches to political epistemology. In the first part of the roundtable (~1 hr), scholars associated with the Critical Political Epistemology Network (CPEN) discuss what CPE is and its central topic areas; why it’s “critical”; how it differs from received Analytic Political Epistemology; examples of (experimental, collaborative) research in CPE. The second part of the roundtable is a discussion with the audience about the aims of CPE, critical issues for CPE, and how to interpret and practice the “political” in “political epistemology
The World is Enough: Varieties of Monism at the Turn of the 20th CenturyGuillaume Fréchette (Portugal)
ParticipantsRusso Krauss Chiara, Dewalque Arnaud
AbstractIn recent years, monism as a philosophical position has gained in popularity and is defended in different forms under various labels, be it priority monism (Schaffer, 2009, 2010), panpsychism (Chalmers 2013), or realistic monism (Strawson 2006). Interestingly, these positions very often refer to earlier monistic accounts as their predecessors, such as Mach’s theory of elements, Avenarius’ critical empiricism, Lotze’s and Ward’s mentalistic monism, James’ radical empiricism or, Russell’s neutral monism, most of the time without distinguishing the motivations of these accounts. The objective of this round table is to shed some more light on the varieties of monistic positions and their differences at the turn of the 20th century in order to get a better grip of their specificity and to gain a better assessment of their influence, with a particular focus on the perspectives and traditions that have been most influential in the contemporary debates on monism.
Dark Aesthetics: War, Destructions and Massacres in Art and Everyday CultureZoltán Somhegyi (Hungary)
ParticipantsBianchi Enea, Giombini Lisa, Kvokacka Adrián, Moraitis Konstantinos, Muthuma Lydia, Yang Zhen
AbstractDark narratives and depictions have been prevalent in literary, performing, and visual arts across a wide range of cultures throughout history. Today, the uncanny, unsettling aspects of reality continue to persist. These elements find their reflection in the enduring fascination of contemporary mass art and culture with dark narratives, depictions, and references, driven by the haunting legacy of the 20th century and the ongoing, terrifying conflicts of the present day. The rationale for this panel lies in the belief that an exploration of art production and aesthetic thought can significantly contribute to our understanding of the nature and consequences of devastation, as well as to the discovery of strategies for its potential management and recovery. Panel participants, representing seven countries across three continents, will explore a multitude of facets pertaining to dark aesthetic narratives in both historical and contemporary contexts.
The Ethics of LoveCamil Golub (USA)
ParticipantsCathy Mason, Sophie Goddard, Camil Golub
AbstractThis panel will explore a cluster of ethical questions about love and personal relationships. Cathy Mason will discuss the ways in which deception undermines intimate relationships. She will suggest that deception robs the victims of valuable relational goods as well as important self-knowledge. Sophie Goddard will defend relationship anarchy as a form of non-monogamy that rejects prescriptive labels, hierarchies, and exclusivity agreements in relationships. This ethical approach to relationships, she will argue, challenges three problematic norms which affect our romantic relationships: amatonormativity, heteronormativity, and mononormativity. Camil Golub will examine a puzzle about love and grief: how can grief in response to losing a loved one rationally diminish over time, given that the significance of the loss remains the same? He will propose an answer grounded in the idea that we can find meaning in the loss of a loved one, by understanding how that loss is tied to our narrative identity or to a broader story about the world, without attributing value in any substantive sense to the loss. Thus, making sense of a loss through narratives can rationally support the diminution of grief even if the evaluative facts about that loss remain the same.
Gender and Posthuman PhilosophiesJoanna Pascoe (New Zealand)
ParticipantsBalzano Angela, Kilbourn Russell, Saha Debika, Bauman Emily
AbstractGender and Posthuman Philosophies offers an exploration across boundaries, with the aim of recuperating the voices of the silenced. Amidst the disruption of war, climate emergency, species decline and AI flourishing, can we turn to hopepunk horizons? Drawing on multiple ecologies, posthuman feminism invites us to re-world our world. Cyborgs and goddesses care for our companion species and the beauty of Earth as it spins in the cosmos. In light of the scholarship of Braidotti, Haraway, Spivak, Barad and Alaimo, the panel explores the generative possibilities of Posthuman Feminism. Engaging with lived experience and the social imaginary of science fiction cinema and literature may bring forth new knowledge(s) to think about the human beyond boundaries. Our panelists discuss themes of gender, of sexuality and reproduction, monster and machine, of transformations and possibilities, of trans-corporeal encounters. Posthuman feminism offers an affirmative philosophy of love for the world.
Nietzsche and MusicBen Abelson (USA)
ParticipantsTuncel Yunus, Prange Martine, Sorgner Stefan Lorenz, Babich Babette, Steinmann Michael, Durakoglu Ayesegul, Conway Daniel
AbstractNietzsche (1844-1900) is one of the few philosophers who have an intimate connection to music. This connection has much to do with his early music education. His musical ambition urged him to compose music, although he had no training in this area. However, Nietzsche did not follow a musical path and decided to become a philologist and dedicated his life to writing and philosophy. The relations between music, literature, and philosophy and Nietzsche's relationship to music have been explored by many Nietzsche scholars including Georges Liébert, Graham Parkes, Francois Noudelmann, Stefan Lorenz Sorgner and others and in An Anthology on Nietzsche and Music: Philosophical Thoughts and Musical Experiments, edited by Aysegul Durakoglu, Michael Steinmann and Yunus Tuncel. In this round table editors and several contributors to this anthology will present their findings and explain the significance of Nietzsche’s experimentation in thought and music and his attempt to cross boundaries.
“Philosophy Steamer” 2022: the new wave of emigration after 24/02Ekaterina Rozova (Russia)
ParticipantsBerdnikova Aleksandra, Ebanoidze Igor, Nemtsev Mikhail, Podoroga Ioulia, Akopov Sergei, Sineokaya Yulia, Biriukov Dmitry
AbstractRussia’s invasion of Ukraine on 24/02 2022 led to a new wave of emigration: many people from Ukraine had to flee their homes, saving their lives and becoming refugees. Many Russians and Belarusians, expressing disagreement with the criminal actions of their governments, often under the threat of prosecution, also left their countries. Such questions as belonging to an aggressor state, internal divide of Russian culture, cancellation of Russian language pose new moral, cultural and intellectual challenges for the new wave of emigrants. It can lead to crisis of self-identification, experiences of trauma and loneliness, rethinking of their national belonging, original goals and meaning of emigration.
Philosophy. Globalization. Education and peaceAlexander N. Chumakov (Russia)
ParticipantsEdward Demenchonok, Ayazhan Sagikyzy, Nigina Shermuhamedova, Thomas Daffern, Zhang Baichun, Lu Feng,Endre Kiss,Vincenzo Rizzo, Joseph Garske,William L. McBride, Glen T. Martin,Marek Hrubec, Anatoliy Kosichenko,Werner Busch, Mihail Weller, Anatoliy Lazarevich,Mikhail Schelkunov, Ilya Ilyin, Ivan Aleshkovsky, Tatiana Shestova
AbstractThe round table is supposed to discuss philosophical aspects and trends of world development in the context of modern globalization. Special attention will be paid to the causes of the serious aggravation of international relations in the XXI century, as well as the prospects for social development in a multipolar world. The participants of the round table will analyze the real and potential possibilities of stopping the escalation of the global confrontation and on this basis will try to formulate the most optimal conditions for ensuring the security of various countries and peoples. It is quite obvious that peaceful coexistence and effective international cooperation cannot be achieved without an appropriate philosophical outlook, humanitarian education and enlightenment.
Posthumanism, Art and PhilosophyOrsola Rignani (Italy)
ParticipantsYunus Tuncel, Thomas Steinbuch, Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, Chiarina Chen, Karin Andersen
AbstractThe contingencies of global crisis can serve as catalysts for a non-dualistic understanding of the world and the human. Posthumanism, art and philosophy are likely to constitute a virtuous circularity/intertwining/force field/epiphenomenon of this process/twist. From this perspective, the panel intends to propose a discussion around themes deemed crucial, such as hybridization, agency, response-ability. The aesthetics of the monstrous and hybridity will be themed in their expressions of artworks in connection with their philosophical underpinnings of Posthumanism. As well as discussing zoomorphic hybrid iconographies and the rediscovery of the animality of the human.
Philosophy of Peace Against War and ViolenceRui Li (China)
ParticipantsRui Li, Athanasia Leontsini, Paulos Huang, Weilin Fang, Fan Lu, Yongkui Xiao, Erjia De
AbstractThis session discusses the philosophy of peace, war, and violence, their relationship, and how philosophical thinking can promote peace and respect human rights. It explores how violence violates fundamental human rights such as the right to life, liberty, security of person, freedom from torture or cruel treatment. War is the most severe forms of violence that violates fundamental human rights on a massive scale. This panel discussion will also explore how to develop ethical frameworks that promote peaceful coexistence among individuals and societies, and respect for human rights. It introduces the social framework of Anoixist Optimality, which respects freedom to the maximum degree while holding reservations on violence to respect the value of human rights.
Reiner Schürmann’s Radical Phenomenology of AnarchéJohn Krummel (USA/Japan)
ParticipantsIan Moore, Francesco Guercio, Marcia Cavalcante, Nicolas Schneider
AbstractReiner Schürmann, known more, preceding his death, for his provocative readings of Heidegger, Eckhart, and Plotinus, among others, was also known within limited circles for his philosophy of ontological anarché. Schürmann’s attempt to overcome metaphysics as founded upon epochal principles led him to an understanding of being as polymorphic and a-principial, that is, anarchic. The workshop will present Schürmann’s radical phenomenology of ontological anarchy as well as what he called the “double bind” of the human condition from a variety of angles, through his readings of Kant, Eckhart, Nietzsche, Heidegger, and from his early to posthumous works.
Post-Kantian Productive Imagination Across CulturesJohn Krummel (USA/Japan)
ParticipantsSuzi Adams, Saulius Geniusas, Jodie Heap, Qinjie James Wang, Raquel Bouso
AbstractThe workshop will consist of presentations on the concept of the productive imagination stemming from Kant’s work and as developed by post-Kantian thinkers in the centuries following Kant. We find the imagination’s formative function as world-constitutive in a variety of ways, as shown through analyses provided by a variety of thinkers - from Kant to Fichte, Husserl, Heidegger, Cassirer, Miki, Nishitani, Castoriadis, Corbin, and Bachelard - taking the concept in phenomenological, hermeneutical, ontological, and structuralist directions. Moreover, by juxtaposing its productivity or creativity across cultures with Buddhist, Daoist, and Legalist thought in China and Japan, we also gain new insight into the ontology of imagination.
From Perception to Virtual Projection: A Philosophical Inquiry into Emerging TechnologyAdma Gama-Krummel (Brazil)
ParticipantsRobert Doran, Yoko Arisaka
AbstractThe rapid advancement of cutting-edge technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Virtual Reality (VR), and Augmented Reality (AR) has brought about a profound transformation in our society. As these technologies reshape our perception—and even our concept—of reality, it has become increasingly important to engage in deep philosophical reflection. This panel proposes to explore the philosophical presuppositions and implications of these technological transformations. Drawing inspiration from postmodernist and phenomenological as well as other possible approaches, we delve into the changing 'world picture' (Heidegger) and the impact it has on our understanding of reality.
Ancient Greek Philosophy: Current Trends in ResearchRiccardo Chiaradonna (Italy)
ParticipantsElisabetta Cattanei, Stefano Maso, Rosa Loredana Cardullo, Alexandra Michalewski, Noburu Notomi
AbstractThe papers presented in this panel will address aspects related to the study of Ancient Greek philosophy in different cultural and scholarly traditions. Noburo Notomi will offer an overview of studies on Plato with a special focus on research conducted in East-Asia, while Alexandra Michalewski will discuss recent studies on Neoplatonism in Europe. In their presentations, Loredana Cardullo, Elisabetta Cattanei, Riccardo Chiaradonna and Stefano Maso will address issues related to recent debates on Greek Philosophy across different scholarly traditions in and outside Europe.
Links and collaboration between Italian organizations of philosophical practiceDavid Sumiacher D'Angelo (Argentina)
ParticipantsNtonio Cosentino,Giovanna Borello, Luca Nave,Virginia Sánchez Rivera, Giancarlo Marinelli, Valeria Trabattoni
AbstractThe institutions of philosophical practice in Italy have a long tradition. Their relationships and links have favored the emergence of various important trainings and application projects of philosophy in various areas of social spaces, linking it to hospitals, schools, companies, universities and a wide variety of social spaces. Thus we have seen the first steps of a path of "philosophical affectation" of our environment and a series of very favorable consequences in the daily lives of the subjects as well as in the world of work. In this Roundtable we will put into dialogue diverse and important perspectives about philosophy, philosophical practice and its applications considering the formative and transformative actions that have been carried out by this important institutions that accompany us.
Philosophical practice: Theory and practice. The body and the bond with the otherDavid Sumiacher D'Angelo (Argentina)
ParticipantsBalaganapathi Devarakonda, Diego Antonio Pineda Rivera, De Paula Luisa, Pablo Flores del Rosario, Elliot Cohen, Maddalena Bisolio, Pia Houni
AbstractIn this Roundtable we will explore some fundamental points of philosophical practice and its assumptions. What are the bases for the development of a "good" philosophical practice? What place does the body and corporal actions have in all this and how can we consider it as part of our interactions? How do we ensure that we do work that transpose “barriers” and reaches “the other”? With the presence of some of the most important specialists in the subject (from the field of philosophy for children, philosophical counseling, philosophical workshops or philosophy for organizations) we will explore each of these questions and philosophical problems. Some of our presupositions have to do with understanding that there is a fundamental connection between the theoretical or epistemological bases with its applications in reality.
Environmental and Posthuman Philosophies. Critical Perspectives and MethodologiesNikoleta Zampaki (Greece)
ParticipantsKarpouzou Peggy, Marchesini Roberto, McBride James, Rozzoni Stefano
AbstractThis panel offers an interdisciplinary overview of Environmental Humanities and Posthumanities, and places emphasis on an ontological remark of life-forms’ entanglements. “Environmental Posthumanities” embrace inter- and transdisciplinary critique of humanistic concepts using methods and narratives, raising awareness about various kinds of relationships between life-forms in their ontological premises, and thinking beyond the more-than-human world. Nikoleta Zampaki: Aristotle’s On Plants in Sappho’s Lyric Poetry and Odysseus Elytis’ The Axion Esti. A Posthumanist Eco-Phenomenological Approach. Peggy Karpouzou: Exploring posthuman sustainability through climate fiction. Roberto Marchesini: Eco-ontology: from philosophical paradigm to sentimental education. James McBride: The Philosophy of Responsibility: Accounting for Environmental Damage. Stefano Rozzoni: Rising Posthumanist Environments: Zoe-geo-techno Mediated (Cyber)Pastoral in Contemporary Culture.
Are Artificial Intelligences neutral? Gender gap and other ethical-political reflections. Interdisciplinary researchValentina Gaudiano (Italy)
ParticipantsSonaglia Benedetta, Ducosquel Diaz Seydel, Vargas Leidy, Asi Aiza
AbstractThe current fourth industrial revolution has taken off and, in a matter of years, is causing a significant shift in the social structure, emphasizing machine-machine relationships surpassing man-machine rela-tionships. Above all, it is establishing an information-based economic, social, and political structure where automation and computerization have taken center stage. The development of this industry is done by a few large companies with great power and influence in all fields of human knowledge char-acterised by male-dominated management – a field, therefore, where a deep gender gap prevails. The goal of this interdisciplinary study - focussing on epistemological, anthropological, socio-political, economic, ethical, and gender issues - is to analyze this phenomenon, with an emphasis on how rela-tionships are affected by machines and AI and their neutrality.
Kantian ConstitutivismThomas Pendlebury (USA)
ParticipantsCarla Bagnoli, Jeremy David Fix, Sasha Mudd, Karl Schafer
AbstractThis panel is about Kantian Constitutivism in both its interpretative and systematic guise. In its interpretative guise, deeper understanding of the explanatory structure of the theory has allowed commentators to turn to Kant’s text with eyes opened anew and to generate new and fecund accounts of the foundations of both his practical and his theoretical philosophy. In its systematic guise, Constitutivism generally, and Kantian Constitutivism in particular, are increasingly prominent in debates about ethics, metaethics, action theory, and other areas of practical philosophy. Each of the panelists has contributed to at least one of these efforts, and the aim of the panel is to bring together these interpretative and systematic efforts so as to understand their explanatory power and promise and to explore new avenues for development of what is already a promising theoretical approach in contemporary philosophy.
Metaphysics of Biology: concepts, issues, interactionsMaría Cerezo (Spain)
ParticipantsLaura Bujalance, Arantza Etxeberria, Benazir Flores, Laura Nuño de la Rosa, Vanessa Triviño, Cristina Villegas
AbstractRecent work in Philosophy of Biology has paid special attention to the intersection between classical issues in Analytic Metaphysics such as process/susbstance approaches, change and persistence, essentialism, an so on. Triviño (Synthese 2022) has characterised these interactions in two types: Metaphysics for Biology and Metaphysic in Biology. In this Round Table, we intend to develop this trend by discussing some crucial issues at the intersection just described. Samples of the issues to be discussed are (a) the individuation of biological entities from a processualist perspective; (b) the epistemo-logical and metaphysical questions that arise around the concept of biomolecular pathway, paying special attention to philosophical tools such as mechanistic explanation, processualist metaphysics or causal chains; (c) the conceptualization of biological traits as natural dispositional kinds in an evo-devo frame-work.
ParticipantsMark McConaghy, Hector Castaño, Timo Ennen, Yi-Huei Jiang
AbstractFor Kant, the transcendental relates to something that can’t exist without experience while not originating from it. It relates to a specific mode of thinking which is about possibility condition and not universals in general. Transcendent means a knowledge that is beyond experience; transcendental means the possibility condition of knowledge about experience. In the same way, transcultural does not mean what is beyond culture but the possibility condition of knowledge about culture. For Deleuze: “The transcendental form of a faculty is indistinguishable from its disjointed, superior or transcendent exercise.” This is why the transcultural is neither referring to any empirical culture nor it’s not beyond cultures altogether. It’s not even a simple mix or hybridization of different cultures since a composite of empirical entities is still empirical.
Art of Metaphorical Communication and Boundary-Crossing in Field Environmental PhilosophyRika Tsuji (Japan)
ParticipantsBenn Johnson, Justin Williams, Ricardo Rozzi, Alicia Irene Bugallo, Danqiong Zhu, Jeff Gessas, Andrea Pino Piderit
AbstractMetaphors are a way of communicating that generates synthesis of facts, values and action into biocultural education and conservation. Thus, creating metaphors, a common cognitive structure of humans, is a boundary-crossing art. Metaphors can also generate novel synthesis of scientific and ethical concepts. For example, miniature forests are metaphorical images and practices that reshape our perception of oft-disregarded organisms (e.g., lichens, insects). Such metaphors orient biocultural relationships with diverse species and overcome dualist tensions between individuals (e.g.,mosses) and communities (e.g., forests). Epistemological, ontological, and ethical inter-connections emerge and pull attention toward the co-inhabitants we encounter, co-creating boundary-spanning bridges. This panel draws from Field Environmental Philosophy to explore connections and boundaries raised by metaphors that pull attention toward human and other-than-human agency and the need for care and justice.
Memory in the History of Western PhilosophyHamid Taieb (Germany)
ParticipantsDafni Argyri ,Véronique Decaix, Martin Klein, Vili Lähteenmäki, Colin G. King
AbstractThis panel is on memory in Western philosophy, from ancient Greece to late nineteenth-century philosophy, via the Middle Ages and the early modern time. The first panelist, Dafni Argyri, will frame the round-table with a discussion of Aristotle’s influential theory of memory as a type of cognition in his work De memoria. Véronique Decaix will present the reception of Aristotle’s theory in the Latin Middle Ages, which is a period of strong refinement of Aristotelian psychology and of combination of it with Augustinian material. Vili Lähteenmäki will focus on memory in the early modern times, where the in-herited Aristotelian framework is incisively criticized and an alternative account of memory is devel-oped, based on the influential notion of “idea”. For Aristotle and his followers, the capacity to recollect is closely connected to consciousness of mental states. Martin Klein will discuss this connection by focusing on Brentano’s and Husserl’s theory of time consciousness.
What shape can philosophy take? Identity and transformative processes from Spinoza to HegelOliver Toth (Austria)
ParticipantsBianca Ancillotti, Martina Barnaba, Giulia Bernard, Luce deLire, Marie Wuth
AbstractTraditionally, philosophy can be defined in terms of its content. Aristotle, for instance, has defined in his Metaphysics philosophy as the knowledge of the first causes and principles, which is fundamental to every other discipline’s body of knowledge. At the same time, philosophy can be defined in terms of its effects. In his Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle describes theory as the activity providing the most happiness and practical philosophy as the activity making one’s actions good. It has been argued that the metaphilosophical discussions had a one-sided focus on philosophy as content rather than philosophy as a way of life since the middle ages (Hadot 2008). This panel aims to challenge this narrative by focusing on the ways in which holistic philosophies from Spinoza to Hegel conceived the practice of philosophy as transformative towards the identity of the philosophizing subject.
Uri, Korean We as Singular Plural SubjectivitySo-Jeong Park (Republic of Korea)
ParticipantsDaihyun Chung, Byeong-uk Yi, Sungmoon Kim
AbstractIn contemporary philosophical discourse, there is a growing fascination with the challenges posed by the concepts of individuality and individualism, as well as a exploration of the potential for thinking beyond them. Scholars expose the predicament of subjectivity anchored in the ‘I’, opting instead for paths that leads to intersubjectivity or collective subjectivity. Intriguingly, Koreans appear to be grappling with the converse issue. This is a phenomenon in which the allegedly plural first-person pronoun “uri”, roughly translatable as “we/our,” is consistently employed in contexts that would conventionally demand singular expressions in Western grammar, such as “our house”, “my wife,” and “our husband.” This linguistic phenomenon has been a subject of sociological, linguistic, and philosophical discussions for quite some time, dating back to modern times.
Practice-first approach: from biological cases to philosophical issuesMarco Casali (Italy)
ParticipantsAline Potiron, Solange Hass, Franziska Reinhard
AbstractMarco Casali asks whether the well-known mechanistic approach in philosophy of science can still be maintained in light of the very latest approaches (single cell and RNA) developed in molecular biology. Aline Potiron analyzes a widely used method in microbiology (amplicon sequencing) to develop the concept of sample vs. the concept of data and to propose a new angle on model-based accounts of measurement in the context of biological diversity assessment. Franziska Reinhard investigates the different functions of possibilities in scientific explanations through two case studies of key explanatory practices in origins-of-life research. Through an analysis of some population dynamics predictions, Solange Haas suggests a distinction between the nature of corroborative and anticipatory predictions useful to conservation ecology.
Posthumanism and Philosophy of technology: the spectrum of the incisionRodrigo Esparza (Mexico)
ParticipantsRoberto Marchesini, Jelson Oliveira, Myriam Hernández, James McBride, Humberto Valdivieso, Qurratulaen Liaqat, María Di Muro
AbstractOur starting point is an imperative, and specifically, an anthropological imperative. It is necessary that we think about what it means to be human in the twenty-first century. And one of those ontological dimensions that we can identify and think about humans is their technological dimension. That is, its capacity to transform and produce ideas, matter, and processes. If we must think about what it means to be human, we necessarily must think about what technology is. For this reason, we call through this panel to think about technology in a comprehensive sense, that is, from an ontological, epistemic, ethical, aesthetic perspective, to mention just some of its dimensions. And we point out the imperative need for a philosophy of technology because through technology we can make an alternative mapping of what we are as human beings. We appeal to philosophy as the discipline that must allow us to correctly inquire.
Existential Posthumanism in Glocal Philosophies: A MultilogueFrancesca Ferrando (USA)
ParticipantsDebashish Banerji, Mourad El Fahli, Rodrigo Esparza, Stefan Lorenz, Sorgner Purushottama, Bilimoria, Sumeyra Buran, Victor Krebs
AbstractPosthumanism redefines the notion of humanity relationally, counting on plurality, ecology and technology as integral parts of the human. This opens radical opportunities in the possible evolutions of individuals and societies, the futures of the human species, the dignity of non-human entities, and the health of planet Earth. This is why the topic must be addressed from global perspectives, rooted in the understanding of diversity as a necessary source of self-enquiry and self-discovery. The issues at stake are very high. And still, often, theory and practice do not go hand in hand: theorists write about posthumanism, but posthumanism does not necessarily affect the ways we live and behave. Existential posthumanism marks a profound change, by focussing, specifically, on how to exist as posthumanists: right here, right now. We will have 8 speakers coming from different backgrounds, offering insights on posthumanist ways of existing; the panel will be dialogical.
Lukács' PrismGiorgio Cesarale (Italy)
ParticipantsRüdiger Dannemann, Tijiana Okics, Matthew Smetona
AbstractThis panel aims at reflecting upon the very peculiar figure of György Lukács, who gave an outstanding contribution to Marxist Philosophy. Prompted also by the centenary of the publication of his History and Class Consciousness (1923), there has recently been a fervent interest in his work. In 1924, Lukács published another important book, i.e., Lenin: A Study on the Unity of his Thought, which testifies the multifaceted silhouette of a radical philosophical engagement with the problem of human emancipation. The scientific understanding of social reality and the transformation of the latter constitute in Lukács two albeit profoundly related dimensions of Marxism. The working hypothesis of this panel is that Lukács’ thought reveals its unity if investigated as a prism, without isolating its multiple aspects and phases. Starting from these premises, we propose to discuss Lukács’ Marxist Philosophy from four different points of view, moving across the totality of his intellectual path.
Law and the Inner SelfPatrick O'Callaghan (Ireland)
ParticipantsFelicitas Benziger, Talya Deibel, Heping Dang, Leslie Francis, John Francis, Sfiso Nxumalo, Mark Morgan
AbstractLiberal legal philosophy revolves around the self of the forum externum. Mainstream scholarship generally pays less attention to what Emily Dickinson calls ‘the self behind the self’ or the idea of the ‘inner self’. But the idea that we have inner selves has fundamentally shaped how we think about ourselves, our place in the world and our politico-legal institutions. As Charles Taylor puts it in Sources of the Self, ‘[o]ur modern notion of the self is related to, one might say constituted by, a certain sense (or perhaps a family of senses) of inwardness.’ This roundtable will bring together philosophers and legal scholars, working across disciplinary boundaries on intersections between law and the inner self. We will discuss, among other things, (a) the history and philosophy of personality rights,(b) the history and critiques of the forum internum/externum distinction, (c) technology and the inner self, (d) non-Western philosophical perspectives on the inner self.
ParticipantsJoseph C.A. Agbakoba, William Sweet, Katia Lenehan
AbstractWhile most ethics education focuses primarily on knowledge- and reflection-oriented ap-proaches, studies have shown that there is a lack of attention to action-oriented approaches in ethics education. In a round table, we first reflect from our own cultural background on: (i) how can moral action be realized through ethics education (EE does not have to be within a formal curriculum), (ii) what kind of attitudes are needed (from a certain cultural background, from the students, from which subjects), and (iii) what competencies do students need to learn? Then we have a plenary discussion, and finally, we close by summarizing how moral education should be taught across Boundaries.
Care Aesthetics: A Cross-cultural DiscourseXiao Ouyang (China)
ParticipantsDavid E. Cooper, Sarah A. Mattice, Adam Andrzejewski, Zedong Hao
AbstractCare Aesthetics is a current frontier in philosophical studies of aesthetics prompted by scholars such as Yuriko Saito (2022). This round table gathers a group of scholars from different cultural and philosophical backgrounds and generations to contribute to a vibrant dialogue. It wants to test and demonstrate the trans-cultural explanatory power of the core ideas and propositions of care aesthetics. It also aims to further explore possible arguments for care aesthetics in light of diverse philosophical traditions, especially those of the West and East Asian cultures.
Educational & Academic Architecture: The Formal Aesthetics of Anthropological ParadigmsMichael Heinrich (Germany)
ParticipantsChristian Illies, Niko Kohls, Sofia Singler
AbstractDwelling as an embodied rootedness is the primordial substrate for all human development. The way in which dwelling is shaped reveals a lot about a society's culture, and in turn has a strong impact on individual and collective constitution: human environments can strongly affect people's well-being, health and performance. The propagation, multiplication and archiving of knowledge play a central role in the development of civilization. Thus the social and architectural spaces dedicated to education and knowledge - schools, universities, museums, libraries - often perform a strong semiotic function beyond their practical significance. We examine this special field of built environments with a philosophical-anthropological background, by means of newly developed meta-disciplinary models of aesthetic experience and from the perspective of health & resilience psychology. The ethical question is raised as to how educational processes should be embedded in built spaces in the future.
Memory Images in Shaping Knowledge. Thinking at the Crossroads in the Land of DataRiccardo Fedriga (Italy)
ParticipantsAlessandro Adamou, Alessio Antonini, Armando Bisogno, Fabio Ciracì, Cristina Marras, Davide Picca, Francesca Tancini, Alessio Antonini
AbstractStarting from a multidisciplinary philosophical engagement, Round Table will ex-plore the intricate relationship between memory, representation, and knowledge in the digital era. Selective mnemonics, as mechanisms for filtering and organizing infor-mation, as well as philosophical metaphors, play a pivotal role in the construction of our digital landscapes. The concept of knowledge latency highlights the delay in pro-cessing and understanding the flood of data, particularly in our society, increasingly de-fined by technology. Emotions play a significant role in the analysis of data, individuals navigate the taxonomies and the libraries of material culture and memories through the artifacts, we selected to shape it. This, delves into the impact of shaping digital memories and the unsettling concept of oblivion, exploring how the rise of post-truth ideologies can obliterate historical accuracy and manipulate the past, take caring of the present and the openness of the future.
Embodiment: rituals, art, and handicraftMargus Ott (Estonia)
ParticipantsGeir Sigurdsson, Manhua Li
AbstractChinese tradition offers great intellectual resources for understanding our embodied existence. In this panel, we will consider it from the angle of rituals (Geir Sigurdsson), art (Manhua Li), and handicraft (Margus Ott). Ritual is not a common notion for explaining our everyday existence, yet it plays an important role in human interactions, and becoming conscious of this aspect may help to refine it. Art, from Chinese perspective, is not a separate domain of human creativity, but an integral dimension of interactions between human beings, and between humans and other beings. Handicraft has not been deemed very highty in the Western tradition, where the theoretical has been more valued. Yet, as Zhuangzi shows, bodily skill may open the practitioner to the highest level of existence.
Bridging the Transhumanist Divide: Classical and Euro PerspectivesAndrei Nutas (Romania)
ParticipantsStefan Sorgner, Tamara Kamatovic
AbstractTranshumanism contains divergent perspectives grounded in contrasting ontologies and ethics. This discussion will elucidate tensions between Classical Transhumanism, influenced by Enlightenment thought, and Euro-Transhumanism, drawing from postmodern relativism. Key differences exist regarding truth claims, life extension goals, techno-optimism, ideologies, and ethical frameworks. However, shared values unite the schools around ethically enhancing humanity via technology. By clarifying distinctions while seeking common ground, we can constructively bridge understandings between camps. For example, contrasting optimism about immortality and skepticism can elucidate a focus on healthspan. Despite divergences, core values unite Transhumanism into a broad, cross-cultural intellectual movement grounded in ethical, democratic progress.
AI in Society: Logical, Epistemological, Sociological and Ethical IssuesMirko Farina (Italy)
ParticipantsLiu Fenrong, Jing Zhu, Vincent Mueller, Jan Broersen
AbstractArtificial intelligence (AI) has been witnessing a non-ceasing, rapid growth.In this roundtable we will problematize around the increasingly important role of AI in our daily life. We will do so, by covering-from a cross and multidisciplinary perspective-the gamut of topics on the philosophy of AI. Specifically, Liu Fenrong (Tsinghua) will explore the fundamental aspects of AI from a logic al perspective, discussing topics related to reasoning and computation. Jing Zhu (Xiamen) will reflect on some epistemological issues surrounding the ongoing AI revolution. Mirko Farina (IDEAS) will offer a series of philosophical reflections concerning the overall impact and general desirability of the widespread adoption of AI tools in society. Vincent Mueller (Erlangen) will look at the issue of metacogntion in AI. Finally, Jan Broersen (Utrecht) will consider the problem of how to align autonomous intelligent machine behaviour with human values through reason-based logic techniques for modern AI.
Philosophy and Scientometrics beyond disciplinary boundaries. Responsible evaluation, virtue ethics, and artificial intelligence: how can they help reform research evaluation?Cinzia Daraio (Italy), Alessio Vaccari (Italy)
ParticipantsAlessio Vaccari, Wolfgang Glänzel, Juan Gorraiz, Kristján Kristjánsson, Sante Maletta
AbstractThe main objective of this special session is to conduct an interdisciplinary dialogue between moral and political philosophers and experts in scientific research evaluation. Some of the questions that will be addressed include: How should evaluation be? What does it mean “responsible research evaluation”? What is the role of virtues and how to assess them? The session will have a first part in which there will be three thematic presentations that are (tentative titles): -Reform of research evaluation: toward new evaluation systems and the role of quantitative indicators; -Understanding responsible research evaluation; -The role of virtue ethics and virtue evaluation of researchers. A panel discussion of experts who will explore and discuss the topics presented under different points of view will follow.
ParticipantsWirtz Markus, Schelkshorn Johann, Germann Nadja, Davide De Caprio
AbstractContributions on the relationship of philosophy and religion very often depart from Western post-metaphysical philosophy. In this paradigm, philosophers see the project and aim of philosophy as emancipated from “religion.” At the same time, “religion” gets reconstructed from a philosophical vantage point. As a result, religion often becomes a prehistory, harboring non-rational intuitions or metaphysical assumptions that must - by the work of rational reflection - be transformed into philosophy. Taking into account how the philosophy/religion relationship unfolds in non-Western philosophical traditions, the panel will discuss the historical and epistemic boundaries of the above-mentioned specific reconstruction of the philosophy/religion binary.
(Re-)thinking nature?Elena Casetta (Italy) - Maeve Cooke (Ireland)
ParticipantsAndrea Borghini, Nicola Piras, Kelly Agra, Maeve Cooke, Tina Heger, Teea Kortetmäki, Carmen Lea Lege, Simone Pollo, Mariagrazia Portera, Kurt Jax, Tilo Wesche, Elena Casetta
AbstractDoes the concept of nature need to be rethought? And, if so, in what direction? In the Western tradition, ‘nature’ has typically been defined in negative terms: nature is where people are not. While this view is well established in people's minds and in the conservation sciences, it is far from uncontroversial. On the one hand, the idea of wilderness has been criticised as being nothing more than a myth and a Western conversation that does not take into account the fact that there are many different views of nature in other cultural traditions. On the other hand, if nature is conflated with wilderness, it seems we have reached the end of nature, which not only deprives our conservation efforts of meaning, but also closes off possibilities for the future of human life on the planet. We will consider contemporary philosophical efforts to imagine future/hybrid/novel natures and explore possibilities for reconceptualising Western views of nature in critical dialogue with other traditions.
The Role of Religion between AI and Virtual Reality: the Trans-/Posthumanist Point of ViewMattia Geretto (Italy)
ParticipantsMattia Geretto, Russell Kilburn, Lorena Rojas Parma, Emily Bauman
AbstractThe participants in the round table will discuss topics related to the question of the role of religion in our hyper-technological society, and on how transhumanism or posthumanism could propose themselves as a sort of new religion. The discussion aims to highlight the need for dialogue between contemporary transhumanist and posthumanist thought with the categories of the “spiritual” and the “religious”. If on the one hand, the radical materialistic and anti-dualistic assumptions of trans- /posthumanism seem to undermine any possibility of dialogue with traditional transcendental religions, on the other hand, in our ‘wired society’ we must deal with the fact of a strong demand for spirituality and the irrepressible need for narratives about life and death. This situation leads us to ask ourselves whether it is not precisely transhumanism or posthumanism that surreptitiously propose themselves as alternatives to religion or forms of religion themselves.
Book presentation: “Philosophy in motion. State of art of philosophical practices worldwide”David Sumiacher D'Angelo (Argentina)
ParticipantsLydia Amir, José Barrientos Rastrojo, Paolo Cicale, Víctor Rojas, Patricia Solís, Luca Beviacqua, Miguel Mandujano
AbstractPhilosophical practice is a discipline that is both new and old, based on typical elements of the philosophies of all times, while nourished by the needs and problems of new generations and our epoch. This book brings together the voices of 19 authors from 10 countries who trace the state and situation of philosoph- ical practice in the world and in our current time. Investigating about philosophy with and for children, philosophical counseling, workshops and philosophical cafes, philosophy in organizations, in prisons, in hospitals and other places where health is weakened, on the dissemination of philosophy, on the role of philosophical practice within universities and other educational institutions or in relation to current bibliography highlighting fundamental texts and journals whose center is this discipline.
Street philosophy as a call to a learned debatePrimož Repar (Slovenia)
ParticipantsIztok Osojnik, Ciril Klajnšček, Thomas Diesner, Thomas Djurić
AbstractCan street philosophy be a subject of philosophy? What could street philosophy mean? In order to outline the term, distinctions must be made, and approaches marked. The fact that street philosophy is not a modern phenomenon becomes clear in a historical approach. One can go back to Socrates or to Diogenes of Sinope. More recently, Walter Benjamin's concept of the flâneur could be a point of reference. In cross-cultural terms, one might think of the mystical movements in Christianity or Is-lam, or Zen Buddhist outsiders, such as the Japanese Sōtō monk Tōsui Unkei. Visual artists and mu-sicians can also be a voice for a reflective attitude towards life (i.e. Banksy's graffiti art).
Patočka, Europe and the Future of PhilosophyPrimož Repar (Slovenia)
ParticipantsLuka Trebežnik, Ian Frei, Peter Kondrla
AbstractAt a point where it rightly seems that both European civilization and the philosophy that once shaped it are in immense crisis, the decline in values and the aimlessness into which our worldview has fallen are clearly visible, we will turn to the renewal thinking of the great Czech phenomenologist Jan Patočka (1907–1977). His reflections connect Europe with specific ancient impulses that brought transcendence into being. The seemingly negative moment of Socratic rejection of the world in Plato's interpretation acquires a positive orientation that recognizes the highest philosophical mission, devotion to the inner man, which Patočka condenses in the figure of Platonic-Socratic concern for the soul.
Non-western women philosophers: feminism, motherhood, and freedomKrissah Marga Taganas (Philippines)
ParticipantsAnastasia Guidi, Pedro Pricladnitzky, Piergiacomo Severini
AbstractThe Center for the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists at Paderborn University (Germany) proposes a round table with Anastasia Guidi (Brasil), who will present a talk on Brazilian antiracist feminist thinker Lélia Gonzalez' take on the epistemological subject of situated knowledges; Krissah Marga Taganas (Philippines) who will discuss her exploration of feminist theorizing on motherhood in the Philippines; and Piergiacomo Severini (Japan/Italy) who will present a topic on the possible dialogue on the ethical category of “distinction” between Jeanne Hersch and Kitarō Nishida. This panel aims to: 1) debate philosophical perspectives developed by women from Asia and South America, and 2) present decolonized and situated analyses on women’sissues.
Hinge Epistemology, Skeptcicism, and KnowledgeAnnalisa Coliva (USA)
ParticipantsGenia Schoenbaumsfeld, Michael Williams, Ernest Sosa, Luca Zanetti, Crispin Wright
AbstractThe rapidly expanding trend of ‘hinge epistemology’, spurred by a historical and theoretical interest in Ludwig Wittgenstein’s last masterpiece, On Certainty, has been profitably brought to bear onto issues such as the nature of knowledge and justification and the legitimacy of skeptical doubts. While revisiting these themes, the papers in the present panel will also explore the bearing of hinge epistemology onto key issues in general epistemology, such as the internalism/externalism debate, aiming at truth, and the relationship of hinge epistemology with already established theoretical paradigms, such as virtue epistemology. The panel contains prominent contributors to present-day hinge and virtue epistemology, as well as an earlier career scholar.
Thought Experiments, Arguments and Fallacies: How Analytic Philosophy Deals with Them [SIFA Round Table]Alberto Voltolini (Italy)
ParticipantsAlberto Voltolini, Elisabeth Camp, Richard Davies, Adriano Angelucci
AbstractThought experiments are so widespread in the philosohical literature that their real significance has soon attracted attention by philosophers of all bents. But what are thought experiments in the first place? And how they differ from standard arguments for or against a given thesis? Are there pieces of fiction that essentially involve the use of imagination? Is there a limit to how far our imagination can go? Moreover, most of the theses that have been put forward in order to shed light on the nature of thought experiments responded to an epistemological challenge that Sören Häggqvist has expressed in the following terms: “How do thought experiments yield justified belief revision, even in science, when they provide no new empirical data?”. In light of this challenge, which is the correct attitude? Should it be considered posing a genuine puzzle worthy of a substantive explanation? Or should the epistemic claims made for thought experiments be rejected or deflated? Is it possible that such experiments contain fallacies, which, as the public debate often shows, contribute to weaken the rational power of an argument?
Archeology of Scepticism: Multiple Layers of a Philosophical Strategy Chiara Rover (Italy)
ParticipantsNadja Germann, Yehuda Halper, Diego E. Machuca, Maria Caterina Marinelli, Emidio Spinelli, Giuseppe Veltri, Chiara Rover
AbstractCan we truly be sure that things are as they appear to us? Are our senses and cognitive capacities trust-worthy sources of knowledge? Research conducted at the Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies (University of Hamburg) has revealed that sceptical inclination toward questioning persists across several historical periods and cultures, although shaped into multiple forms. Our RT endeavors to explore differ-ent kinds of scepticism and to shed light on their common features as philosophical strategies against any dogmatic standpoint. It encompasses a journey from Carneades to Philo of Alexandria and Sextus Empiricus. It extends through the realms of Rabbinic Judaism and early Islamic thought, delves into the philosophical insights of figures like Maimonides and Salomon Maimon, explores the various forms of Italian scepticism between the 19th and 20th centuries (with a focus on Giuseppe Rensi), and culminates in an examination of the contemporary reception of ancient Pyrrhonism.
ParticipantsZlatica PLAŠIENKOVA, Olga MASLOBOJEVA, Tatiana BATYR, Hendrich BREUER, Tatyana KOVALEVA, Rudolph BIERENT
AbstractThe roundtable will examine humanity's historical tendency to wage war, often showing more creativity in fighting than in creating peace. Are we inevitably condemned to these destructive cycles? Do we come out stronger from each of them? Could we not redirect the progress, courage, and personal sacrifice, so evident in times of war, towards a more noble cause? Instead of unconsciously drifting towards conflict, we should define a common goal that engages every nation and benefits all of humanity. All national characters must be able to coexist and even complement each other to achieve some grandiose goal worthy of our new millennium.
Hermeneutics Today: In Memory of Riccardo Dottori and Gianni VattimoAlessandro Stavru (Italy)
ParticipantsMariapaola Bergomi, Irina Deretic, Stefan Sorgner, Yunus Tuncel, Alessandro Stavru
AbstractThis round table is devoted to Hermeneutics. It is in memory of Riccardo Dottori and Gianni Vattimo–two great scholars who recently passed by. Both Dottori and Vattimo were close to Hans-Georg Gadamer, translated Gadamer’s monograph “Truth and Method” into the Italian, and made significant contributions to hermeneutics. The round table investigates the core features of today’s hermeneutics (interpretation of religious, literary and philosophical texts; the connection between understanding and communication, or between orality and writing as well as between verbal and non-verbal communication), paying special attention to how the “effected consciousness” (Wirkungsgeschichte) of any kind of interpretation relates to the establishment of “prejudices” as given facts. Important references for a correct engagement with interpretation is represented by Dottori’s notion of “Reflexion des Wirklichen” and Vattimo’s idea of “pensiero debole”: both of them are tackled in the round table.
Field Environmental Philosophy: Education for Biocultural ConservationDanqiong Zhu (China)
ParticipantsRicardo Rozzi Alacia, Irene Bugallo, Andrea Pino, Danqiong Zhu
AbstractEducation plays a major role in shaping citizens’ attitudes about biocultural diversity. A driver of the current social-environmental crisis emerges from the increasing disconnection that global society has with biocultural diversity. To reorient this trend, we present a novel methodology, Field Environmental Philosophy (FEP), which empowers participants to combine philosophical, ethnographic, and ecological texts with field experiences to investigate biophysical, symbolic-linguistic, and political dimensions of biocultural diversity. The ultimate goal of FEP is that participants practice responsible ways of co-inhabitation. This panel examines FEP basics and its achievements in the last three decades, presenting initiatives in biocultural conservation, environmental education, and long-term socio-ecological research to reveal the innovation/creativity inspired by FEP for a sustainable/resilient future for both the planet and its inhabitants (both humans and other-than-human beings).
New Perspectives on Song Dynasty PhilosophyRickard Gustavsson (Sweden)
ParticipantsTze-ki Hon, Kar Bo Wong, Michael Harrington, Caterina Ludovica Baldini
AbstractThis panel reexamines some of the prominent thinkers and intellectual movements during the Song Dynasty. The first paper focus on the so-called New Learning (xinxue 新學), associated with Wang Anshi 王安石 (1021–1086) and his students, who had a major impact on Northern Song (960–1127) intellectual life. The second paper explores the notion of qi 氣 ('vital energy') in Zhang Zai 張載's (1020–1077) philosophy, tracing the rise and fall of his qi-based ontology. The third paper examines Cheng Yi’s 程頤 (1033–1107) Yijing 易經 commentary, with a focus on its tragic dimension, referring to the tendency for human strengths to precipitate downfall. The fourth paper examines Zhu Xi’s 朱熹 (1130–1200) philosophy of divination through his Yijing writings. Lastly, the fifth paper compares political works by Plato and Aristotle with those of Northern Song authors like Shao Yong 邵雍 (1011–1077), Cheng Yi, and Sima Guang 司馬光 (1019–1086), spotlighting aristocracy and women's societal roles.
Aux frontières de l’humanisme : les sources méditerranéennes de la philosophie moderneRaffaele Carbone (Italy)
ParticipantsAli Benmakhlouf, Olivier Guerrier, Céline Hervet, Joan Lluís Llinàs Begon
AbstractApparemment confiné dans la sphère des études littéraires au début de l’époque moderne, l’humanisme a ensuite acquis une signification plus large pour indiquer l’importance épistémologique, éthique et politique de la condition humaine. Ce n’est pas un hasard si le débat sur l’humanisme revient à plusieurs reprises au fil des siècles et si aujourd’hui, face aux différentes formes d’anti-humanisme ou de post-humanisme, on se réapproprie ce mot pour proposer des projets de renouvellement de notre civilisation. Cette table ronde examinera tout particulièrement les rapports entre les philosophies et l’humanisme de la première modernité à l’intérieur de l’espace méditerranéen, en prenant en compte les contacts et les échanges interculturels entre les grandes aires du Centre-Nord de l’Europe et celle de ses « périphéries ». On thématisera la multiplicité des traditions qui ont contribué à nourrir la réflexion philosophique dans l’espace méditerranéen à l’époque moderne (de Pic de la Mirandole à Montaigne, de Llull à Vico, sans négliger les penseurs du Nord Europe, comme Spinoza, dont les racines culturelles se situent en partie dans la région méditerranéenne). On s’interrogera sur la place que l’islam et le judaïsme ont pris dans cette « civilisation méditerranéenne » commune – rappelons par exemple que loin de mettre fin à la « translatio studiorum » latine médiévale de l’héritage arabe, la Renaissance l’a au contraire amplifiée tout en la mettant au goût du jour. Dans cette optique, on se confrontera aussi aux approches et aux thèses des auteurs décoloniaux, comme Enrique Dussel : en effet, aux yeux de ce dernier, une vision européanocentriste a tendu à considérer le monde gréco-latin – le socle à partir duquel se construit l’humanisme moderne – comme une réalité homogène, oubliant les liens entre la culture grecque et, d’une part, le monde sémitique (Turquie, Égypte), et, d’autre part le monde arabo-musulman.
Philosophy with Children in Times of WarAlaina Gostomski (USA)
ParticipantsYuliia Kravchenko, Rose-Anne Reynolds, Pegah Zoiee, Nataliia Gutaruk
AbstractOur hybrid panel elaborates and reflects on the experiences that international volunteers had while engaging Ukrainian children and teachers in philosophical discussion via Zoom at the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
Multiple modernities? Critical hermeneutics, civilization theory, and cross-cultural philosophyĽubomír Dunaj (Austria)
ParticipantsHeiner Roetz, Sarhan Dhouib, Kurt C.M. Mertel
AbstractFor decades scholars across the globe have emphasized the relevance of hermeneutics for cross-cultural philosophy. There is, however, a danger faced by „classical“ hermeneutical approaches, namely that interculturally oriented philosophical inquires will lead to relativistic and culturalistic conclusions and, therefore, foreclose the possibility of a cross-cultural dialogue on normativity and universalism. Hence, given the relative absence of a critical appropriaton of other (non-Western) traditions, the project of a cross-cultural critical hermeneutics has been largely neglected by philosophers concerned with the non-Western world. This roundtable will discuss the question of whether contemporary versions of critical hermeneutics, enriched by civilizational analysis and historical sociology, can provide a more adequate tool for the normative discussion about the problem of modernity and its potentially plural versions.
Fronteras Imaginadas y desplazamientos conceptualesAngela Sierra Gonzalez (Spain)
ParticipantsVanesa Gourhand, Ana Isabel Hernández Rodriguez, Paula Serrano, Maria Lourdes González-Luis, Alejandra Toro Murillo, Monica Delmira Dios Rodriguez, Elisa Juana Pérez Rosales
AbstractCuando hay tantos puntos de vista disciplinares desde los que situarse para analizar el problema de los límites y las fronteras, este panel, pretende situarse en el límite entre el pensar imaginativo y los desplazamientos conceptuales. Las componentes de la presente mesa, buscan investigar la manera en que las fronteras imaginadas y los desplazamientos conceptuales que las definen determinan la experiencia humana. Para esta indagación las fronteras sirven como muestra para describir los límites consituyentes tanto del mundo exterior simbólico como los estados internos de una comunidad es decir, ‹las fronteras imaginadas› se constituyen en espacios de significatividad y de sentido. Desde estos espacios entran en juego los desplazamientos conceptuales que cada ponente desarrollará desde plurales perspectivas filosóficas. En este marco teórico, se expondrán las otras fronteras que devienen punto de inflexión de narrativas, perspectivas, y experiencias vitales y sociales plurales.
The boundaries between Philosophy of Law and Social OntologyVirginia Presi (Italy), Alba Lojo
ParticipantsVirginia Presi, Alba Lojo, Zuzanna Krzykalska, Sebastian Figueroa, Giulia Lasagni, Samuele Chilovi, Andrea Loi
AbstractAs social ontology investigates the existence and nature of the social world, law is a social phenomenon that alone has been the focus of philosophical inquiries. Some questions asked in the current social ontological debate turn out to already have been answered by philosophers of law in the last century. Furthermore, many researchers in the field of social ontology are currently looking to solve the same problems as philosophers of law. The symposium aims at discussing: the explanation value of intersections between the two fields, the limitations of implementing accounts of one field to another, as well as the perspectives of developing a common framework. Among others, we invite different philosophical approaches to issues concerning: social conventions and constitutive rules, normativity, metaphysics of legal and social facts, institutions and organizations, shared agency, collective beliefs, group responsibility, et similia.
Topics in philosophy of food: consumptionAndrea Borghini (Italy)
ParticipantsPatrik Engisch, Nicola Piras, Beatrice Serini, Megan Dean
AbstractThis panel addresses emerging questions within the philosophy of food scholarly community, with a fo-cus on consumption-related topics. Aiming to cover a wide spectrum of the current literature, the panel will contrast more individualistic takes on the ethics of eating with feminist relational approaches, which have emphasized that food connects eaters to ecosystems, to food workers, to non-human ani-mals, etc. Topics to be covered include issues that have so far been only cursorily studied by philoso-phers, such as food waste, the ethics of eating with family, precision nutrition, and natural wines. Megan Dean “The interpersonal ethics of consumption”, Patrik Engisch “Consuming nature: the case of natural wines”, Nicola Piras “Semantic authority in food waste debates”, Beatrice Serini “A new wave of nutritionism?”.
ParticipantsFabio Bacchini, Laura Gagliardi, Jérémie Lafraire, Elena Bossini, Rachel Ankeny
AbstractThe prospects of producing meat in alternative forms, including via synthetic reproduction of animal cells, is shifting contemporary debates regarding the ethics, politics, and aesthetics of meat consumption. In this panel we take up those issues by addressing specific questions that emerge from the field, including the places of production for novel meat, the aesthetic and moral sensibilities that may lead to their acceptance, and the political justification of strategies of nudging for encouraging cohering consumption. Participants to this round table include both junior and senior scholars, currently engaged in research project that tackle the topic at hand using different methodologies and approaches.
The Limitations of BlamePer-Erik Milam (USA)
ParticipantsGlen Pettigrove, Nadine Elzein, Maria Seim
AbstractBlame plays a significant, but contentious, role in our moral lives. We use blame to hold wrongdoers accountable, protest injustice, and express care and respect for victims, including ourselves. But blame has costs and limitations, both as an individual response to wrongdoing and as a social practice: it can be painful, overwhelming, counterproductive, and even impermissible; and its success and significance depend on features of its social and political context. The aim of this panel is to bring together philosophers writing, in different ways, about the limitations of blame, in its actual existing forms.
Formes contemporaines de la responsabilitéNicolas Barennes (France)
ParticipantsLila Cazier, Eyun Choi, Christina Kalogeropoulou, Sacha-Emmanuel Mossu
AbstractLa responsabilité est généralement définie comme le fait de « répondre de » ses propres devoirs et d’assumer une obligation légale ou morale. Considérée comme « possibilité de réponse », la responsabilité s’enrichit pourtant d’un double « répondre à », à la fois langagier - « contredire, répliquer » - et ontologique -« correspondre, s’accorder ». Comment appréhender la pluralité des formes de réponses inhérentes à la responsabilité ? Il s’agira d'abord de penser la responsabilité en contexte, à partir des cas de la gouvernance vue au prisme du débat Habermas-Luhmann, des reconfigurations de la relation de soin induites par l'intelligence artificielle et de l'application de principes de justice aux dons philanthropique. Il s’agira ensuite de penser les conditions et diversités des formes de réponse, en appréhendant les rapports entre narrations, agir stratégique et agir instrumental puis en distinguant trois modèles constitutifs d’une « économie spéculaire de la responsabilité ».
Intellectual Ethics: Between Epistemology and EthcisJesús Vega-Encabo (Spain)
ParticipantsHeather Battaly, Maria Silvia Vaccarezza, Jakob Ohlhorst
AbstractIntellectual ethics has attracted increasing interest in contemporary epistemology. How to regulate our intellectual life, from the formation and assessment of our doxastic attitudes to how to conduct our in-quiry, is an issue that may have as much to do with the satisfaction of certain epistemic requirements, or the cultivation of epistemic virtues, as with moral evaluations. For some, epistemology can be conceived as an ethics of intellectual life; for others, on the contrary, intellectual ethics must respond primarily to the requirements of epistemic normativity. In this round table we propose to discuss how our intellec-tual life moves at the intersection between epistemic and ethical demands. Our purpose is to explore, on the one hand, whether in conducting our intellectual life epistemic considerations can be isolated from ethical and practical concerns; and, on the other hand, to examine whether intellectual virtues and vices respond to both epistemic and ethical considerations
Transhumanism across the Political Spectrum: its Proponents, Opponents, and Political MeaningsTamara Kamatovic (USA)
ParticipantsStefan Lorenz Sorgner, Andrei Nutas, Tamara Kamatovic
AbstractThis roundtable brings together a politically diverse group of philosophical transhumanists to articulate how we should understand the transhumanist movement politically. It will ask whether there is a future within the movement for technoprogressivism, why futurist philosophies in the media are generally depicted as far-right wing conspiracies, and and how the philosophical trans-humanist movement approaches the most pressing political challenges of the day. It threads together the major topics addressed by the philosophical trans-humanist movemen, including — but are not limited to — the relationship be-tween public institutions and individuals, eugenics, biosecurity, AI governance, biopolitical futures, the political dimensions of hybrid ontologies, and the use of emerging technologies to alleviate collective crises. The roundtable will ad-dress the necessity of politically defining the present and future organization of society and the place of the (enhanced) individual in it.
Enlightenment or/and coloniality? Rethinking European modernity in a global contextHans Schelkshorn (Austria)
ParticipantsEduardo Mendieta, Matthias Kettner, Hans-Herbert Kögler
AbstractDecolonial thinking has developed a radical critique of European modernity. As Latin American philosophies emphasized,modernity could not be separated from colonialism or coloniality (Qujano, Mignolo). At the same time, decolonial thinking called for a multipolar world society in which the geopolitical hegemony of Europe and the West would be overcome. In the concept of "transmodernity", however, Dussel demanded an amplified rationality which makes room for the reason of other cultures within a community of communication among equal participants. At the same time the vision of transmodernity should subsume the emancipatory tendencies of European Enligthenment avoiding the simple antimodernism propagated by fascists or populist ideologies. This raises the question of whether, and if so how, a concept of Enlightenment can be developed that takes the critique of decolonial thinking seriously and at the same time opens up possibilities for a self-critical continuation of the Enlightenment project.
Filosofía de la Acción: Comprendiendo las complejidades de la Agencia Moral HumanaAmanda Rosa Perez Morales (Mexico)
ParticipantsGary Manuel Gómez Espinoza, Felipe Ignacio Díaz Espinoza, Rayner García Hernández, Lutz Alexander Keferstein, Amanda Rosa Perez Morales
AbstractLa filosofía de la acción se implica en el núcleo de la agencia humana, explorando la génesis y consecuencias detrás de nuestras acciones. Desde inicios del siglo XX la reflexión filosófica nos ha llevado a consideraciones en las cuales la responsabilidad agencial y moral no recaen solamente en el ser humano, sino también en entidades no-humanas.Con base a esto, destacan dos cuestiones fundamentales, pertenecientes a dos registros filosóficos diferentes: i)¿Es plausible pensar lo agencial sin que esta sea propiamente un acto? y ii) ¿Cómo entender, a partir de esto, la responsabilidad agencial y moral en nuestro presente? Esta Round Table quiere contribuir al tema fundamental del congreso debatiendo en torno a la crucial importancia que tiene el concepto de agenciamiento en relación a la filosofía de la acción para para pensar nuestra actualidad.Para ello lo haremos desde tres de los aspectos fundamentales de la filosofía de la acción: la ética, la estética y la normatividad.
Gary Manuel Gómez Espinoza, Felipe Ignacio Díaz Espinoza, Rayner García Hernández, Lutz Alexander Keferstein, Amanda Rosa Perez MoralesNeri Pollastri (Italy)
ParticipantsNeri Pollastri, José Barrientos Rastrojo, Ute Gahlings
AbstractIntento di questo panel è discutere lo stato della ricerca epistemologica sulle pratiche filosofiche, con particolare riguardo alla Consulenza e al Counseling filosofici, alla luce del fatto che, pur essendo presenti in gran parte del mondo da cinquant’anni, la loro fondazione è tuttora piuttosto indefinita e assai poco condivisa, sia in ambito accademico, sia tra coloro che le esercitano. Rimanendo in tal modo prive di una risposta chiara questioni fondamentali per la loro identità (il legame con la filosofia tradizionalmente intesa, le finalità, cosa le accomuni e distingua, quali competenze siano necessarie per esercitarle) nascono confusioni e fraintendimenti che ostano al loro riconoscimento e alla loro diffusione, problema particolarmente rilevante per due tra le pratiche più diffuse, appunto la Philosophische Praxis, ideata da Gerd Achenbach nel 1981 e nota in Italia come Consulenza Filosofica, e il Counseling Filosofico, derivato dalla prima e con essa spesso confuso.
New Directions in the Philosophy of Essence, Grounding, and Modality Antonella Mallozzi (USA)
ParticipantsMichael Wallner, Sonia Roca-Royes, Anand Vaidya, Antonella Mallozzi
AbstractEssence, Ground, and Modality are at the center of many contemporary discussions in philosophy. The panel aims to discuss the latest developments in the metaphysics and epistemology of essence, grounding, and modality, as well as potential new directions, by bringing together four prominent international researchers on the topic: Roca-Royes (UK), Vaidya (USA), Wallner (Austria), and Mallozzi (USA). Specific topics include: Is modality reducible to essence? What is the epistemology of grounding? How is it different from the epistemology of essence and modality? What is the metaphysical relation between essence and grounding? What is the relation between grounding and fundamentality? Is there a proper border between essence, modality, and grounding? The topic of this panel fits the Congress' theme nicely. The issue of modal, essentialist, and grounding knowledge lies right at intersection of metaphysics and epistemology, thus pushing philosophers to reconsider traditional bound
The Logic of Boundaries and Intercultural PhilosophyFrancesca Greco (Germany)
ParticipantsRaquel Bouso, Lorenzo Marinucci, Masaru Yoneyama, Enrico Fongaro
AbstractThis roundtable aims to address two aspects of the concept of “boundary” which together form a logic for reading and acting in reality. The two aspects of such “logic of boundaries” concern the (a) negative and dynamic structure of its fundamental ontology on the one hand and the (b) concrete application or correspondence of such logic to phenomena of reality on the other. The panel presenters will address both aspects of the logic of boundaries interculturally, with a special focus in East Asian philosophi es._x000D_ After a (1) general presentation of the dynamic ontology of the logic of boundaries, that structures things and situations through their relations instead of distinguishing them into substances, the following interventions that will focus on some concrete examples of the logic of boundaries as method of investigation of actual phenomena. In the following presentations the panel contributors will focus on crossing boundaries in (2) translation (3) ecology and (4) religion.
The philosophy of exile. Exiles in Latin America. Themes and perspectives_x000D_ (Round table)_x000D_ Antolín Sánchez Cuervo (Spain)
ParticipantsLucia Maria Grazia Parente, Ambrosio Velasco Gómez, Guillermo Ferrer Ortega, Antolín Sánchez Cuervo
AbstractFirst of all, a framing of the contribution of the Spanish Republican intellectual exile of 1939 in Latin America to contemporary philosophy is proposed, under the common denominator of an awareness of the radical crisis of modern techno-scientific rationality, consummated under the effect of its own violence in inter-war Europe, and a creative search for answers in the tradition of Ibero-American humanism. To this end, the main intellectual profiles of this exile, their genealogies, their trajectories and their thematic perspectives will be outlined. The papers by Ambrosio Velasco Gómez and Antolín Sánchez Cuervo will be presented along these lines. Secondly, Guillermo Ferrer Ortega and Lucia María Grazia Parente will focus the discussion on the contributions of the philosophers of the "Madrid School", led by Ortega y Gasset and whose legacy will be developed in exile by José Gaos and María Zambrano. Special attention will be given to the work that the latter developed between Mexico,
New Directions in Religious EpistemologyStephen Grimm (USA)
ParticipantsKatherine Dormandy, Stephen Grimm, Elizabeth Jackson, Rene van Woudenberg
AbstractThis panel considers important current debates in the epistemology of religion. Paper #1: "Epistemic Blockage in Recognizing Religious Abuse" explores how an epistemology operative in many religious communities makes it easier for epistemically pernicious phenomena such as strategic ignorance, self-deception, and epistemic vice to fly under the radar. Paper #2: "Inquiry, Dogmatism, and Religious Commitment" considers whether there can be a way of legitimately closing inquiry in religious matters and reaching commitment that does not result in dogmatism. Paper #3: "Faith, Voluntary and Rational" provides a unified account of faith, on which faith is epistemically rational, voluntary, and goes beyond the evidence. Paper #4: "Conspiracy Theories and Religious Belief" considers whether a common objection to conspiracy theories--that they insulate themselves from criticism--can legitimately be applied to religious belief.
Leibniz’s thought across and beyond bordersEnrico Pasini (Italy)
ParticipantsTahar ben Guiza, Concha Roldán, Juan Antonio Nicolás, Lena Kreymann, Wenchao Li (李文潮), Luca Basso, Margherita Palumbo, Enrico Pasini
AbstractProposers: 1.Gottfried-Wilhelm-Leibniz-Gesellschaft (the principal scholarly society devoted to Leibniz’s work and thought, and a FISP member); 2. Sodalitas Leibnitiana (the Italian society for Leibniz studies); 3.CNR-ILIESI (the Institute for Learned Terminology and the History of Ideas of the Italian Research Council). Short presentation:The panel will consider the relation between Leibniz’s philosophical perspectives and the ‘across-borders’ dimension of philosophy that the Congress theme proposes. Who among the philosophers can better embody the overcoming of borders? Leibniz is the first philosopher with a global outlook. Can his thought confront, and be confronted with, the borderless challenges of our time?
Philosophies of Posthuman Education: Critical Theories, Creative Practices Stefano Rozzoni (Italy)
ParticipantsFrancesca Ferrando, Myriam Hernandez Dominguez, Shabnam Naderi, Asha Mukherjee, Joanna Pascoe, Orsola Rignani, Stefano Rozzoni
AbstractPosthumanism has emerged as a productive philosophical lens for challenging entrenched paradigms in dominant cultural frameworks in an array of processes, including education, which is here conceived of as a lifelong, boundary-breaking endeavor for self-empowerment in relation to both humans and nonhumans. How does posthumanism allow for a critical discussion on education, paving the way for new paths in understanding, shaping, and disseminating content and practices in response to hegemonic, exclusivist, and discriminatory perspectives inherited from Humanistic and anthropocentric traditions? This panel addresses this inquiry by fostering a multilogue across various philosophical domains, including Critical Posthumanism, New Materialism, and Posthuman Feminism, to present alternative reconfigurations of human and nonhuman subjectivities and relationalities.
African Phenomenology Abraham Olivier (Sud Africa)
ParticipantsM. John Lamola, Justin Sands, Uchenna Okeja, Alena Retovva, Albert Kasanda, Abraham Olivier
AbstractAfrican Phenomenology is an emerging subfield within the broader domain of phenomenology, African philosophy and Africana philosophy. The term “African phenomenology” is not used as widely, or intro-duced as systematically, as Africana phenomenology. Only recently, the first systematic introductory book on African phenomenology has been published by Olivier, Lamola and Sands under the title Phe-nomenology in an African Context (SUNY PRESS 2023). The aim of this book is to explore thematic con-tributions to and challenges in African phenomenology. Contributors to this volume include some of the most eminent scholars of African Phenomenology, namely Paulin Hountondji, Tsenay Serequeber-han, Achille Mbembe, Mabogo More, M. John Lamola and Lewis Gordon. The purpose of this panel is to have selected participants presenting on this project.
Hermeneutics of Animal MindsAndrés Crelier (Argentina)
ParticipantsGiacomo Melis, Andrés Crelier, Ángel García Rodríguez
AbstractThe round table engages in discussions concerning the interpretation of animal minds within the context of contemporary analytical approaches. Angel García Rodríguez addresses hermeneutic challenges concerning the way we gain access to animal minds. He make a preliminary defence of the view of mental states as expressive abilities, and argues that our access to animals’ minds is a matter of direct perception. Andrés Crelier explores the instrumentalist viewpoint toward non-human mind and action that has been advanced in the analytic tradition. He argues that if this viewpoint assumes a realist stance toward human agency, it should consistently adopt this stance toward animal action. Finally, Giacomo Melis takes into account recent epistemological research according to which one can form a rational belief without being in the position to individuate and assess the evidence in its support. His contention is that the roots of epistemic rationality lie in unreflective responsiveness.
Somaesthetics. Perspectives and DevelopmentsElena Romagnoli (Italy)
ParticipantsYanping Gao, Falk Heinrich, Nóra Horvath, Nicola Ramazzotto, Richard Shusterman, Elena Romagnoli
AbstractThe purpose of this panel is to show the relevance of somaesthetics in the contemporary philosophical landscape and to outline some possible future developments. Somaesthetics is characterized by its capacity for dialogue with heterogeneous currents and authors, as well as by intersections with interdisciplinary concepts and lines of research. Its relevance to contemporary philosophy and aesthetics, then, lies primarily in its ability to bring different traditions into dialogue, as evidenced by the interest it has generated in different parts of the world. Another aspect of the relevance of somaesthetics today is its re-evaluation of the body. This involves rediscovering its cognitive and perceptual aspects and exploring its broader existential and experiential dimensions. Starting from this common background, the speakers’ presentations will attempt to trace original perspectives and outline new developments in somaesthetics.
Enlightenment or/and coloniality? Rethinking European modernity in a global contextHans Schelkshorn (Austria)
ParticipantsHans-Herbert Kögler, Matthias Kettner, Eduardo Mendieta, Hans Schelkshorn
AbstractDecolonial thinking has developed a radical critique of European modernity. As Latin American philosophies emphasized, modernity could not be separated from colonialism or coloniality (Qujano, Mignolo). In the concept of "transmodernity" Dussel demanded an amplified rationality which makes room for the reason of other cultures. At the same time the vision of transmodernity should subsume the emancipatory tendencies of European Enligthenment avoiding the simple antimodernism propagated by fascists or populist ideologies. This raises the question of whether, and if so how, a concept of Enlightenment can be developed that takes the critique of decolonial thinking seriously and at the same time opens up possibilities for a self-critical continuation of the Enlightenment project. This project requires a critical hermeneutics that include both historical and systematic studies of the relationship between reason and coloniality in global modernity.
Social Hinge EpistemologyAnnalisa Coliva (USA)
ParticipantsAnnalisa Coliva, Daniele Moyal-Sharrock, Chris Ranalli, Constantine Sandis, Anna Pederneschi
Abstract The rapidly expanding trend of ‘hinge epistemology’, spurred by a historical and theoretical interest in Ludwig Wittgenstein’s last masterpiece, On Certainty, has lately moved from issues in general epistemology, such as the nature and structure of knowledge and justification, external world skepticism and epistemic relativism, to issues in social philosophy broadly construed, including disagreement (both in general and in specific areas of discourse, such as morals and values), testimony and trust, also in connection with the raise of AI and big data, feminist epistemology, including transgender philosophy, and conspiracy theories. The panel will consist of papers which testify to the variety of themes in social epistemology on which the hinge epistemology framework may be profitably brought to bear. It comprises prominent contributors to present-day hinge epistemology, as well as an earlier career scholar.
Ancient Greek and Chinese Philosophy Comparative ApproachesChloe Balla (Greece)
ParticipantsLea Cantor, Matt Walker, James Zainaldin, Nikolina Kamzola, Wenzhen Jim
AbstractRanging from ontology to politics and ethics, the papers of the proposed panel will show how the comparative approach to ancient Greek and Chinese philosophy sheds new light on both traditions. The round table is organised within the framework of activities of KELKIP (Centre for the Study of Ancient Greek and Chinese Civilisations) and will be moderated by Stelios Virvidakis (U of Athens) and Chloe Balla (U of Crete)
Uttering the One: A Platonic and Zhuangzian argument against monism? (Cantor)
Socrates and Confucius on Sharing in Government (Walker)
The Meaning of Grief in the Greco-Roman and Chinese Philosophical Traditions (Zainaldin)
Aristotle and Han Fei (韩非), on Dialectical Argument and Persuasion (Jin & Kamzola)
Democracy and Citizenship: Kantian and Post-kantian PerspectivesRoberta Picardi (Italy)
ParticipantsRoberta Picardi, Carola Freiin von Villez, Mike Gregory, Alessandro Pinzani, Reinhardt Karoline, Angela Taraborrelli, Luigi Caranti
AbstractThis roundtable aims to discuss Kant’s views of democracy and citizenship, in order to unpack the whole theoretical lesson one can learn from Kant in relation to both concepts, evidently crucial for contemporary political theory. On one hand, the panel contributors will focus on Kant’s changing attitude toward democracy, moving from the belief that a proper understanding of this issue can advance today’s burgeoning debate on democracy, with its alleged ‘remedies’ -- participatory, deliberative, reflective – to its populist degeneration. On the other hand, within the roundtable the alleged “paradoxes” of Kant’s accounts of citizenship will be examined in an innovative perspective, by especially focusing on the promising perspectives on the integration of migrants and on the normative criteria for grating them citizenship which can be opened by Kant’s notion of cosmopolitan right, properly reconsidered against the Kantian and post-Kantian views of democracy.
Processual Thought in Chinese PhilosophyShuchen Xiang (China)
ParticipantsJessica Zu, Katka Gajdosova, Jacob Bender
AbstractThis panel illustrate how Chinese philosophical traditions present us with a compelling alternative view of personhood, compassion, and society. Xiang juxtaposes the Chinese relational view of personhood, operating under an organic framework, with the Greek, mechanistic worldview, indebted to the metaphysics of substance and teleology. Gajdošová examines the philosophical texts from the Warring States periods (c. 260 BCE). She contrasts a subject who emerges from the network of interrelated processes of mutual agency with the subject as a pivotal ontological category informed by substance metaphysics. For Bender, Chan Buddhists can unconditionally justify compassion. Compassion is not merely a “conditioned” form of conduct but is always also participating in the unconditional structure of existence. Zu shows how Buddhist karmic theory can and have been reinvented as processual social philosophy to theorize persons and institutions as recurring, motivated patterns of actions and co-acti
Obstacles to Rational Persuasion and the Limits of Logos: Socratic and Platonic PerspectivesNicholas Smith (USA)
ParticipantsIrina Deretic, Carolina Araujo, Francisco Gonzales, Nicholas Smith
AbstractSocrates’ interlocutors are often depicted as suffering from some condition that seems to occlude their ability to reason calmly. Plato’s Crito, for example, struggles with anticipatory shame and grief. Socrates needs to him that “I am always the kind of man who listens only to reason (logos) that appears best to me when I reason (logizomenō) about it” (Crito 46b4-6). Callicles, Thrasymachus, and Socrates’ jurors all respond to Socrates’ reasoning with hostility. Socrates himself appears to abandon rational discourse in favor of other modes of persuasion, including the invention of myths, or what appear to be tactics more like shaming or bullying his interlocutors (and are regarded as such by those subjected to them). In other ancient depictions, it is not only Socrates' interlocutors who begin to resist reason. In the proposed panel, we propose to look carefully at a number of representations of Socrates in which he seems to recognize the limits of logos in philosophical discussion
La solidaridad en crisisAngel Puyol (Spain)
ParticipantsDaniel Gamper, Oriol Farrés, Emanuele Profumi, Asger Sorensen, Angel Puyol
AbstractProponemos una mesa redonda para discutir la transformación del concepto ético y político de solidaridad en las sociedades contemporáneas. La solidaridad es un valor en alza que contribuye a paliar los peores efectos de las sociedades individualistas, mercantilistas y excluyentes, pero esas mismas sociedades están erosionando el valor y el significado de la propia idea de solidaridad. Queremos repensar el concepto de solidaridad y comprobar si este puede y de qué modo contribuir a superar dos problemas de las democracias y las teorías contemporáneas de la justicia, a saber, a) las enormes desigualdades sociales y económicas compatibles con una concepción de la justicia basada en la responsabilidad individual, y b) la ausencia de razones para que unos individuos atiendan las necesidades básicas de otros, dentro y fuera de las fronteras. Nos interesa especialmente la aplicación de la idea de solidaridad al ámbito de la bioética, el estado del bienestar y las relaciones internacionales.
Metaphysics from the Perspective of World PhilosophyZhenhua Yu (China)
ParticipantsJean Michel Roy, Alexus McLeod, Robin Wang, Paul D’Ambrosio, Guorong Yang
AbstractThis roundtable proposes to discuss metaphysics from the perspective of world philosophy.
Speakers will draw on a number of philosophical traditions to reflect on contemporary issues, showing both how they include metaphysical assumptions, and how these assumptions might be developed further from the perspective of world philosophy. These discussions will not be limited to any particular historical perspective, nor will they rely exclusively on one tradition. As a discussion of “world philosophy” papers in this roundtable will draw on historical resources from various cultures, overcoming any specific tradition or culture, and weaving several together.
Oltre l'intersoggettività. Forme della pace in Edith SteinPatrizia Manganaro (Italy)
ParticipantsAngela Ales Bello, Irene Kajon, Dermot Moran, Maija Küle, Marcio Luiz Fernandes, Anna Maria Pezzella, Patrizia Manganaro
AbstractAgli albori della storia dell'umanità c'è un fratricidio. Caino sopprime Abele perché gli impedisce di essere l'unico. Abele è la prova vivente che Caino non ha l'esclusiva della figliolanza: non è l'unico figlio, né il figlio unico. Chi è l'altro, una minaccia o una risorsa? Il diverso, lo straniero, il nemico, l'avversario, l'invasore, l'intruso, oppure il simile, l'ospite, l'amico, il volto, un io non anonimo, portatore di un nome proprio? Quando l'altro diviene il prossimo, il fratello, la sorella? La formazione di E. Stein si inscrive nella fenomenologia, una scuola di pensiero che si distingue per l'elaborazione del tema dell'alterità. Attraverso l'analisi degli atti intenzionali etero-centrati, Stein scava ulteriormente sul senso dell'alterità, giungendo all'idea e alla pratica dell'essere-per-l'altro, cioè della pace, attraverso l'esercizio non auto-referenziale della ragione. La Tavola rotonda mette a tema le idee di "fratellanza" e "comunità", forme della pace che...

Humanism, Truth, Responsibility: Thinking Between Western Europe and Russia
Julia Sushytska (USA)
ParticipantsMiglena Nikolchina, Natalie Nenadic, Vladimer Luarsabishvili, Elisa Pontini, Julia Sushytska
AbstractPhilosophers from in-between Western Europe and the Russian/Soviet Empires make a significant contribution at this historical moment when many of philosophy’s concepts and strategies have been appropriated by authoritarian powers, and threaten to undermine democratic values and institutions. Thinkers of and about Eastern and East Central Europe developed an epistemological vantage point, from which they insisted that the search for truth is meaningful, even if this truth can never be attained. They also emphasized that the most dangerous catastrophe lying in wait for us is the danger of not being human. This panel will amplify the voices of thinkers who, held in high esteem in Eastern Europe, have been nearly inaudible in Western Europe and the United States, especially in academic philosophy. The contribution of such thinkers as Jan Patočka or Merab Mamardashvili deserves attention today when the questions of truth, responsibility, and humanism have reemerged as singularly important.
"Conflict, Dialogue, and Reconciliation in Korean Philosophy"- In partnership with the North American Korean Philosophy Association [NAKPA]Jin Y Park (USA)
ParticipantsMarion Eggert, Heiner Roetz, Woo Sung Huh, Jin Y Park
AbstractWe live in a world that is increasingly polarized, in relation to power, wealth, views of reproductive rights, gender identity, national identity, and so on. That is the case in many parts of the world. In this more polarized world, the center is getting smaller and more powerful and the margin is larger and struggles for survival. Will the margin in this bipolar world merely be subject to the mercy of the center, or can we reconfigure marginality so that changes can occur? What tools do we have, as humanities scholars or everyday citizens, to reconcile conflicts, heal trauma, and facilitate coexistence? This round table explores this topic considering the nature of conflict and how to facilitate dialogue and reconciliation. Participants look into Korean philosophy both in the pre-modern and modern periods, investigate Korean philosophers’ proposals of reconciliation, and examine a possibility of practicing those ideas in today’s world.
The Concept of Race in Biology and Medicine: Philosophical and Social AspectsLudovica Lorusso (Italy)
ParticipantsKelly Happe, Jonathan Kaplan, Joanna Malinowska, Phila Msimang, Davide Serpico, Charles Roseman, Ludovica Lorusso.
AbstractIn this panel we explore different philosophical aspects of the concepts of race in biology and medicine. We discuss epistemological, social and ethical issues regarding the use of race concepts in biomedical research and clinical practice in order to understand whether there may exist some ethically and epistemologically justified ways of using one or more race concepts in science or, instead, any use of race must be avoided because it just fuels racism in our societies.
Philosophy of Childhood: Existence, Meaning, IdentityLuca Zanetti (Italy)
ParticipantsSilvia Demozzi, Dina Mendonça, Stefano Oliverio, Walter Kohan, Marina Santi, Giuseppe Annacontini, Emanuela Mancino, Daniele Bruzzone, Maurizio Fabbri, Luca Zanetti
AbstractAccording to a great variety of thinkers, the human conditions is fundamentally characterized by a strive for meaning. This search comes in different forms: it is a search for answers to philosophical and existential questions, a search for the construction of one’s own identity, and a search for satisfaction and the avoidance of sufferance. The aim of this panel is to explore the connection between childhood and the multifaceted aspects of the search for meaning. Contributors to the panel will cover a variety of interconnected topics, such as: the role of emotions in children’s search for meaning; the role of philosophical practices in supporting and shaping children’s search for meaning; different conceptions of meaning and childhood, and how they relate; how the search for meaning relate to identity construction; the role of existential questions in education.
“ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE” or “INTELLIGENT ARTIFICE”? (AI or IA?). A critical approach to the concept of “artificial intelligence”Pablo López López (Spain)
ParticipantsKiyokazu Nakatomi, Eduardo Bermúdez Barrera, Mohamed Djedidi, Joseph C. A. Agbakoba, Mathew Varghesem
AbstractThis round table is not intended as a mere Ethics of the so-called “artificial intelligence”. There is already a thematic section on this regard in our World Congress. And those ethical issues are the most commonly addressed.
We aim at developing a complete Philosophy about this new technology. We need a panoramic Philosophy on this wide and multifaceted artificial reality. It also requires ontological, epistemological and anthropological reflections.
Thus, a set of key questions arises. What does it “artificial” and “intelligence” mean?. Does it exist, or could it eventually exist, an authentic substance which is really intelligent by itself on this earth, other than human beings?. With the ideological and commercial name “artificial intelligence” are we not confusing an effect with a cause, an engine with its engineer?. Could this anthropomorphic misconception be motivated by the ancient desire of becoming divine creators, artificial gods?
Intercultural dialogue in a multipolar world: challenges and possibilities Edward Demenchonok (USA)
ParticipantsEdward Demenchonok, William McBride, Fred Dallmayr, Alexander Chumakov, Jovino Pizzi, Lutz Keferstein
AbstractThe theme of WCP, Philosophy across Boundaries, will be articulated from the perspectives of intercultural philosophy and cross-cultural political theory. The struggle for political, economic, and cultural sovereignty is at the forefront of the emerging multipolar world order. But some politicians overemphasize cultural diversity to steer extreme nationalism and conflicts. Thus, it is necessary in cultural theory and practice to combine the national-specific with the universal and national identity with openness to the “other” and to humanity. It is crucial to build bridges of mutual understanding through dialogue and to develop dialogical relationships as equals within society and among nations. Intercultural dialogue should have inter-philosophical global dialogue as its epistemological and ontological foundation and help foster politics of collaborative relationships among nations, ultimately aiming for a solution to global problems and a world order of justice and peace.
Contemporary female fhilosophers: justice, rights and feminism.Lourdes Reyes Manuel (Spein)
ParticipantsLuis Aarón González Hernández, Miguel Mandujano Estrada, Rafael Moreno Gutiérrez, Zenaida Yanes Abreu, Carmen Ofelia Martín Lorenzo, Lourdes Reyes Manuel
AbstractThe Round Table aims to take a journey through the thinking of various contemporary female philoso-phers. The feminist movement has also imposed a new imperative on philosophy, which is to problema-tize the canonical history of philosophy and, even more so, the way of doing philosophy in the present, without neglecting what was neglected, while resisting oppression and violence. We will address the think-ing of several authors (Simone Weil, Hannah Arendt, bell hooks, Vandana Shiva, Miranda Fricker, Marcela Lagarde), all singular and forward-thinking voices, which advocate for the creation of new shared realities, starting with a philosophy that is inhabitable for everyone. In this way, our Round Table seeks to recognize the imprint of female philosophers' thinking on the history of philosophy and reflect on the solutions these female philosophers propose to some of the main ethical and sociopolitical problems of our time.
East-West and Indigenous Dialogue on Philosophy’s Vocation, Social Innovation, and TechnologyJoseph Pratt (USA)
ParticipantsRiccardo Pozzo, Xia Chen, Natalie Nenadic, Jake Hook, Annika Chen, Joseph Pratt
AbstractAncient philosophical traditions share core insights and wisdom, even as they are articulated in the specificity and richness of their respective cultures. This convergence centers on a holistic worldview. The human being is inextricably connected with others and the environment. From this multifaceted attentiveness to our worldly existence, we are more inclined to find ourselves in circumstances that compel us to reflect on meaning and purpose in our lives. For the philosopher, this attentiveness may open a new horizon on how we understand contemporary life. Our panel places Western, Daoist, and Native American traditions in dialogue on a range of topics: convergence between Daoism and hermeneutical phenomenology on philosophy’s vocation; Native American alternatives to modern technology’s framing of the natural environment; Daoist approaches to meritocratic and democratic governance and to practical matters such as the infrastructures of modern education, healthcare, and urban life.
Philosophy: A Pluralistic ConceptionYong Li (China)
ParticipantsGenyou Wu, Cancan Liao, Monika Kirloskar-Steinbach, Michael Beaney, Van Norden Bryan, Jingyi Jenny Zhao, Yong Li
AbstractPhilosophy has been understood as Eurocentric for a long time. Western philosophy tradition can be traced back to ancient Greek philosophy. It went through scholasticism, modern philosophy, and contemporary development. Many philosophy departments in the US, Canada, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and other developed countries have arranged their teachings and researches based on this mainstream understanding of philosophy. This understanding of philosophy has also had long-lasting impacts over non-Western countries. Philosophers from the Western tradition tend to treat the philosophical ideas in the non-Western countries as cultural, religious, or sociological, rather than philosophical. However, more and more contemporary scholars in the Western philosophical tradition recognize the Eurocentric nature of this conception of philosophy. They argue that we should have a pluralistic understanding of philosophy.
Boundaries of Philosophy: Reflections on Pluralism in the Practice and Methodology of Comparative PhilosophySteven Burik (Singapore)
ParticipantsRalph Weber, Geir Sigurdsson, Elisa Freschi, Steven Burik
AbstractComparative philosophy is both a source breaking the traditional boundaries of what counts as philosophy, as well as itself a source of thinking about these boundaries. The cultural and intellectual damage associated with the exclusion of comparative and non-Western philosophy from mainstream philosophy has been well documented, as has resistance to the inclusion of non-Western philosophy. A recently published volume, Comparative Philosophy and Method: Contemporary Practices and Future Possibilities (Bloomsbury, 2022), relevant to the theme of this conference, highlights not only the issues associated with historical uses and abuses of the demarcations and validity of comparative philosophy but also some productive methodological pathways for addressing them moving forward. We are proposing a panel to discuss some of the suggestions as well as some of the unresolved questions laid out in this volume, on the belief that questions of method are directly related to the theme of the conference.
Celebrating the Centenary of Daya Krishna: Demand of Values, Contrary Thinking, and Global PhilosophyRaquel Ferrández (Spain)
ParticipantsAsha Mukherjee, Anand Vaidya, Purushottama Bilimoria, Raquel Ferrández
AbstractDaya Krishna (1924-2007) was one of the most creative, polemic, and prolific thinkers of the 20th century. He worked intensely to undo the stereotypes commonly attributed to Indian philosophy, challenging views that sought to reduce millennia of intellectual debate to merely religious, practical, and spiritual parameters. A forerunner of global philosophy, Daya Krishna belongs to that generation of twentieth-century Indian thinkers who undermined the foundations of epistemic provincialism through writings that draw on multiple sources of knowledge to think about problems challenging us in the present, questioning the very nature of philosophy. The year 2024 marks the centenary of his birth, and the aim of this panel is to celebrate it philosophically.
The Vital Continuum: Posthuman Explorations of Mineral/Plant/Animal/Human/Machinic Connections, Vibrations, and EntanglementsVictor Krebs (Peru)
ParticipantsLorena Rojas Parma, Daniel Esparza, Kerstin Borchhardt, Humberto Valdivieso, Jelson Olivera, Maria Di Muro, Juan García Hernández
AbstractThe traditional perception of matter as passive, inert, or inanimate, or the notion of a hierarchical chain of being (minerals at the bottom and humans at the top) is undergoing significant revision or deconstruction. The invention of artificial intelligence machines extending our ontology reconceives matter as intelligent, autonomous, self-regulating, and intricately linked with quantum processes. A wholly new topography of being arises, where the boundaries even between life and death become fluid, and difference becomes more important than sameness. The categories imposed since Aristotle are being changed by new discoveries and ways of looking at the world. If we think of the rails along which our knowledge runs as the banks of a river that shift and turn as history shifts and turns, the purpose of this panel is to explore the ways in which that river is shifting its banks and opening access to what may be conceived as an underlying vital flow.
Environmental Ethics and VulnerabilityLaura Langone (Italy)
ParticipantsVanessa Lemm, Rebecca Bamford, Claudia Navarini, Leopoldo Sandonà
AbstractThis panel will delve into the intersection of environmental ethics and vulnerability within Western philosophy. By engaging with the core issues of environmental ethics and connecting them with global bioethics, the panel aims to highlight the potentiality of the vulnerability category for environmental ethics. The discussion recognizes that human egoism has brought the world to the brink of environmental catastrophe. To address the current environmental crisis, a fundamental shift in our approach is necessary. This shift involves cultivating a new self that can care for both fellow humans and nature as a whole. The category of vulnerability is presented as a key element in transcending the view of a self-referential modern subjectivity in favor of a fully relational conception of subjectivity.
Problemas y perspectivas actuales en filosofía de la tecnologíaDiego Lawler (Argentina)
ParticipantsJorge Enrique Linares Salgado, Diana Pérez, Karina Pedace, Tomás Balmaceda, Jesus Vega Encabo, Rossano Pecoraro, Eladio Craia, Jelson Olivera, Diego Parente, Gregori De Souza, Joaquin Mutchinik, Helder Buenos Aires de Carvalho, Diego Lawler, Miguel Bugalski
AbstractDado el papel de la tecnología en la reproducción de la vida social así como en la estructuración de las subjetividades actuales, la reflexión filosófica sobre el fenómeno tecnológico se ha vuelto no solo un área muy relevante del trabajo filosófico actual sino también un asunto urgente para las sociedades contemporáneas. En esta mesa redonda, diferentes filósofas y filósofos del ámbito iberoamericano expondrán sobre problemas y perspectivas actuales en filosofía de la tecnología a través del tratamiento de problemas que involucran aspectos antropológicos, ontológicos, epistemológicos, axiológicos y políticos de la tecnología.
Oltre i confini delle discipline. Il ruolo della filosofia nel rapporto con le scienze nelle diverse epoche e tradizioniGiulia Lombardi (Italy)
ParticipantsLuisa Damiano, Johnson Uchenna Ozioko, Lorella Congiunti, Maria Eugenia Beroch, Rodolfo Papa, Giulia Lombardi
AbstractLa tavola rotonda intende affrontare autori di diverse epoche e tradizioni, accomunati dal tentativo di offrire una riflessione sullo sviluppo storico della filosofia, in quanto disciplina capace di svolgere un ruolo ordinatore nel mondo del sapere. In modo particolare si intende rintracciare i nessi che si istituiscono tra la filosofia e le scienze. Questo consente anche di definire la stessa identità della filosofia, in autori di epoche diverse: dalla filosofia antica fino alla contemporanea.
Crossing the boundaries of dualism with the Eco-Phenomenology of Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (1923-2014). Marking 101 years from her birth and 10 years from her deathDaniela Verducci (Italy)
ParticipantsAngela Ales Bello, Ella Buceniece, Mamuka Dolidze, Maija Kule, Maris Kulis, Roberto Marchesini, Bence Péter Marosán, Francesco Totaro, Velga Vevere, Daniela Verducci, Giulio Lo Bello
AbstractThe conjunction of the 25th World Philosophy Congress and the anniversaries of the phenomenologist A.-T. Tymieniecka has prompted the friends of the World Phenomenology Institute to celebrate her person and her work. This seemed appropriate since Tymieniecka’s fundamental discovery of the onto-poietic logos of life makes it possible to overcome the most penalizing limit that Modernity has imposed on us: the dualistic and oppositional mentality. Tymieniecka’s discovery, announced at the 1998 WCP in Boston, resulted from her pioneering insights on the phenomenology of life, and showed the realistic possibility of overcoming the Cartesian dualistic ontology, which makes res cogitans and res extensa so much incommunicable as to significantly block the path to the holistic ecology we aspire today. Through the ontopoietic logos we enter the self-individualizing evolution inherent in the vitality of be-ing and access an eco-phenomenology beyond the limits of the dualistic-oppositional mindset
Philosophy and Responding to Authoritarianism Across BoundariesNatalie Nenadic (USA)
ParticipantsAndrea Colombo, Julia Sushytska, Andy Marquis, Natalie Nenadic
AbstractFrom the January 6 attempted coup in the U.S. to the rise of “strongman” leaders in Europe and beyond, we have witnessed transformations on a global scale relating to a rise in authoritarianism that is destabilizing democracies, including to the point of war. This development is eroding the pluralism at the foundation of democracy, preserved by the rule of law and by checks and balances. We draw on insights from the history of philosophy, such as Hannah Arendt’s analyses of authoritarianism, and from interdisciplinary findings to proffer new understanding about sources of these developments that contributes to public discourse on constructive practical responses to reassert that pluralism. We address the role of features of the modern human condition and other factors: increased isolation, loneliness, and alienation; social media technology; misinformation, disinformation, and propaganda; authoritarian personality and other insights from psychopathology; and contextual history.
Imagination and Sense Perception in Medieval Philosophy (organized by Cetefil/Centro Centro Interateneo per l’edizione di testi filosofici medievali e rinascimentali)Alessandro Palazzo (Italy)
ParticipantsJosé Filipe Silva, Elisa Rubino, Amalia Cerrito, Stefano Pelizzari, Giulio Navarra, Marilena Panarelli, Fabio Bulgarini, Lars Reuke
AbstractThere is an extensive literature on the role of imagination and sense perception in medieval accounts of knowledge and scientific learning. Other studies on important cultural phenomena of the Middle Ages (mysticism, scriptural exegesis, prophetism, mythography, etc.), dealing with images, metaphors, dreams, visions, etc., have improved our knowledge of how medieval scholars explained the workings of the external and internal senses. Building on this scholarship, the roundtable aims to investigate the complexity of medieval discourses on imagination and perception, offering new perspectives on a range of issues: e.g., the role of imagination in the thought of Augustine and how it relates with his active account of perception; the intertwining of imagination and perception in visions (with regard to Dante's Vita Nova and its relationship to 14th-century medical treatises); the specific features of nonhuman knowledge; the use of mythical imagery in scientific and philosophical writings.
The Political Philosophy of the ZhuangziPeng Yu (USA)
ParticipantsDorothy Kwek, Peng Yu, Tao Jiang
AbstractThis panel examines the political philosophy of the canonic Daoist work, the Zhuangzi. While often regarded as apolitical or anti-politics, the Zhuangzi is actually deeply political. The panel comprises papers motivated by diverse political readings of the Zhuangzi. Kwek’s reading of the Zhuangzi presents an alternative way to understand human vulnerability situated within nonhuman worlds via questions of political subjectivation and recognition. Jiang examines politics in the negative negative sense of the term in the Zhuangzi and argues that the Zhuangzist negative politics is based on personalist domain within a moral/political world and is vital to individual freedom. Yu offers an anarchist reading of the Zhuangzi by underscoring what he terms “the ethics of failure” at the heart of the Zhuangzi’s celebration of the useless in defiance of authority.
Demarcation, Pseudoscience and the problem of DisinformationCarlo Martini (Italy)
ParticipantsFabio Paglieri, Massimo Pigliucci, Maarten Boudry, Carlo Martini
AbstractThe demarcation between science and pseudoscience is a perennial challenge, exacerbated by the rampant spread of disinformation. At its core, science relies on empirical evidence, testable hypotheses, and replicable methodology to uncover information about the world. Pseudoscience, on the other hand, often lacks empirical support and adheres to flawed methodologies. Disinformation compounds this issue by blurring the lines between legitimate scientific inquiry and pseudoscientific claims. In an era of rapid information dissemination through social media and online platforms, misleading narratives can gain traction, sowing confusion among the public. The problem of disinformation has been at the center of much philosophical inquiry, but some philosophers, notably Larry Laudan, have dismissed it as a false problem for philosophical inquiry. In this panel, we will debate the current state of the art and open issues regarding the problem of demarcation.
Marginalisation, Exclusion, and Invalidation of Knowledge. Issues in Political EpistemologyMareike Kajewski (Germany)
ParticipantsAbosede Ipadeola, Gerald Posselt, Sergej Seitz, Moira Perez, Lars Leeten, Mareike Kajewski
AbstractTruth and knowledge are deeply dependent on recognition, and epistemic discourse is inevitably involved in a struggle for recognition. This struggle, in turn, is inevitably a political struggle: although knowledge certainly cannot be reduced to power, the production of knowledge is deeply influenced by power structures. Recent discussions around ‘epistemic injustice’ and ‘epistemic violence’ reminded us of the many forms how knowledge is suppressed: different voices carry different weight, some voices are silenced, and knowledge once recognized can be invalidated. This round table revolves around the different forms of suppression of knowledge: under the heading ‘Marginalisation, Exclusion, and Invalidation of Knowledge’ we will discuss how interpretations of the world can be rejected as ‘mere interpretations’, not for epistemic reasons but because of power structures. There is an inherent political dimension to epistemology that still needs to be thoroughly explored.
Critical Naturalism in Social Philosophy - A panel on the "Critical Naturalism Manifesto"Italo Testa (Italy)
ParticipantsItalo Testa, Federica Gregoratto, Arto Laitine, Heikki Hikaeheimo, Sofia Francesca Alexandratos
AbstractIn the panel, we will discuss some aspects of historical crises and catastrophes that Critical Naturalism seeks to respond to, consider the prejudices against naturalism in contemporary critical thought, and consider alternative answers to these questions. We'll try to anchor Critical Naturalism in the history of materialism and Critical Theory, but expanded and enriched by other approaches to social critique.
Explanation Across Boundaries: Explanatory Integration in Science and PhilosophyStavros Ioannidis (Greece)
ParticipantsStavros Ioannidis, Violetta Manola, Vanessa Seifert, Lisa Zorzato, Alexios Stamatiadis-Bréhier
AbstractThe roundtable focuses on explanatory integration in science and philosophy, addressing the plurality of approaches within science and the criticisms of explanatory reductionism. The discussion explores the synthesis of distinct perspectives to explain complex phenomena and emphasizes the underexplored concept of explanatory integration. The aim is to examine examples of integration in biology and cognitive science, highlighting cases where philosophical and scientific approaches can complement each other, particularly in chemistry and physics. The roundtable seeks to provide a fresh perspective on the epistemology and metaphysics of integration to counteract the perceived fragmentation of scientific knowledge.
Well-being and the SelfTeresa Bruno Niño (Mexico)
ParticipantsAntti Kauppinen, Julien Bugnon, Lorenza D'Angelo, Teresa Bruno Niño
AbstractThis panel investigates the relationship between well-being and the self. We focus on the subject-relative nature of welfare value, namely the idea that, differently from other kinds of value, welfare must involve and suit its subject. Antti Kauppinen critically analyzes the currently dominant way of conceiving of the self's involvement in terms of endorsement, and he proposes an alternative. Julien Bugnon defends the idea that any satisfactory account must include an appeal to the subject's consciousness. Lorenza D'Angelo argues that consciousness alone is not sufficient. Teresa Bruno Niño discusses how grief, although painful, can be valuable for self-discovery.
Paul Ricœur in DialogueJeronimo Ayesta (Spain)
ParticipantsGiovanni Pietro Basile, Jeffrey Bloechl, Brian Gregor, Jeronimo Ayesta
AbstractThe roundtable explores Paul Ricœur's methodology, emphasizing his engagement in dialogue with various philosophical traditions through hermeneutic readings. Ricœur's contributions to the history of philosophy are inseparable from this engagement. The discussion focuses on four perspectives: 1) Dialogue with Augustine, leading to the development of narrative philosophy and the triple mimesis in Time and Narrative. 2) Dialogue with Jaspers' philosophy of existence, contributing to the formation of Ricœur's hermeneutics. 3) Dialogue with Lévinas, influencing adjustments to the Spinozistic ontology of co-natus essendi. 4) Dialogue with Protestant Theology of the Word, particularly with Dietrich Bonhoeffer, shaping Ricœur's approach to Scriptural Hermeneutics.
Beyond History—Envisioning the future of a healthy planet. What are the conceptual tectonics for global relations among peoples?Jean Campbell (USA)
ParticipantsColumbus Ogbujah, Victor Krebs, Martha Beck, Jean Campbell
AbstractThe roundtable explores the conceptual foundations for global relations among peoples, envisioning a future for a healthy planet. Drawing wisdom from ancient (Socrates, etc.) and modern (Kant, Russell, etc.) thinkers, as well as contemporary research (Putnam, Snyder, etc.), the discussion addresses the challenges posed by centralized control through advanced technologies. Incremental knowledge and immediate faith are considered, exploring ways to cultivate humility, mutual respect, and coordinated efforts to replace violence with cooperation. Imperatives of liberty and cooperation are emphasized to counteract material and intellectual control in education, satisfaction of needs, and spiritual life.
Blumenbach’s Racial Classification: Deconstructing the Timeless Call for Human DifferentiationVictoria Shmidt (Austria)
ParticipantsChristopher Donohue, Katrin Kremmler, Victoria Shmidt, Simone De Angelis
AbstractThis interdisciplinary panel critically examines the enduring impact of Blumenbach’s racial classification from the 19th century to the present, exploring the reproduction, interpretation, and appropriation of these ideas. Utilizing various philosophical frameworks, the panel aims to unravel the malleability and pervasiveness of racial classification methodologies across biomedical sciences, natural sciences, and humanities. Emphasizing the intersectionality of racial science concerning gender, disability, place, and power, the contributors analyze the forces that have embedded racial classification in diverse knowledge domains, from medical literature and human genetics to art and literature performances.
Posthuman Books - Publications in the Philosophies of the PosthumanMyriam Hernández Domínguez (Spain)
ParticipantsRussell Kilbourn, Orsola Rignani, Peggy Karpouzou, Nikoleta Zampaki, Roberto Marchesini, Francesca Ferrando, Myriam Hernández Domínguez, Angela Balzano
AbstractThis panel aims to share, disseminate, and discuss the latest publications in posthumanist philosophy. Participants will present books released in the last five years, highlighting the latest developments and trends in this philosophical movement. The panel focuses on the essential tool of books, featuring distinguished philosophers and novice researchers. Topics include reflections on viruses, analyses from literature on symbiotic posthumanist ecologies, discussions on the human condition, and feminist perspectives on posthuman knowledge. The goal is to create a space for sharing and discussing the work done since the previous World Congress of Philosophy.
Medieval Philosophical Translations between East and West: Texts and Manuscripts (DFG Panel: ‘PESHAT in Context’)Margherita Mantovani (Italy)
ParticipantsGiuseppe Veltri, Valentina Calzolari, Ioana Curuţ, Silvia Di Donato, Francesca Gorgoni, Margherita Mantovani
AbstractThis panel delves into the role of Medieval philosophical translations within the diverse processes of translatio studiorum, characterizing Near-Eastern and European intellectual history post the closure of the School of Athens (529). The focus is on multiple 'linguistic axes' of philosophical translation, with attention to Greek-into-Armenian, Arabic-into-Hebrew, and Hebrew-into-Latin translations. Topics include comparative analysis between philosophical texts and manuscripts, examination of technical terms, circulation of philosophical concepts in different historical-cultural contexts, analysis of translation terminological specificities, standardization of philosophical terminology, methods of translation, analysis of Medieval glossaries and dictionaries, and historical reconstruction of Medieval philosophical libraries.
Advancing PrioritarianismChristoph Lumer (Italy)
ParticipantsNils Holtug, Rudolf Schuessler, Christoph Lumer
AbstractThis panel focuses on advancing the relatively young welfare ethic of Prioritarianism, which emphasizes increasing the well-being of people who are badly off, with the importance of the increase proportional to how worse off they are (Parfit 1995). Despite significant theoretical development since the 1990s, there is room for further exploration. The panel includes presentations by three specialists in prioritarianism: "Political Equality or Political Priority?" by Nils Holtug explores the application of the prioritarian idea to distributions of political power, extending beyond distributions of utility. "A Priority Function for Sufficientarianism" by Rudolf Schuessler seeks to integrate prioritarianism into sufficientarianism, providing a new definition.
Philosophy of Breath: East and WestFabian Heubel (Germany)
ParticipantsLenart Škof, Yuho Hisayama, Petri Berndtson, Raquel Ferrández Formoso, Jana Rošker, Fabian Heubel
AbstractThis panel delves into the emerging field of respiratory philosophy, exploring the act of breathing and its philosophical implications. With a focus on both Western and Eastern contexts, the panel aims to present contemporary philosophical developments through collaborative discourse among European, Indian, Chinese, and Japanese philosophical topics. Participants will navigate the interdisciplinary field, unraveling connections between philosophical theory and practice, and addressing potentialities and challenges associated with the recent respiratory turn in philosophy.
Sri Aurobindo – an Indian Transcultural Perspective on World FuturesDevdip Ganguli (India)
ParticipantsDebashish Banerjee, Benedetta Zaccarello, Devdip Ganguli, Raquel Ferrández
AbstractThis panel explores the transcultural perspective on world futures through the lens of Sri Aurobindo, a key figure in Indian nationalism. Educated in premier English institutions, Aurobindo's journey led to anticolonial activism, extensive writing, and the formation of a spiritual community. The panel delves into non-Western transcultural responses to modernity, drawing from national and Western sources. Participants will discuss various aspects of this response, exploring its paradigmatic nature and its relevance to contemporary challenges.
中國哲學的語言、認知與名辯 (Language, cognition and debate of Chinese philosophy)Huiling Wu (Taiwan, China)
ParticipantsMing-chao Lin, Jana Rošker, Hsien-Chung Lee, Guo Yi, Huiling Wu
Nuevos materialismos y nuevas tecnologías en la estética contemporáneaAntonio Rivera García (Spain)
ParticipantsMilagros Pellicer Planells, Marta Zamora Troncoso, Óscar Díaz Rodríguez, Irene León Tribaldos, Roberto Riccardo Alvau, Gabriela Lazaro, Antonio Rivera García
AbstractLa interdependencia entre el pensamiento estético y la técnica provoca que los cambios en la segunda socaven, de algún modo, los presupuestos de la primera. La proliferación de nuevos medios y tecnologías (capitalismo de plataformas, inteligencia artificial o bioingeniería, entre otras) hace necesario repensar algunas de las nociones fundamentales de la estética, desde la autoría hasta la recepción, pasando por su relación con el capitalismo de vigilancia y la economía de la atención, así como su potencial para subvertir este control digital desde una perspectiva política. En la presente mesa proponemos analizar el papel de las imágenes tendiendo un puente entre nuevas tecnologías y nuevos materialismos, con el objetivo de abordar la agencia de las mismas y la problemática que envuelve su capacidad de transformación de la sociedad, a la par que el potencial subversivo que estas mismas muestran en propuestas como la tecnoestética.
Aristotle and the Aristotelian tradition across boundariesEnnio De Bellis (Italy)
ParticipantsDemetra Sfendoni-Mentzou, Silvia Fazzo, Melina G. Mouzala, Christopher Sauder
AbstractThe aim of this Round Table is to demonstrate the enduring significance of Aristotle's thought, both in terms of the deepening of his original doctrine and the developments of the Aristotelian tradition. This tradition remains an indispensable framework for understanding the development of philosophical thought. Ennio De Bellis examines the Aristotelian tradition from a methodological perspective, highlighting how modern science is grounded in many aspects of Aristotle's logic. Demetra Sfendoni clarifies the role of Aristotelian tradition in contemporary science. Anca Vassiliu exposes the influence of Platonic and Neoplatonic thought in shaping the Aristotelian tradition.
Situating Agency: Agents in Their Relations to Each Other and the WorldKarsten Stueber (USA)
ParticipantsDavid Henderson, Deborah Tollefson, Lilian O'Brien, Karsten Stueber
AbstractThis panel delves into the multifaceted nature of rational agency and its normative dimensions within various social contexts. Agents not only act but also form beliefs for reasons, responding rationally to their situated environment. Henderson explores the social dimensions of epistemic normativity, revealing how epistemic norms facilitate social cooperation in knowledge production and transmission. Tollefson, adopting a Strawsonian framework of epistemic accountability, applies her conception of epistemic practices to collective agents. Stueber provides a Smithian validation of morality, arguing that practices of mutual empathy commit us to the regulative ideal of the moral stance. Finally, O’Brien discusses the link between understanding agents and the objective world, addressing the implications for empathy accounts of understanding agency.
Philosophically Enhancing TranshumanismNicolás Rojas (Chile)
ParticipantsAndrei Nutas, Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, Nicolás Rojas, Juan Jaña
AbstractThis roundtable engages in debates aimed at exploring the various forms of transhumanism and their philosophical coherence, meaning, and responsibility. The discussions acknowledge geopolitical differentiations and critiques regarding transhumanism's ideological, techno-optimistic, or capitalist nature. The concept of "twisting" transhumanism has emerged as an attempt to develop a version less centered on Anglo-American perspectives. The central question addressed is whether transhumanism, in its goal to 'enhance' the human condition through technology, can embrace a philosophical enhancement to stabilize its presuppositions without relying on geopolitical distinctions. The roundtable seeks to move beyond classical transhumanism or Euro-Transhumanism toward a more philosophically grounded understanding.
Philosophy for Children Hawaiʻi Style: Building Communities of Inquiry around the WorldGriffin Werner (USA)
ParticipantsTaketo Tabata, Benjamin Lukey, Jessica Ching-Sze Wang, Anja Thielmann, Verena Marke, Griffin Werner
AbstractPhilosophy for Children Hawaiʻi (p4cHI) emerged in 1984, focusing on community, inquiry, philosophy, and reflection. This panel explores the challenges of implementing p4cHI internationally, beyond Hawaiʻi, engaging partners in Japan, Taiwan, Canada, Switzerland, China, and Germany. The discussion delves into the adaptability of Thomas Jackson's vision of p4cHI to diverse global needs after 40 years of development. The pedagogy's core, emphasizing wonder, Good Thinker’s Toolkit, and Plain Vanilla Inquiry, facilitates philosophical inquiry, creating communities of reflective thinkers. The panel aims to evaluate how p4cHI functions in varied cultural and educational contexts.
Pensar en español desde Latinoamérica (Thinking in Spanish from Latin América)Alfredo Rocha de la Torre (Colombia)
ParticipantsMarcela Lisseth Brito de Butter, Jesus Miguel Rodriguez Ramirez, Diego Fernando Valencia Castañeda, Alfredo Rocha de la Torre
Abstract¿Tiene sentido hacer filosofía en español, cuando la norma exige hacerlo en una sola lengua? ¿El uso de un idioma u otro no afecta el matiz de la propia reflexión? La respuesta depende de la concepción misma del lenguaje. Si con Nietzsche, Humboldt y Heidegger, p.e., se afirma que el lenguaje no es un simple instrumento neutral de comunicación, sino la expresión de la vida de un pueblo (Nietzsche), una cosmovisión (Humboldt) o un dejar acaecer (Heidegger), la respuesta es clara: si tiene sentido hacer filosofía en español como expresión de un pensar aún no totalmente colonizado. Puede sostenerse, entonces, que la perspectiva de un problema filosófico o el énfasis puesto sobre él, varían de un contexto cultural a otro y alcanzan su desarrollo desde el horizonte del pensar abierto por su propia lengua. La negación de la lengua propia puede ser la expresión de una tendencia hacia la validación de la hegemonía lingüística y cultural, fortalecida en el proceso unificador de la globalización.
Global Art History as a Philosophical and Political IssueSanti Di Bella (Italy)
ParticipantsEmmanuelle Spiesse, Ivana Randazzo, Andreas Boldt, Santi Di Bella, Ardian Ndreca
AbstractGlobal art history is a global-oriented approach: it rejects the traditional preeminence of national art histories, it also dismisses the comparative method, in order to tell more intricate and more specific connections, different from the mainstream linear narrative, like the “Paris-New York” paradigm for contemporary art. Some new art history textbooks endorse its perspective, which often recurs to quantitative tools. This raises the ontological question of whether there is such a thing as “global art”: what the interplay between centers and peripheries, national identities and local reactions? between the artist individuality and the historicity of his or her condition? What the strength of shared lexicons, such as the “environmental” one? What does it make “global” and “universal” different? What does mean “horizontal” historiography? Is contemporary art, with its standardized channels, on its way to becoming global art? Is global art a “soft power” in times of war?
Ethics of Law and Ethics of the Other: Kant and LevinasRichard Cohen (USA)
ParticipantsMarci Tito, Succimarra Luca, Poleschuk Irina, Mclachlan James, Saldukaityte Jolanta
AbstractWhat does Levinas’s displacement of Kantian ethics founded on respect for law to the primacy of responsibility for the other person mean? Based on such responsibility, what then becomes of law? Is not law the public social face, in the sovereign state, of morality, and how can it maintain itself as such? What is the ethical relation of law to justice and power, and the relation of justice and power to morality? These and related questions arising from thinking ethics in Levinas and Kant together will be discussed.
Méthode sociologique et philosophie chez Raymond Boudon (1934-2013)Emmanuel Picavet (France)
ParticipantsEmmanuel Picavet, Nathalie Bulle, Francesco Di Iorio, Jean-Michel Morin, Enzo Di Nuoscio, Christian Robitaille, Salvatore Abbruzzese.
AbstractL'oeuvre de Raymond Boudon, importante en sociologie, a aussi témoigné de rapports très étroits entre la méthode sociologique et la recherche philosophique sur les valeurs, les croyances, la rationalité et les normes. Dans le prolongement de la constitution de recueils récents sur l'individualisme méthodologique et sur cette figure majeure de la sociologie du XXe s. et du premier XXIe s., la table ronde sera l'occasion d'examiner les enjeux de ce rapprochement entre sociologie et philosophie dans la pensée sociale. Les perspectives tracées par l'auteur semblent ouvrir la voie d'un dépassement du moment d'éloignement par rapport à la philosophie qui a été partie intégrante de la constitution de la sociologie comme discipline. Ce dépassement est-il porteur de voies d'approndissement fécondes pour la recherche en sociologie comme en philosophie?
Raisons de l’action, normes et intérêtsGilles Campagnolo (France)
ParticipantsGilles Campagnolo, Emmanuel Picavet, Xia Ying, Cui Janru, Varvara Rogozhnikova, Jean Mercier-Ythier
AbstractLa philosophie sociale, la philosophie économique, l’éthique et les sciences appliquées de la décision abordent aujourd’hui des enjeux normatifs à propos desquels on s’interroge souvent sur la manière collective d’user des raisons de l’action. Ainsi, à propos des urgences écologiques et à propos du maintien ou du renforcement des solidarités sociales, on se demande souvent s’il faut – ou non- concevoir des dispositifs d’orientation des conduites qui procèdent d’hypothèses relatives à des comportements auto-intéressés des agents (leurs raisons respectives se ramenant alors à la promotion de leurs intérêts propres). On se demande aussi dans quelle mesure il est approprié de chercher à inculquer aux acteurs sociaux le respect intrinsèque pour certains principes ou normes (plutôt que de les contraindre ou de mobiliser des incitants économiques) lorsqu’il s’agit de s’organiser collectivement pour atteindre de meilleurs résultats.
Décisions, comparaisons et situation de l’économique dans le socialEmmanuel Picavet (France)
ParticipantsEmmanuel Picavet, Juan Carlos Mantilla, Alessandro Ravina, Shenyang Pan, Gilles Campagnolo, Michel Paquette
AbstractIl y a une certaine complexité dans la manière dont les normes ou principes de référence orientent et réorientent constamment les raisons des acteurs. En effet, les interprétations requises possèdent un ancrage dans des contextes: elles ne sont donc pas entièrement indépendantes de l’expérience acquise dans la trajectoire historique des sociétés ou dans l’existence ordinaire des groupes humains. Face à cette complexité, on peut se demander si la manière « économique » d’envisager l’organisation collective, se concentrant traditionnellement sur des raisons d’un certain type (comme la satisfaction des préférences, la recherche de la cohérence dans les choix ou l’élaboration d’une attitude calculée face aux risques), n’est pas trop étroite.
Philosophie, régulation et prudenceEmmanuel Picavet (France)
ParticipantsEmmanuel Picavet, Christian Walter, Emiliano Ippoliti, Boudewijn De Bruin, Sabina Tortorella.
AbstractLa mise en place de dispositifs de régulation prudentielle complexe en finance a illustré le rôle croissant que joue, dans des efforts collectifs de maîtrise des risques, la référence à des théories et donc à une image d'elle-même que se donnent la société et plus particulièrement les acteurs d'un certain secteur. Ce constat peut être élargie à d'autres domaines. Cela appelle un questionnement philosophique: faisons-nous preuve de responsabilité dans le maniement de théories ou modèles relatifs à des risques communs? Comment caractérisons-nous ce qui est commun? Pouvons-nous utilement nous référer à des formes d'équilibre ou de cohérence interne de la société civile, munie de ses propres normes et de ses usages? Cette thématique sera abordée dans une perspective interdisciplinaire et en tenant compte à la fois des acquis récents de la recherche et de leur arrière-plan en plus longue période.
Cheating and Corruption. Interdisciplinary Scientific ApproachesPaola Hernández Chávez (Mexico)
ParticipantsJorge Martínez Contreras, Deivide Garcia Da Silva Oliveira, Maximiliano Martínez Bohorquez, Jonatan García-Campos, Saúl Sarabia-López, Paola Hernández Chávez, Paulina Raigosa-Gómez, Alfonso Peña-Raigoza, Alejandro-Horacio González-Sánchez, Roxana Cano-Vara, Efraín González-Mercado
AbstractThis 11 people Round Table scrutinizes the human capacity to detect cheating and its relationship to corruption from different interdisciplinary perspectives. Firstly, we present an empirical study with the following objectives: 1) To provide content validity to an instrument designed to assess cheating in contrasting social cost-benefit scenarios to a first and third person, together with the elicited emotional reactions. The study controls the identification of who cheats, who this adversely affects, and who this benefits; 2) To apply the instrument comparing cheating detection, cost-benefit and the elicited emotional reactions to a Mexican university student population (N = 259). The 3 most important contributions of this proposal are: 1) Providing empirical proposals to elucidate human capacity for cheating detection and corruption, 2) Applying empirical studies to assess and measure human´s ability to detect cheaters under contrasting cost-benefit situations, as well as their correlative emotional reactions, and 3) Analyzing cheating and corruption from a broder perspective.
Truth, Violence and Kenosis in Gianni Vattimo’s Conception of ReligionMattia Geretto (Italy)
ParticipantsJoanna Sarbiewska, Stefan Lorenz Sorgner, Martin G. Weiss, Riccardo Pozzo, Mattia Geretto
AbstractThe main focus of this round table is the philosophical legacy on the topic of religion delivered to contemporary thought by Gianni Vattimo, after his recent death. In particular, taking into consideration the main works where his philosophy of religion is clearly outlined, – such as Belief, A Farewell to Truth, Beyond Christianity and The Future of Religion (with Rorthy) – participants will highlight Vattimo’s revisitation of some key concepts of religious thought in their immediate historical-social repercussion, i.e. concepts such as “truth”, “violence” and “kenosis”, considered in their dialectical dependence with the dominant Christian concept of “charity”.
Book Discussion Panel on Nietzsche and Human Emotions, by Yunus Tuncel (2022).Thomas Steinbuch (USA)
ParticipantsYunus Tuncel, Michael Steinmann, Vanessa Lemm, Thomas Steinbuch
AbstractProfessor Yunus Tuncel has written a groundbreaking work on Nietzsche and Human Emotions. There is deep interest in Professor Tuncel’s book in the Nietzsche community, and two distinguished Nietzsche scholars have accepted my invitation to be on the panel. Michael Steinman has written widely on Nietzsche. (Professor Steinmann also has been organizing the Karl Jaspers Society of North America, founded in 1980 by Leonard Ehrlich to meet with the WCP). Vanessa Lemm is editor-in-chief of Nietzsche-Studien, International Journal of Nietzsche Research and Monographs and Texts on Nietzsche Research. Yunus Tuncel is founder of The Agonist: A Nietzsche Circle Journal, and co-founder of the Journal of Posthumanism. Thomas Steinbuch has written a review essay on Professor Tuncel’s book, and is co founder of the World Posthuman Society that meets with WCP.
Neuroethics: A 50 Years Philosophical ContextAlberto Carrara (Italy)
ParticipantsLourdes Velázquez, Claudio Bonito, Pedro Barrajón, Guido Traversa
AbstractIn 1973 the neologism neuro-ethics was coined by neuropsychiatrist Anneliese Alma Pontius. The term entered the scientific literature beginning in 2002. Nowadays, this systematic and informed reflection on neuroscience and its interpretations counts with at least four paradigmatic models: the medical-clinical, the philosophical, the bioethical, and the social. This panel of experts will discuss the genesis, models, and epistemological, anthropological, ethical, and social implications of this emerging discipline.
Interpretazione e libertà. Temi, problemi, attualità del pensiero di Luigi PareysonLuca Ghisleri (Italy)
ParticipantsAlessandro Bertinetto, Ezio Gamba, Luca Ghisleri, Francesco Marino, Yusuke Okada, Rita Serpytyte, Francesco Tomatis
AbstractIl panel – promosso in collaborazione con il Centro Studi filosofico-religiosi Luigi Pareyson – intende presentare i principali temi e problemi affrontati da Luigi Pareyson nelle diverse fasi del suo pensiero, mostrandone i molteplici sviluppi e la feconda attualità. Si affronterà il suo studio dell’esistenzialismo europeo da cui egli trae un personalismo ontologico che sottende l’esistenza come dialettica di autorelazione e di eterorelazione. In riferimento all’operatività dell’esistenza umana si farà anche riferimento alla sua concezione dell’estetica intesa come teoria della formatività e come un fare che mentre fa inventa il modo di fare. Ci si soffermerà altresì sulla sua concezione ermeneutica che, radicata nell’esistenzialismo e nella filosofia classica tedesca e connessa alla sua estetica, concepisce la verità come fonte inesauribile di infinite interpretazioni. Si affronterà anche la sua ontologia della libertà che costituisce l’approdo finale del suo pensiero e che pone al centro, in riferimento alla religione, la tematica della libertà e le sottese questioni del male e della sofferenza.
Roundtable on Logic-Based Therapy and ConsultationElliot Cohen (USA)
ParticipantsFlorin Lobont, David Sumiacher D’Angelo, Angelo Manassero, Gale S. Cohen
AbstractLogic-Based Therapy and Consultation (LBTC) is a modality of philosophical counseling and consulting that systematically utilizes logic, virtue theory, and diverse philosophical theories in a six-step method to help people confront and cope with their life problems. This six-step method, or elements of it, have been applied in distinct contexts, for example, philosophy for children, burnout in healthcare, social work, geriatric rehabilitation, and addictions, to name some.  This roundtable will examine and assess LBTC’s six-step method as applied to such diverse areas, and the potential contributions of training in this philosophical practice modality.    
Common Values and Diversity of CivilizationsXiangdong Wu (China)
ParticipantsXiangdong Wu, Mircea Dumitru, Haiping Tian, John Abbarno, Supakwadee Amatayakul, David Bartosch, Carla Danani, Thomas Michael, Chengbing Wang, Songtao Luo, Kefei Xu, Haiqiang Dai, Xudong Zheng
AbstractGlobal cultural development and civilization progress are confronted with many challenges and opportunities. As globalization enters a new stage of development, peaceful exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations have increasingly become the mainstream and trend in today's world, and they are also faced with various new problems. The communication between different cultures and different value systems of human beings is subject to fierce collision from time to time, and faces the strong impact of scientific and technological development and social changes. In this round table forum, we will mainly discuss common values and diversity of civilizations, including but not limited to the following topics: the theory and practice of mutual learning of civilizations and value consensus, the value civilization and value selection in the context of globalization, the reflection of culture and civilization in the development of artificial intelligence, and the multi-value basis of modernization.
Political Philosophy and Its Relationship with Moral PhilosophyChang Jiang (China)
ParticipantsCora Toralba, Lydia Amir, Thomas Menamparampil, Cuéllar Pérez Hortensia, Jialian Li, Hongyan Zhou, Jingyun Long, Fubiao Xiong, Shipeng Wang, Suxiang Ni, Yanhong Qi, Jia Wang, Wanzhi Li, Juhua Peng, Xiulian Wu
AbstractWhen philosophy was born, philosophers noticed the two basic characteristics of human nature, namely, self-action and sociality, and took them as the focus of thinking and exploration.So there was moral philosophy that focused on the self-acting potential of human nature and its realization, and political philosophy that focused on the social potential of human nature and its realization. The study of politics in political philosophy mainly belongs to the field of values, therefore it belongs to the subject of value and it has a cross relationship with axiology. The common purpose of political philosophy and moral philosophy is to study how to live a good life according to the requirements of human nature, but there are differences between the two in the research object,mission,and main issues of concern. However, the difference between the two is relative. Both of them may cover all aspects of the good life of social members in a comprehensive way, but the focus of the study is different.There is a wide and blurred area between the focus of their respective studies. The round table invites philosophers from the America,Mexico,Philippines,India and China,revolves around the discussion of "political philosophy and its relationship with moral philosophy".
Conflict, Dialogue, and Reconciliation in Korean Philosophy” - 2 - In partnership with North American Korean Philosophy Association (NAKPA)Jin. Y. Park (USA)
ParticipantsEdward Y. J. Chung, Hyunsun Lee, Chaehyun Chong, Min Jung You
AbstractWe live in a world that is increasingly polarized, in relation to power, wealth, views of reproductive rights, gender identity, national identity, and so on. That is the case in many parts of the world. In this more polarized world, the center is getting smaller and more powerful and the margin is larger and struggles for survival. Will the margin in this bipolar world merely be subject to the mercy of the center, or can we reconfigure marginality so that changes can occur? What tools do we have, as humanities scholars or everyday citizens, to reconcile conflicts, heal trauma, and facilitate coexistence? This roundtable explores this topic considering the nature of conflict and how to facilitate dialogue and reconciliation. Participants look into Korean philosophy both in the pre-modern and modern periods, investigate Korean philosophers’ _proposals of reconciliation, and examine a possibility of practicing those ideas in today’s world.
Art and Philosophy in the 22nd Century: After Arakawa and Madeline Gins Naohiko Mimura (Japan)
ParticipantsTakeshi Kadobayashi, Renske Maria van Dam, Alan Prohm, Naohiko Mimura
AbstractJapanese contemporary artist and architect Shūsaku Arakawa (1936–2010) and his partner, poet and philosopher Madeline Gins (1942–2014) began their artistic creation in New York in 1962. Their artwork “Mechanismus der Bedeutung” (1971), an experimental philosophical work composed of a series of graphic paintings, was highly acclaimed. Arakawa + Gins gradually shifted their creative activities from sculpture and painting, through installation works, into “architecture,” advocating the unique concepts of “reversible destiny” and “architectural body.” They also published philosophical books and came to call themselves as “Coordinologists” integrating art, science, and philosophy. In this roundtable, speakers will discuss what Arakawa and Gins were looking for in the idea of “reversible destiny,” which might seem at a first glance as an unrealistic dream, and what possibilities we can inherit from their attempt to integrate philosophy, art, and science that they advocate as coordinologi.
Educational & Academic Architecture: The Formal Aesthetics of Anthropological Paradigms Michael Heinrich (Germania)
ParticipantsChristian Illies, Niko Kohls, Sofia Singler, Michael Heinrich
AbstractDwelling as an embodied rootedness is the primordial substrate for all human development. The way in which dwelling is shaped reveals a lot about a society's culture, and in turn has a strong impact on individual and collective constitution: human environments can strongly affect people's well-being, health and performance. The propagation, multiplication and archiving of knowledge play a central role in the development of civilization. Thus the social and architectural spaces dedicated to education and knowledge - schools, universities, museums, libraries - often perform a strong semiotic function beyond their practical significance. We examine this special field of built environments with a philosophical-anthropological background, by means of newly developed meta-disciplinary models of aesthetic experience and from the perspective of health & resilience psychology. The ethical question is raised as to how educational processes should be embedded in built spaces in the future.
TRANSITIONS : habiter le monde au XXIe siècleGérard WORMSER (France)
ParticipantsMaxime Chapuis, Junia Barreto, Luiz Capelo, Marcello Vitali-Rosati, Gérard Wormser
AbstractLe digital régit la biosphère, l’urbain et l’humain. Les rumeurs et fausses nouvelles disent l’emprise mentale qui contrarie la réflexion et nous déresponsabilise. Le progrès scientifique engendre paradoxalement la cécité face à l’avenir (Morin). Si elle a débuté par l’éloge aux USA du contrôle par chacun de son existence contre les pouvoirs (Turner), la culture numérique a été retournée au profit des conglomérats qui dirigent nos sociétés. Que deviennent ceux qui consacrent leur vie à l’éducation, à la vérité ou à la justice ? Favoriser les interdépendances et les pratiques collaboratives rompt avec la foi dans l’autonomie subjective et morale. Les retours d’expérience des crises et des traumatismes historiques indiquent que sécurité et capacitation (empowerment) sont les requisits d’un jugement sain et du progrès collectif pour rendre tolérable cet “ordre économique dans lequel l’individu est immergé en naissant, carapace de fait et immuable dans laquelle il lui faut vivre” (Weber).
The concept of Bildung and current issues in education / El concepto de formación y los problemas actuales de la educaciónEsther-Juliana Vargas (Colombia)
ParticipantsFernando Forero, Guillermo Bustamante, Germán Vargas, Maximiliano Prada, Germán Bula, Alessandro Ballabio, Carolina Ávalos, María Clara Garavito, Esther-Juliana Vargas
AbstractThe central concern of this symposium is the concept of Bildung, which has its origins in German tradition and dates back to the late 18th century. While we are interested in tracing the historical development of the concept (in which authors such as Mendelssohn, Herder, Kant, Fichte, Schleiermacher, Humboldt or Hegel are important), we are concerned about its current relevance in the context of education and the teaching of philosophy. The concept of Bildung is associated with the transition from the principalities to the modern state. In this context, the problem has two aspects: the question concerning the Bildung, not only each person, but also of the nation-state. How does the formation of the Nation-State take place, and within it the formation of individuals? How does the concept of Bildung help us to understand present-day educational problems? How can genuine Bildung be produced in the classroom? How can Bildung as a goal be incorporated in the administration of educational?
Philosophy of Computing: An Interdisciplinary ExplorationEnrique Francisco Soto Astorga (Mexico)
ParticipantsEnrique Francisco Soto Astorga, Leonardo Abigail Castro Sánchez, Cristóbal Reyes Núñez, Melina Gastelum Vargas, Marien Raat, Mariana Zamfir Stanciu, Laura Alejandra Mojica López, Javier Martínez Álvarez
AbstractThis round table embarks on a comprehensive exploration of a nascent interdisciplinary field, unraveling the intricate tapestry where various disciplines employ computing machinery and computation as instruments or argumentative practices. From aesthetics and the mind to social structures and life itself, the discussion delves into the current state of philosophical discourse surrounding the computational. Furthermore, it points towards future directions and considerations in the ever-evolving landscape of computing. Central to this round table is the concept of the 'uncomputable'. Participants will present academic contributions spanning theoretical computer science, cognitive science, aesthetics of computing, ethics of AI, physical computing, and biomathematics. The overarching goal is to foster interdisciplinary inquiries into the computational nature of our world and the way we harness the power of the computational description, promising a dynamic exchange of ideas and insights.
Desire, Acquisitiveness, and Luxury in Jewish ThoughtMichah Gottlieb (USA)
ParticipantsWarren Zev Harvey, Idit Dobbs-Weinstein, George Yaakov Kohler, Jonathan Green, Michah Gottlieb
AbstractThe proper approach to the material world is an issue that has permeated the writings of Jewish thinkers from ancient to modern times. Some relevant questions include: Why does acquisitiveness seem to be a permanent feature of human behavior? When does consumption or possession become excessive or a “luxury”? What is the nature of human desire itself, and how should it function? Addressing such questions from an ethical and political angle, the panelists will draw upon a range of Jewish perspectives from both medieval and modern Jewish thought. Warren Zev Harvey will reflect upon Isaac Abrabanel; Idit Dobbs-Weinstein will discuss Maimonides, Gersonides, and Spinoza; Michah Gottlieb will compare Bahya Ibn Paquda and Mendel Lefin; Jonathan Green will examine the thought of Moses Mendelssohn; and George Kohler will discuss Hermann Cohen.
Self-Knowledge and Practical KnowledgeFeng Yu (China)
ParticipantsFeng Yu, Tom Froese, Zhu Xu, Sean Glancy, Jean-Michel Roy, Zhenhua Yu, Jing He
AbstractThe roundtable will contribute to the debate about self-knwoledge by approaching it from the angle of its relation with practical knowledge, a perspective that has arguably remained under-explored in spite of a number of seminal developments, particularly in the philosophy and cognitive science of action. Its ultimate ambition is to foster international research in this direction. It is organized by the Action and Knowledge Lab, a Sino-French philosophical research structure of the East Normal China University of Shanghai and the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, in collaboration with the Narrabody research project, a Sino-Japanese collaborative investigation about the relation between the embodied self and the narrative self funded by the Japan Science and Technology Agency and Agence Nationale de la Recherche Française. Moderator: J.M Roy: Speakers: HE Jing, Tom Froese,Sean Glancy, XU Zhu Discussants: YU Zhenhua, Shaun Gallagher, YU Feng, Tetsuya Kono
New Perspectives on the Future of CivilizationBenjamin Schewel (USA)
ParticipantsBenjamin Schewel, Shahrzad Sabet, Zhaoyuan Wen, Xiaoting Liu
AbstractFacing unprecedented challenges like climate change and runaway technology, this roundtable explores a path toward a more balanced civilization. Drawing from diverse cultural and philosophical perspectives, we will examine cosmopolitanism and human identity, the connection between Axial Age and Baha'i insights on modernity, the Chinese "Three Ages" thesis, and the "Second Beginning" concept. Through this vibrant forum of philosophical discourse, we aim to contribute to the ongoing exploration of the future of civilization, offering fresh perspectives on the challenges and opportunities we face.
Posthuman TimeJulia Empey (United Kingdom)
ParticipantsAlice Giuliani, Russell Kilbourn, Julia Empey
AbstractThis roundtable will focus on defining, contesting, and questioning the idea of “posthuman time.” Both posthumanist thought and the posthuman condition have multiplied time and temporalities. In the transhumanist sense, the figure of the posthuman expands beyond human time through technological enhancement. By contrast, critical posthumanists have been rethinking the logics of anthropocentric time by looking at, for instance, the stratifications of geological time, speculative futures, and the tem-poralities of (post)human embodiment. This panel aims to discuss: 1) notions of posthuman time and temporalities, and how posthumanist thought both repeats and disrupts Western, chrononormative, and linear temporalities, especially in relation to notions of the human; 2) concatenations and contradictions, affinities and tensions between transhumanist and critical posthumanist temporalities; 3) aesthetic articulations of posthuman time through art, film, literature, and new media.
Epistemic and Practical NormativityFrancesco Praolini (Italy)
ParticipantsDavide Fassio, Jie Gao, Artūrs Logins, Francesco Praolini, Jacques-Henri Vollet
AbstractWhat should one think? What should one do? Traditionally, epistemologists tackle the first question, while practical philosophers tackle the second. This division of labor corresponds to a distinction theorists draw between epistemic normativity—the norms that govern belief and inquiry—and practical normativity—the norms that govern action and decision-making. Philosophers have tended to investigate these two domains independently. However, treating them as separate domains can lead to distortions, omissions, and misunderstandings. The aim of our panel is to examine epistemic norms alongside practical norms. More specifically, we will explore the parallels and connections between the two, consider whether these norms are at some level unified, and reflect on what that might mean.
Eco-, Health-FeminismJil Muller (Luxembourg)
ParticipantsKateryna Karpenko, Felix Grewe, Clara Mavellia, Jil Muller
AbstractThe panel “Eco-, Health- Feminism” will use a feminist perspective and method to shed new light on the concepts of body, health, economy and technology in Western society and their interrelationship. The paper “Women and their bodies” will question the status of the female body in Western culture and society. Why is the female body both an object of desire and a battleground for the demonstration of male power? This ambiguous status of the female body can be seen not only in culture and politics, but also in medicine and technology. To what extent have medicine and technology interfered with the female body in recent years, and with what consequences? The paper “Ecofeminist Concept of Health” takes up this question. Ecofeminism will try to uncover the arguments used by Western society to allow the oppression of women and the exploitation of the environment. The focus will be on the urban physical and social environment and health inequalities mediated by gender and socio-economic
Distrust in Expertise: How to Counter Anti-scientific BehaviorMichel Croce (Italy)
ParticipantsGabriele Contessa, Teresa Y. Branch, Matt Jope, Michel Croce
AbstractIn the past decade, it has often been claimed that public trust in science is in decline. Climate change denialism, vaccine hesitancy, and populist politics are prominent contexts where anti-expertise sentiments spread and lead people to make worrisome decisions. But is "distrust in science" a credible global explanation of why people engage in anti-scientific behavior? While addressing these themes, the papers in this panel will engage with the topics of trust, expertise, and pseudo-science, in an attempt to advance a discussion in applied epistemology that has serious implications for the future well-being of society.
Stanley Cavell, moral perfectionism and philosophy as a way of lifeNaoko Saito (Japan)
ParticipantsPaul Standish, Piergiorgio Donatelli, Sandra Laugier, Naoko Saito
AbstractIn Philosophy as a Way of Life (1995), Pierre Hadot says that philosophy should not be seen purely as an academic subject pursued in university, but should be a guide to the living of one’s life as a whole. It is a matter that involves human perfection. This in turn relates in important ways to the contemporary crisis in mental health – what William Deresiewicz (2014) calls “panicked perfectionism.” Seeking a way out of such wrong-headed conceptions of perfectionism, this round table will address the question of perfectionism in the light of the conception of philosophy expressed in the perfectionist writings of Stanley Cavell. Four panelists will address Cavell’s thinking about perfectionism: Naoko Saito (Japan), “Philosophy as a way of life in the age of self-help”; Piergiorgio Donatelli (Italy), “Moral perfectionism and a higher way of life”; Sandra Laugier (France), “Perfectionism and the Politics of Self-reliance”; and Paul Standish (UK), “Metaphysical disappointment.”
Explainable AI: Theoretical Issues - Practical SolutionsFabio Tollon (South Africa)
ParticipantsFillipos Stamatiou, Abraham Smith, Ninell Oldenburg, Fabio Tollon
AbstractThe recent rise of explainable AI (XAI) has been heralded as the remedy to several ethical issues associated with the design, development, and use of AI. Explainability and responsibility intersect in at least two ways: first, on a fundamental level, there are epistemological issues about the aims and outcomes of explainable AI. What kinds of explanations does XAI provide? Are these explanations sufficient to ground moral responsibility? Second, there is the attribution problem. XAI aims to make AI models more understandable, so that agents can be reasonably held morally responsible for the use of such models. Does explainable AI achieve this goal? If AI models are not morally blameworthy, how do we distribute blame in cases where they cause harm? In this symposium, we aim to host a discussion that begins with the fundamental issues about explainability and responsibility and moves towards the attribution problem of how to distribute the (moral?) burden associated with the use of AI.
The Multiple Vertices of TruthYolanda Espiña (Peru)
ParticipantsCarlos Morujão, Musaio Marisa, Lía Tomás, María Elvira Martínez Acuña, Castillo Genara, María Pía Chirinos, Fernando Riofrío Zúñiga, Yolanda Espiña
AbstractThe notion of truth summons the very question of thought and its boundaries, since we relate truth to intelligibility and intelligibility implies considering its transitivity towards an object, a gesture, a world. So, truth refers to something in itself but also implies a dynamic relationship. Under a diachronic perspective, truth is related to (and often questioned by) the multiple aspects of the temporality and historicity inherent to the human being. Furthermore, there is a diversity of ways of finding and telling the truth, corresponding to different philosophical methods of approaching it but also to an inquiry into the broad scope of human action. From the metaphysical boundaries between immanence and trascendence to the role of the logical notion of truth; from the educational valence of the hermeneutics of truth to its experience in artistic contexts or as practical reasoning related to the experience of the other, this Roundtable aims to consider some of its multiple vertices
Borderlands of Consciousness Claudia Passos (Brazil)
ParticipantsClaudia Passos-Ferreira, Carlos Montemayor, Garrett Mindt, Robert Chis-Ciure, Luke Roelofs
AbstractThe philosophical problem of other minds is becoming a practical problem in today’s world. Which entities–animals, infants, AI systems- are conscious? Is the demarcation of consciousness precise or vague? How do we determine its boundaries? What evidence bears on whether an entity is conscious rather than merely intelligent? Exploring the delineation of consciousness raises questions about borderline cases—entities straddling the line between consciousness and its absence. This border implies an underlying assumption: a singular border of consciousness. We aim to redefine these borderline cases as borderlands. These represent dynamic areas where diverse boundary conditions may exist contingent upon the dimension of consciousness relevant in each case. We will examine the demarcation criteria useful in discerning whether an entity is conscious and will delve into challenging cases. We aim to discern whether theories of consciousness provide a framework for navigating these borderlands.
Scepticism, Myth, Religion and Theology: are they originally philosophical?. What is truly philosophical and philosophically true?Pablo López López (Spain)
ParticipantsJohn Dudley, Eduardo Bermúdez Barrera, Mathew Varghese
AbstractToday we need to clarify the original meaning of Philosophy and its importance for culture and education more deeply. The term “Philosophy” has a long and flexible history of meaning. As a result, currently such a meaning is too polysemous. Are we willing to recognise this basic problem and provide a sensible solution? Scepticism, myth, religion and Theology represent dizzying challenges for reason and for Philosophy. Scepticism denies truth globally, even in philosophical reasoning. Myth, religion and Theology include a kind of symbolic rationality sometimes considered as opposed to philosophical and scientific reason. However, are these three really contrary or alternative to our best art of reasoning?. Can scepticism, myth, religion and Theology teach us something relevant about what is really philosophical? The search for the presence of the love of wisdom and wisdom itself in scepticism, myth, religion and Theology can shed light on the genuine reality and relevance of Philosophy and on human relationship with the deepest truths. Therefore, let us ask ourselves about the consequences of denying truth, of allegorising truth, and of worshiping some option of transcendent and theological truth. Clarifying philosophical truth is of paramount importance, because main truths are
Workshops of philosophical practice & Cafe PhiloDavid Sumiacher (Argentina)
Participants Michael Picard, Giancarlo Marinelli, David Sumiacher D’Angelo
AbstractPhilosophical workshops are an extremely important way to show the applied side of philosophy. In this space we will have three specialists from three different countries who will develop some philosophical workshops in an applied and then explanatory way, with the intention of building bridges between the theoretical and practical dimensions through the tools of philosophical cafes, the use of argued dialogue and imaginative power. Through our logical abilities but also our creative faculties, the coordinators will facilitate a philosophical dialogue and will show part of the work that is carried out today in different contexts such as cafes, museums, prisons, or social spaces of different types. After entering directly into the interaction with others and the applied work, there will be a space for feedback and analysis of the experience to identify and point out the presence of some fundamental theoretical concepts to build conscious practices with high social impact.
Intercultural Understanding in Philosophy Between Universal Aspirations, Global Inequalities and Postcolonial Claims - Barriers and BridgesMarkus Wirtz (Germany)
ParticipantsLiangjian Liu, Flavia Monceri, Dorothy Oluwagbemi-Jacob, William Sweet, Niels Weidtmann
AbstractGlobal philosophy in 21st century can only be pursued if it considers ways of thinking from many different cultures. Taking the the cultural embodiment of philosophical thoughts seriously, one cannot neglect the problematic imbalances of power due to the ongoing (albeit slowly decreasing) dominance of Western ways of shaping reason and philosophy. Decolonial and postcolonial approaches must therefore be included in discussions on philosophical interculturality. The respective meaning of interculturality is not the same if one philosophizes from an African, Chinese, European, Indian, North- or South-American perspective. However, divergences about philosophical interculturality should not only be considered as barriers but also as bridges for communication. Therefore, in this Round Table, we would like to explore what intercultural understanding means in the field of philosophy. Terminological issues such as the distinctions between “comparative”, “cross-cultural”, “intercultural”, “transcultural” and “global” philosophy will be connected to more practical, ethial questions about what is required for doing philosophy interculturally.
Epistemic Injustice and Violence in PhilosophyLena Schützle (Germany)
ParticipantsLou Thomine, Anupam Yadav, Cara-Julie Kather, Krisha Kops
AbstractKnowledge production and science were hardly associated with injustice or violence. Philosophy, in particular, as love of wisdom, is seen as an antidote rather than a cause of violence or injustice. However, activists (“Why is my curriculum white?”, displacement of indigenous languages in favor of colonial languages, Vandana Shiva's critique of science) and academics (e.g. Fricker 2008, Dotson 2011, Dhawan 2012, Sousa Santos 2014) repeatedly point out that forms of e.g. racist and sexist injustice can also be found at the epistemic level. With the publication of Brunner's work “Epistemic Violence” (2020), the discourse has been reignited and is being negotiated in post- and decolonial and feminist debates. This Round Table discussion is dedicated to the special role of epistemic injustice and violence in philosophy.
Nietzsche and the Crisis of the AnthropoceneVanessa Lemm (UK)
ParticipantsYunus Tuncel, Stefan Sorgner, Laura Langone, Victor Conejo Abril,
AbstractOver the last half-century many voices identify our disconnection from the earth with the centrality of technological progress, capitalist production, industrialization and globalization that are essential to our modern self-understanding and way of life. What was supposed to be the mark of human distinction has ended up uprooting us from the earth. Is this because we have a distorted view of what it means to be human in the first place, and our dependency on the earth and all life and beings on this planet? Our planet has entered into a critical phase in its long life, as humanity in its short span on the planet brought about insurmountable problems that impact all life and all beings of the planet. Philosophers have for a long time reflected on the question of the human responsibility to and care for the earth. In this round table panelists will focus on Nietzsche's philosophy, as they draw on his critique and response to 19th century culture, ultra-rationalism, religion, and anthropocentricity, as a way to address today's world order and its planetary crisis.
Traduttore, traditore: on the translations of the works of Ludwig WittgensteinRené J. Campis C. (Colombia)
ParticipantsJesús Padilla Gálvez, Luca Oliva, Eduardo Bermúdez Barrera, Alexander Berg
AbstractControversies related to the translations of the works of Ludwig Wittgenstein from the original in German to English, Spanish and Italian are going to be the focus of this round table. From the original discussions that took place at the 44th International Wittgenstein Symposium 2023. Participants will address key Wittgensteinian concepts such as Bild, übersichtliche Darstellung, Sachverhalt and Sprachspiel and their canonical translations to English, Spanish and Italian. Also flagrantly mistaken translation of passages related to chess. The aim is to contribute to the reassessment of the thought of the Austrian philosopher.
Addressing Climate Injustice: The Role of Individuals and Collective ActorsAlberto Pirni (Italy)
ParticipantsLukas Meyer, Gianfranco Pellegrino, Diana Piroli, Clare Heyward, Sarah Kenehan, Milene Tonetto, Fausto Corvino
AbstractAlthough it concerns a global dimension, Climate Change (CC) does not apply uniformly across the globe. Indeed,
this fact does not contribute to remedying injustices that already exist on a planetary level; on the contrary, it
exacerbates them and generates others which we are unprepared to face. CC effects, in fact, generate significant
forms of injustice: the displacement of human life to places that have become climatically inhospitable, the
migration for climatic reasons, the transformation of economic systems, and the objective difficulties of achieving
a systemic ecological transition. From this point of view, what is or can be the role of human actors at an individual
and collective level? How can we generate and motivate a reversal of the trend from the level of the individual agent
to that of collective action? Why is the (explicit and implicit) resistance to the transition so pervasive, strong, and
structured? And how to overcome it, at the individual, collective and systemic level? These are some of the questions
that the panel intends to address.
Art, Art-making, Embodiment and Epistemology: referencing KierkegaardAbrahim H. Khan (Canada)
ParticipantsAriel LaFayette, Ali Aslan Ahmed, Jaeha Woo, Jaeha Woo, András Nagy
AbstractConsiderations on whether the body shapes the mind with respect to art and artistry. Is there epistemological clarity in what is being communicated with respect to art, art-making, and embodiment? Is it necessary to have epistemological specificity? Is art more than representing reality and, if so, how? Does art in its widest sense, visual or performative included, have an autonomy of its own in which it is not relegated to a derivative status? Is our capacity for critical reflection and conceptual thinking shaped by the nature of our bodies and our bodily interactions with the surroundings? In which sphere or within which boundaries resides the epistemological value of art: artist/performer materiality, intentionality, activity process itself, the outcome, or how it affects public understanding or behaviour, including marketplace outcome? These are some questions, among others, we will raise to stir reflections on different aesthetic modalities in communicating. This includes consideration outside the western philosophical tradition.
Ontology of the performing artsLisa Giombini, Alessandro Bertinetto (Italy)
ParticipantsLaurent Cugny, Alessandro Arbo, Benjamin Piekut, Christian Grüny, Claudio Rozzoni
AbstractIn this panel, we will explore the ontology of music and other performing arts, such as dance and theatre. We will delve into the philosophical and theoretical foundations of these art forms, including questions such as what makes a performance a performance of a work and how can we define the nature of performance. We will also delve into the ontology of artistic experience, including the relationship between live performances and recordings, and the role of perception in our experience of music, dance, and theatre.
Improvisation in music and the performing artsLisa Giombini, Alessandro Bertinetto (Italy)
ParticipantsDaniele Goldoni, Simon Høffding, Serena Massimo, Pauline von Bonsdorff, Sofia Boz, Edoardo Fusaro
AbstractThis panel will explore the art of improvisation in music and other performing arts, including dance and theatre. Panelists will discuss the importance of improvisation in these art forms, and how it contributes to the creative process and the live performance experience. Topics will include the history of improvisation in different cultures and traditions, the role of improvisation in contemporary performance practices, and the relationship between improvisation and other forms of creativity such as composition and choreography.
Expressiveness in the performing artsLisa Giombini - Alessandro Bertinetto (Italy)
ParticipantsNicola Di Stefano, Eran Guter, Michela Garda, Matteo Ravasio
AbstractThis panel will explore the role of expressiveness in music, dance, and theatre, and how it contributes to the emotional and aesthetic impact of these art forms. Panelists will discuss different approaches to expressiveness, such as through movement, gesture, and vocal expression, and how they are employed in different contexts and genres. The panel will also delve into the cultural and historical factors that shape our understanding and expectations of expressiveness in performing arts, and the ways in which performers and audiences alike experience and respond to expressive performances.
Interpretation and Authenticity: Exploring the BoundariesLisa Giombini - Alessandro Bertinetto (Italy)
ParticipantsTancredi Gusman, Marcello Ruta, Chiara Palazzolo, Vitor Moura
AbstractThis panel will address the challenge of interpretation and authenticity in music and other performing arts. Panelists will explore the tension between fidelity to the original work and the need for creative interpretation, and how this tension plays out in different contexts, art forms, and traditions. The panel will also examine questions of authenticity, such as how to define and preserve the essence of a work while allowing for the influence of changing cultural and historical contexts. Finally, panelists will discuss the role of the performer as an interpreter, and the ethical considerations that arise when interpreting works from different cultures and traditions.
Buddhist Ontologies of the MindPatrick McAllister (Austria), Amit Chaturvedi
ParticipantsPatrick McAllister, Amit Chaturvedi, Birgit Kellner, Masamichi Sakai, Alex Watson, Elisa Freschi
AbstractThis panel investigates concepts and arguments developed by Indian Buddhist philosophers of mind from the 5th century CE onward. These thinkers contributed to the so-called “epistemological turn” in Indian philosophy, which foregrounded issues in epistemology and logic against more traditional metaphysical debates. Yet, these epistemological developments also held important implications for issues in the philosophy of mind, such as the fundamental reality of consciousness, the nature of mental causation, and the possibility of knowing other minds. These developments were further shaped by the uniquely Buddhist metaphysical tenets of momentariness and the non-existence of the self. By examining Buddhist epistemology in terms of its ontologies of mind, we may revise our ideas about the historical development of Buddhist philosophy, and discover the significance of this development for broader philosophical concerns.
Buddhist Philosophy and Tantric Practice—Perspectives on the Philosophical Innovations of Buddhist TantraSerena Saccone (Italy), David Tomlinson
ParticipantsSerena Saccone, David Tomlinson, Parimal G. Patil, Daisy Cheung, Rae Erin Dachille, Dominic D. Z. Sur
AbstractOur panel will explore the adaptive reuse of themes and arguments from mainstream Buddhist
philosophy within the works of tantric Buddhist authors. We will focus on the specific ways
and reasons why these authors incorporated older arguments and doctrines from mainstream
Mahāyāna into the novel soteriological context of Buddhist tantra. Our aim is to shed light on
what motivates this kind of reuse, both historically and from a traditional perspective. At the
same time, we will consider new philosophical problems tantric authors developed in the
course of their engagement with tantric doctrinal and practical innovations. Based on the study
of tantric Buddhist texts, our panel will explore these questions in an effort to analyze the
philosophical innovations of Buddhist tantra.
Filosofia e Cura. Il counseling filosofico nel contesto medico-sanitario e socio-educativo. Pragma SocietyMaddalena Bisollo (Italy)
ParticipantsMaddalena Bisollo, Paolo Cicale, Luca Nave, Josè Barrientos Rastrojo, Maria Elisabetta Zamarchi, Stefania Contesini
AbstractLa tavola rotonda proposta si concentra sull'importante connubio tra il counseling filosofico e i contesti medico sanitari e socio educativi. Si tratta di un'occ asione di riflessione sulle opportunità e le sfide che sorgono quando si integra la filosofia nel contesto delle pratiche di cura. Gli esperti condivideranno le loro prospettive, le loro esperienze e ricerche per esplorare i benefici del counseling filosof ico in questi contesti. Sarà analizzata l'importanza dell'etica e della consapevolezza filosofica nell'affrontare questioni complesse legate alla prevenzione, alla salute fisica e mentale, ai comportamenti a rischio e alle dipendenze patologiche oltre che all'educazione in particolare giovanile. Inoltre, verranno esaminati i metodi e gli strumenti specifici del counseling filosofico e come essi possono essere applicati in modo efficace per migliorare la qualità della vita dei pazienti, degli studenti e dell a comunità in generale. La tavola rotonda mira a favorire un dialogo interdisciplinare e la discussione si concentrerà sulla creazione di ponti tra il pensiero filosofico e le pratiche quotidiane, fornendo spunti concreti su come il counseling filosofico può contribuire al beness ere individuale e collettivo.
Perspectivismo filosófico en la cultura popular. Los puntos de vista de la primera, segunda y tercera personaLaura Garcia Diaz (Spain)
ParticipantsDiana Inés Pérez, Enrico Brugnami, Garrido Natividad, Pablo Vera, Manuel Liz, Margarita Vázquez, Sara González, Laura García Díaz, Abraham Hernández
AbstractEl objetivo de esta mesa redonda es mostrar la aplicación de nociones tomadas del perspectivismo filosófico a manifestaciones de la cultura popular. Nos centraremos en una clase muy especial de perspectivas que llamaremos "perspectivas personales" de primera, segunda y tercera persona. La característica más importante de las perspectivas personales no consistiría en tener sujetos personales como portadores del punto de vista, sino en ser identificables y descriptibles a través de ciertos contenidos y actitudes peculiares de, digamos, un "nivel personal". Esto va en la línea de discusiones recientes de Ernest Sosa, Lynne Rudder Baker y Donald Davidson. Discutiremos el razonamiento ordinario que involucra la noción de perspectiva, desde la primera, la segunda y la tercera persona, utilizando principalmente como fuentes de evidencia formas culturales de expresión como novelas, películas, series de televisión, cómics y videojuegos. Estas formas culturales han sido abordadas de muchas maneras (periodismo, estudios sociales y culturales, etc.). Pero se necesita un análisis filosófico serio, especialmente cuando plantean nuevas tesis filosóficas sustantivas.
Do 'Perspective', 'Point of View', 'Frame', and 'Scenario' refer to the same concept or present relevant differences?Enrico Brugnami (Italy)
ParticipantsAntti Hautamäki, Natividad Garrido Rodríguez, Margarita Vázquez Campos, Andrés Luis Jaume Rodríguez, Manuel Liz Gutiérrez, Enrico Brugnami
AbstractThere is a prevalent tendency to employ perspectivist ideas in a localized manner across various philosophical disciplines (such as philosophy of science, epistemology, philosophy of language, or philosophy of mind). These ideas are often utilized to address specific problems without seeking general implications or establishing connections between different contexts of use. The concept of 'frame' finds application within cognitive sciences concerning our perceptual, cognitive, and agentive engagements with reality and self-perception. Initially significant in the early stages of cognitive sciences, this notion has experienced a resurgence in contemporary discourse.
Furthermore, 'frame' is utilized in the realms of economics and management, referring to approaches for addressing concrete problems necessitating decision-making in the absence of predetermined rules or strategies. The term 'scenario' is employed in discussions surrounding computer simulation models and within cognitive science. In this roundtable discussion, we aim to explore and establish connections between these terms by adopting a broader perspective.
Comparative Studies of Chinese Philosophy Toward World PhilosophyBo Mou (USA)
ParticipantsYuanfang Dai, Nevad Kahteran, Yuedie Liu
AbstractThis roundtable examines the theme of how comparative studies of Chinese philosophy toward world philosophy is possible, given comparative philosophy as a general way of doing philosophy through cross-tradition engagement toward world philosophy. The theme has three dimensions: <1> its nature dimension that guides such studies to do philosophy instead of merely historical description of what appear similar and different; <2> its approach dimension that guides such studies to go through the method of cross-tradition engagement (critically engaging with while constructively learning from each other); <3> its direction nature that guides such studies to move toward world philosophy in which such studies contribute to the contemporary development of philosophy on a range of issues that can be jointly concerned in different traditions and bring about the constructive social impact on the development of the human society worldwide. This roundtable consists of both general theoretic examination and specific case analyses. It also has its methodological significance on comparative studies of other philosophical traditions toward world philosophy.
Knowledge by AcquaintanceAnna Giustina (Italy)
ParticipantsEmad H. Atiq, David Chalmers, Matt Duncan, Uriah Kriegel, Jacopo Pallagrosi
AbstractMore than a century ago, Bertrand Russell (1910) expanded the boundaries of the notion of knowledge to include within it knowledge by acquaintance. This is a sui generis kind of knowledge that is thought to be simpler than and logically independent from propositional knowledge, being constituted by the subject’s direct awareness of things. Although Russell regarded this kind of knowledge as the most fundamental, its existence failed to garner widespread acceptance, to the extent that it was nearly forgotten by most contemporary epistemologists over the past century. However, in recent years, the notion of knowledge by acquaintance has resurged to prominence in the global philosophical arena (Duncan 2020; Atiq 2021; Giustina 2022; Kriegel, forth.). This roundtable seeks to engage some of the key figures in this "knowledge by acquaintance renaissance" to explore its primary motivations, the key arguments in its favor, and also the main theoretical challenges posed by its detractors.
Women Philosophers in Academia: Achievements, Obstacles and ChallengesCristina Sánchez (Spain)
ParticipantsCristina Sánchez, Ruth Hagengruber, Kateryna Karpenko, Veronica Tozzi, Cintia Martínez, Stella Villarmea
AbstractThis round table is sponsored by the International Association of Women Philosophers (IAPH). We want to explore the relationships between the relations between the ways of doing philosophy and the philosophical canon and the discriminatory practices that derive from them, proposing, transformative alternatives. We will discuss the obstacles encountered by women philosophers in universities, among which we can mention the following: under-representation in the respective departments, salary disparity between men and women Ph.D.s, sexual harassment, lack of mentorship, glass ceiling, low or no presence in editorial committees. At the same time, different professional networks, such as the IAPH, propose critical, counter-hegemonic thinking, opening up collective spaces for reflection, such as this round table, which allow us to elaborate responses to the challenges of inequality and discrimination.
Globalization and Social EpistemologyKang Ouyang (China)
ParticipantsKang Ouyang, William Sweet, Alexander Chumakov, Steve William Fuller, Wei Wu, Hui Dong
AbstractThe purpose of this round table is to explore the relationship between globalization and social epistemology in the context of the current era, following the theme of "Philosophy Across Boundaries" of the 25th World Congress of Philosophy, and to initiate an interdisciplinary discussion on this topic. Participants will explore (1) The impact of globalization on social epistemology, (2)Globalization and epistemic justice, (3) Multicultural and social epistemology, (4)Global governance and social epistemology, (5) International cooperation on social epistemology
Practices of Self-transformation in Indian PhilosophyPawel Odyniec
ParticipantsPawel Odyniec, James Madaio, Balaganapati Devarakonda, Jessica Frazier, Jed Forman
AbstractPierre Hadot (1922-2010) influentially called philosophy ‘a way of life’ (manière de vivre), involving philosophical discourse, the use of reason, and spiritual exercises (exercices spirituels). These are intended to bring about a transformation of self and the attainment of wisdom (sophia). Taking this metaphilosophical claim about the nature and function of philosophy seriously, the aim of this panel is to address a number of self-transformative practices in premodern South Asia, while remaining sensitive to Indic categories. The papers collectively address techniques of attentional training, the application of imagination, the cultivation of meditative perception, the practice of reading and reciting, as well as taming and closely attending to the presence or absence of affective states. The panel highlights the practical dimension of Indian philosophical systems, showing how philosophy was enacted in South Asia to effectuate self-transformation and attain tradition-specific aims.
Wittgenstein's Philosophy as a Way of Life Maria Venieri (Greece)
ParticipantsUlrich Arnswald, Vasso Kindi, Ilse Somavilla, Stelios Virvidakis, Maria Venieri
Abstracthilosophy as a way of life, in the sense introduced by Pierre Hadot, does not just build theoretical systems, but transforms people’s lives. This can be achieved through spiritual exercises, which consist among others in reading the appropriate philosophical texts. Wittgenstein’s purpose in the Tractatus is to draw the limits of language, so that we recognize his propositions as nonsensical and see the world aright. In the later work he stresses the therapeutic role of philosophy, which aims at dissolving philosophical problems. Some of the questions we shall discuss are: Can we, following Hadot himself, view the reading of the Tractatus as a spiritual exercise, which leads to a kind of mystical experience and thus changes our life? Does Wittgenstein’s early work show the way to an ethical life and help us cope with the fear of death? Can the later work be regarded as a way of transforming our life and of achieving peace of mind akin to “ataraxia”? Can it also leave room for faith?
Artificial Intelligence and Human Autonomy: Philosophical ExplorationsFabio Fossa (Italy)
ParticipantsJuan Pablo Bermúdez, Sofia Bonicalzi, Simona Tiribelli, Radu Uszkai, Fabio Fossa
AbstractI technologies as diverse as recommender systems, biomedical applications, automated vehicles, and social robots all significantly impact on human autonomy, reframing its characters and affecting its scope in multifarious ways. While interactions between artificial and human agents invite to reassess the conceptual blocks of autonomy as a philosophical notion and shed new light on key phenomena such as influence, manipulation, coercion and deception, the moral need to protect and promote the value of human autonomy in practical contexts where AI systems are adopted calls for critical reflections on practices of design, deployment, use and regulation. By putting together researchers working on the intersections between AI systems and human autonomy, this roundtable intends to cross scholarship boundaries, share insights across discussions on different AI systems, and build bridges across diverse research approaches.
J. G. Fichtes Philosophy in the contemporary World: recognition and cosmopolitism across boundaries Matteo Vincenzo d'Alfonso (Italy)
ParticipantsPetra Lohmann, Mario Jorge de Carvalho, Marco Ivaldo, Giorgia Cecchinato
AbstractFor more than thirty years (first issue in 1990), the Fichte-Studien – Beträge zur Geschichte und Systematik der Transzendentalphilosophie has been published to promote and publish contributions on the philosophy of J. G. Fichte and on the “history and systems of transcendental philosophy”. Since then, 52 volumes have come out, from authors all over the world, on the most varied topics according to a historical-hermeneutical or theoretical perspective. The major reference author of the studies is, of course, Fichte, but, along with Kant, almost all the major representatives of classical German philosophy, whose systematic and reflexive-critical potential yet to be discovered and exploited in our time, appear as well-attended authors. The Review is published by a traditional and very modern publisher like Brill (Leiden/Boston), which will be also present at the World-Congress.
Dualist and Pluralist Trends in Indian Philosophy Marzenna Jakubczak (Poland)
ParticipantsGeoff Ashton, Dimitry Shevchenko, Marzenna Jakubczak
AbstractThe panellists are going to discuss some key arguments supporting the dualist and pluralist views developed in the Indian philosophical schools, such as Samkhya, Yoga, Nyaya and Vaiśeshika, etc. Rrefering to the selected metaphysical and epistemic questions they will trace the most characteristic features of Indian antimonist trends.
Karl Marx's Philosophy in 21st CenturyKe Zhou (China)
ParticipantsWilliam McBride, David McLellan, Kenji Mori, Xinyan Wang, Dianlai Li, Shifa Zhao, Fugang Sheng, Bingyi Liu, Yan Yan, Jia Zhang, Baihe Li, Danfei Liu, Ting Kong, Dongxiao Wang, Guang Guo, Bing Xing, Jing Wang, Jianjiang Liu
AbstractAs early as the twentieth century, Sartre pointed out that Marxism is still the living philosophy of our time, that it is unsurpassed in our historical era. Even after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Derrida continued to argue that, whether people wanted to or not, and whether they realized it or not, all people on the planet were, to some extent, heirs to Marx and Marxism. Since entering the 21st century, Marx's philosophy has continued to shine with wisdom in criticizing contemporary capitalism, addressing ecological challenges, and exploring the future society of mankind. Deepening the study of Marx's philosophy and its contemporary significance depends on the dialog and exchange of philosophers from different countries and cultures.
Teoría crítica desde las AméricasStefan Gandler (Mexico)
ParticipantsGergana Petrova, Karla Sánchez Felix, Daniele Cargnelutti, Jéssica Raquel Rodeguero Stefanuto, Leomir Cardoso Hilário, Stefan Gandler
AbstractCon el afán de reanudar una Teoría crítica de la sociedad, sin limitaciones impuestas por dogmas contemporáneos que reducen esta teoría única del siglo XX a un club de seguidores de Habermas, o a un asunto de habitantes de ciudades sedes de grandes trusts y ejércitos, reorganizamos debates sobre la Teoría crítica desde las Américas. Aunque algunos piensan que no se puede hablar de la crítica a occidente, desarrollada por Horkheimer, Marcuse, Benjamin, Neumann, Kirchheimer, Adorno y sin haber vivido en alguna ciudad europea, esta teoría y sus autores probablemente no hubieran sobrevivido sin las Américas. Su exilio en Nueva York, San Diego etc. es prueba de ello, más el suicidio de Benjamin, al ver obstaculizado su camino hacia las Américas. Además, el debate sobre esta corriente teórica está hoy vivo sobre todo en universidades de las Américas: tendencias herméticas en la fortificación Europa han complicado allí demasiado el camino para en reanudar una Teoría crítica de la sociedad.
Multi-Perspectives on Philosophical Thinking Ying Wang (China)
ParticipantsYuhong Liu, Gejin Chao, Fangxi Liu, Ermelinda Rodilosso, Lin Xiao, Ying Wang
AbstractIn the traditional Chinese knowledge system there is an inherent cognition that there is no separation of literature, history, and philosophy. Literature is based on real life and depends on emotion, spirit, and talent; history is the "facts" of the past that have happened from different perspectives; philosophy is a different interpretation of the world based on all the facts, an abstract systematic thought. Among these three, especially philosophy is permeated through them: some literary works must run through some philosophical ideas and philosophical ethics, and historical events must also take some philosophical views as pillars. The essence of philosophy is also prominently reflected in literary works and historical writing. This panel attempts to probe literature, art, folklore, artificial intelligence, natural history, linguistics, and ethics from the perspective of philosophy, trying to find out the changes of deep philosophical logical thinking in the past and the present.
Mālama Honua: Responding to Global Conflict and Ecological CollapseTimothy Freeman (USA)
ParticipantsYulia Sushytska, Ermelinda Rodilosso, Jill Nunokawa, Timothy Freeman
AbstractThis panel considers the deepening global crisis brought on by war, ecological degradation, and climate change. Panelists discuss the ecological consequences of war, an Environmental Virtue Ethics effective in dealing with both environmental and social injustice, Nietzsche’s challenge to remain loyal to the earth, Thich Nhat Hanh’s call to change our way of walking upon the earth, and the Hawaiian message of Mālama Honua (caring for the earth) that has been carried around the world in recent voyages of the Hōkūleʻa, a double-hulled deep-sea voyaging canoe built-in the ancient Hawaiian tradition of voyaging. Nainoa Thompson, the legendary navigator of the Hōkūleʻa once summed up the problem with our civilization when he said, “The sail plan we are on is not sustainable.” We suggest that a change of values is needed for a sustainable sail plan, beginning with the recognition of the earth as our home.
Renaissance NaturalismSandra Plastina (Italy)
ParticipantsJean-Paul De Lucca, Petr Pavlas, Sandra Plastina
AbstractBernardino Telesio's philosophy of nature marked a momentous change in the philosophical panorama of late Renaissance. Naturalism as expressed by Bernardino Telesio in De rerum natura (1586) and the great lesson given by Francesco Patrizi in his Discussiones peripateticae (1581), linked other interpretations, born within a changed imago mundi, to the strong anti-Aristotelian polemic. Campanella drew his own natural philosophy from Telesio’s, using it as the base from which to branch out into all the other areas of his philosophical inquiry, “coupling it with theology”. The influence of the Hermetic corpus on Campanella’s natural philosophy has been the object of several specialist studies. The roundtable’s contribution will first take a closer look at Campanella’s use of other ancient sources in his own corpus. The final contribution within this roundtable is particularly devoted to the acceptance of supernaturalism by Comenius and, on the other hand, its rejection by Leibniz.
Screaming Bodies: a Phenomenology of the Body in PainValeria Bizzari (Belgium)
ParticipantsViole Valinskaite, Josh Law, Adriana Mickiewicz, Phyla Kupferschmidt
AbstractThe aim of this panel is to critically review the conceptualization of the body as a mere biological substratum. Firstly, they will take into account the notion of a "healthy" body and point out that this notion results from the often-cited phenomenological distinction of Leib/Körper. A conception of the healthy body based on such a dichotomy completely overlooks the complexity of embodiment. On the contrary, they argue that the healthy body is not a silent transparent body, but a translucent body filled with resonating whispers of ambiguity. They will then consider specific case studies where the lived body violently expresses its presence: painful somatic experiences; schizophrenia, and melancholia. In analyzing these cases, phenomenology will be extremely helpful to understand how the main subjective structures, such as intentionality and relationality, change together with the body itself. They will discuss phenomena like "disembodiment" in schizophrenia and "overembodiment" in melancholia, among others.
Franz Rosenzweig's "Hegel and the State" -- the English TranslationJules Simon (USA)
ParticipantsPetar Bpjanic, Wayne Cristaudo, Charles Rodger, Francesco Ciglia, Jules Simon
AbstractThis roundtable or panel proposal aims to discuss the just published English translation of Franz Rosenzweig's "Hegel and the State." Franz Rosenzweig, one of the most significant German Jewish philosophers of the twentieth century, provides a major contribution to the understanding of Hegel's political and social thought. Through careful readings of Hegel’s early handwritten manuscripts, Rosenzweig examines how Hegel wrestled with the problem of reconciling the subjectivity and freedom of the individual within a community and the political state. The panelists will delve into Rosenzweig's analysis and discuss how Hegel's chosen route out of this conundrum shaped his mature political philosophy, particularly in understanding the reciprocal relationship between the individual and the state.
The paradox of care robots between companionship and lonelinessAlberto Pirni (Italy)
ParticipantsToshie Takahashi, Paolo Dario, Gaia Contu, Tamara Lorenz, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Alberto Pirni
AbstractThis round table aims to develop new philosophical strategies to critically examine the interaction between emerging technologies, societal dynamics, and ethical concerns. The interdisciplinary panel discussion will focus on the ethical implications of robot companionship and delve into the philosophical aspects of technology's role in human emotional well-being. The central question revolves around whether robotic care can effectively mitigate feelings of loneliness in vulnerable groups, such as the elderly and disabled, or if there are inherent ontological limitations in its design and interactions that hinder its efficacy.
Research Project on Dignity Studies (organized by the Philosophical Association of Japan)Noburu Notomi (Japan)
ParticipantsMatthias Kettner, Yaming Li, Yasushi Kato
AbstractFollowing World War II, the concept of "Human Dignity" became foundational in guiding the establishment of national and international social frameworks. However, contemporary discourse challenges the exclusivity of Dignity as a human-centric concept. Terminologies like "Dignity of Life" and "Animal Dignity" signify a growing diversification in the understanding of Dignity globally. To nurture this pluralism and evolve the concept into a catalyst for intellectual engagement, an interdisciplinary field of study named "Dignity Studies" is proposed. This panel serves as an invitation to explore and develop this field further.
Colonial Legacies, Decolonial Practices, Philosophical InquiriesMonika Kirloskar-Steinbach (Netherlands)
ParticipantsMonika Kirloskar-Steinbach, Takeshi Morisato, Mickaella Perina, Falguni Sheth
AbstractThis panel explores the disconnect between philosophy's self-image as the pinnacle of human reason and its actual practices, considering philosophy as a "practice of interrogation." Scholars will discuss the parochiality of the discipline's narrative and explore world-philosophical traditions through the lenses of political philosophy, intellectual history, and decolonial studies.
IMMANUEL KANT IN LATIN AMERICA - Influence of Immanuel Kant in Latin America: A Caribbean PerspectiveEduardo Bermúdez (Colombia)
ParticipantsCarlos Rojas, Enmanuel Flores, Rene Campis, José Coley, Numas Gil, William Salgado, Javier Ferreira, Lourdes Velasquez
AbstractThis working session aims to explore the profound influence of Immanuel Kant in the Caribbean region, analyzing the impact of his philosophical ideas on intellectual discourse and academic activities. The focus will be on delineating diverse philosophical approaches within the Caribbean context and examining their operations.
Roundtable on Logic-Based Therapy & ConsultationElliot Cohen (USA)
ParticipantsDavid Sumiacher D'Angelo, Angelo Manassero, Florin Lobont, Gale S. Cohen, Elliot Cohen
AbstractLogic-Based Therapy and Consultation (LBTC) is a modality of philosophical counseling and consulting that utilizes logic, virtue theory, and diverse philosophical theories in a six-step method to address life problems. This roundtable will examine LBTC's application in various contexts such as philosophy for children, healthcare, social work, geriatric rehabilitation, and addictions, and discuss the potential contributions of training in this philosophical practice modality.
ParticipantsVirginia Sanchez, Luisa de Paula, Teresa Lucente, Loredana Cardullo, Gennaro Pezzella, Laura Ruocco, David Sumiacher, Giovanna Borrello
AbstractUna raccolta di lezioni, documenti, locandine e foto che narrano i primi quindici anni dell'associazione METIS, fondata nel 2007 da Giovanna Borrello per promuovere il primo corso a Napoli di Alta Formazione in Counseling filosofico. METIS è la dea greca, mediterranea, solare che rappresenta l'intelligenza pratica femminile, l'intuizione brillante che consente l'improvviso germogliare della vita dalla cura. La storia di una vocazione alla creazione di relazioni, soprattutto femminili, evocata dalle tessitrici del frontespizio, opera del grande maestro spagnolo Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida. L'associazione METIS, che ha promosso i suoi Corsi a partire da Napoli e poi a Catania (città fertili e vulcaniche) fino a Roma, (caput mundi e culla di una civiltà-ponte tra Mediterraneo e Mar del Nord) orienta il suo orizzonte culturale su due filoni: quello "fenomenologico-esistenziale", erede della filosofia di Aldo Masullo, di cui riprende l'attenzione alla dimensione "patica".
Kaizo 1923-2023: Global Renewal of Reason?Emanuele Caminada (Belgium)
ParticipantsToru Yaegashi, Bado Ndoye, Roberta De Monticelli, Emanuele Caminada
AbstractThis panel discusses Husserl's call for a renewal of European rationality, as articulated in the Japanese journal Kaizo (1923-1924). Husserl argued that to revive European rationality on a global scale, it was essential to understand why the Enlightenment had failed and why Europe had lost faith in it. The implicit message to Japanese readers was that adopting European technology necessitated a commitment to the philosophical idea of practical reason grounded in universal science, or else Japan would face the same crisis as Europe. The panel takes advantage of the ongoing translation of these texts into Japanese and English. They propose a reassessment of Husserl's concepts of culture and civilization and their reception in Japan. Additionally, they discuss whether Husserl's account offers reasons to overcome cynicism and pessimism in the face of contemporary global failures, such as conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza. Finally, they explore the extent to which Husserl's depiction of a rational civilization may be constrained by Eurocentric biases.
Intercultural Feminist PhilosophyNamita Herzl (Austria)
ParticipantsKhimaja R. Connell, Priyanka Jha, Robinah Nakabo, Lara Hofner
AbstractThe aim of this panel is to discuss feminist theory and thinking on a global scale, and to connect these ideas with intercultural philosophical debates. For this endeavour, it is necessary to examine the structural causes that led to the systematic exclusion of non-European women thinkers that are in most cases non-canonical to this day. At the same time, it appears crucial to develop strategies from different fields to form alliances and to trust in solidarity against oppression. Feminist post- and decolonial theories have addressed issues on inclusion of gender diversity, yet they have equally drawn on predominantly Western theories. Therefore, it is important now more than ever, to go beyond the traditionally Western framework of post- and decolonial feminist theories and to engage in conversations with intercultural philosophy that has equally been pressing on feminist issues without successfully making them a standard in the debates. Questions of place and context, language, as well as different practices of doing philosophy come to the fore if we address intercultural and feminist issues at the same time. As women philosophers, we hope to contribute to further visibility of both intercultural and feminist philosophy and to strengthen inclusive conversations.
Eric Weil's Political PhilosophyPatrice Canivez (France)
ParticipantsSequoya Yiaueki, Marco Filoni, Luís Manuel Bernardo
AbstractÉric Weil’s classic book entitled Political Philosophy is in line with the theme of the FISP 2024 World Congress: “Philosophy across boundaries”. On the one hand, the book takes up the central themes of Éric Weil’s philosophy, which focuses on the relationship between violence and reason, on the ways in which violence manifests itself in today’s world, and on the conditions according to which this violence may be reduced through reasonable action and discussion. In this view, Weil’s Political Philosophy analyses the logic of political action in contemporary States and societies by focusing on the issues that this action must address. These issues all have a global dimension, as can be seen in climate change, the reduction or prevention of armed conflict, the need for transnational justice, the distribution of wealth on a global scale. New processes of international cooperation are therefore needed, which if not replace should at least balance and limit interstates rivalries. On the other hand, Weil’s work analyses the relations between different historical communities (nations, nationalities, minorities, etc.) from a dynamic perspective, examining how these communities and their traditions (moral, religious, aesthetic, etc.) transform and reinterpret themselves in the context of their mutual interactions and under the influence of technological development. To this end, Eric Weil’s Political Philosophy develops a series of concepts that are relevant for further reflection on issues such as the relationship between nature and technology, the need for ethical innovation, etc.
Judging Culinary ObjectsNicolaj van der Meulen (switzerland)
ParticipantsHarald Lemke, Tina Haisch, Nicolaj van der Meulen, Anke Haarmann
AbstractThe panel invites theoreticians and practitioners from philosophy, culture, economics, gastronomy,
geography, agriculture, society and business to exchange ideas for robust concepts for a sustainable
and future oriented culinary culture. The aim is to share perspectives and ideas and to develop a
practice-oriented Philosophy of Food from multidisciplinary perspectives. This may involve
rethinking the formats of food consumption mediation, evaluating actions within local and global
food production systems in order to develop sustainable food cultures, and expanding culinary
experimentation. The results of the panel will be shared and could be experienced in a participatory manner. As a way
of coming together and sharing the results, a "tavolata" (or "convivium") will be organised.
The Moral Imagination: Scope, Limits, ConflictSilvia Caprioglio Panizza (Italy)
ParticipantsEvgenia Mylonaki, Kamila Pacovska, Agata Łukomska, Ondrej Beran, Silvia Caprioglio Panizza
AbstractImagination is important for the moral life in more than one way: being able to imagine others’ situations means being able to overcome one’s own limited position, helps with conflict-resolution and links with empathy; lack of imagination is often associated with narrow-mindedness, refusal to engage, and stubbornness; further, the imagination helps with finding solutions and possibilities. This panel aims to address not only the positive role of the moral imagination, but also to explore its possible limits, including cases where the limits may be desirable. Some questions are normative: should the moral imagination have limits? Are there contexts where imagining is bad? Others descriptive: How do virtues like humility, and vices like arrogance, affect the moral imagination? What else limits the moral imagination? More positively: how can we harness the moral imagination, including both broadening and perhaps delimiting it, in the cases where it’s desirable to do so, to address some of the more conflictual issues of our times? Talks in the panel will include the more theoretical moral psychological dimension of these questions as well as the practical applications to conflicts and climate change.
Intercultural Feminist Philosophy: Bridging Global PerspectivesNamita Herzl (Germany)
ParticipantsConnell Khimaja R., Jha Priyanka, Nakabo Robinah, Hofner Lara, Herzl Namita
AbstractThe aim of this panel is to discuss feminist theory and thinking on a global scale, and to connect these ideas with intercultural philosophical debates. For this endeavour, it is necessary to examine the structural causes that led to the systematic exclusion of non-European women thinkers that are in most cases non-canonical to this day. At the same time, it appears crucial to develop strategies from different fields to form alliances and to trust in solidarity against oppression. Feminist post- and decolonial theories have addressed issues on inclusion of gender diversity, yet they have equally drawn on predominantly Western theories. Therefore, it is important now more than ever, to go beyond the traditionally Western framework of post- and decolonial feminist theories and to engage in conversations with intercultural philosophy that has equally been pressing on feminist issues without successfully making them a standard in the debates. Questions of place and context, language, as well as different practices of doing philosophy come to the fore if we address intercultural and feminist issues at the same time. As women philosophers, we hope to contribute to further visibility of both intercultural and feminist philosophy and to strengthen inclusive conversations.
Nietzsche and MusicTilman Williams (Germany)
ParticipantsGaila Pander, Tilman Williams, Yunus Tuncel, David Kilpatrick
AbstractNietzsche (1844- 1900) is one of the few philosophers who have an intimate connection to music. His musical
ambition urged him to compose music, although he had no training in this area. Most of his compositions are
from his late teens; his earliest inspira tions come from Beethoven, Mozart, Haydn, Schubert, Schumann and
Wagner. However, Nietzsche did not follow a musical path and decided to become a philologist and dedicated his
life to writing and philosophy. Nietzsche’s background in music, on the other ha nd, influenced his way of thinking
and writing. An Anthology on Nietzsche and Music: Philosophical Thoughts and Musical Experiments, edited by
Durakoglu, Steinmann and Tuncel, will be presented at this round table. Editors and several contributors will
pre sent their findings and explain the significance of Nietzsche’s experimentation in thought and music.
Rigor: which style and practice in mathematics?Paul Thierry (France)
ParticipantsGerhard Heinzmann, Frédéric Patras, Valeria Giordano, Michele Abrusci, Paul Thierry
AbstractIt is a most commonly accepted view that rigor characterizes mathematics. That view was further strengthtened by the crisis of foundations at the turn between the two last centuries. The Gödel’s theorems condemned any Hilbertian hope for a rock solid finite logical method of foundation. The debates were later augmented by a questioning of mathematical practices: mathematicians usually do not appeal to logic in their daily work, nor in the discussions they have nor even in their published articles. The round table will try to survey the status of art, going back to key authors such as Poincaré and his conception of proof and negative results, or, more closely, mathematicians and philosophers who may change the very conception we have or rigor. The round table will then discuss a wide spectrum of current challenges, running from computer-driven approaches - proof assitant and AI - to more standard philosophical considerations like the role of cognitive aesthetics in mathematics.
Anoixism/Open Philosophy: How Philosophy Across Boundaries is Possible?Weilin Fang (Belgium)
ParticipantsWeilin Fang, Stelios Virvidakis, Chung-ying Cheng, Mats Malm, Bart Dessein, Hong Yu, Ping Ren, Xilin You, Guozhu Sun, Lingxi Chen, Mingyu Li, Jianqing Wei, Nikolas Michael Krause, Erjia De.
AbstractAnoixism (Greek: Ανοίξισμός, derived from the Greek verb “ανοίξω,” meaning “to open”) is a doctrine of Open Philosophy. This session will discuss how Anoixism fosters openness, transcends traditional boundaries, and embraces an inclusive and interdisciplinary perspective. The panel will explore interdisciplinary communication among different disciplines, fields, and cultures, addressing principles of equality and openness. It will examine methods for promoting equality, openness, communication, and inclusivity among individuals of different genders, races, nationalities, and cultures. The discussion will also delve into topics such as dialogue and communication among various religious communities, aiming to find a path to open coexistence. Furthermore, the panel will explore the ethical frameworks of "Anoixist optimality of social freedom," which prioritize maximum individual freedom while respecting the legitimate rights of others and upholding the value of human rights.
Dialectic and division in Plato and AristotleColin G. King (USA)
ParticipantsAnna Pavani, Valentin Kaspar Dietrich, Jérémie Hébrard, Colin Guthrie King
AbstractThis panel will feature work by younger scholars on dialectic and division in Plato and Aristotle, with a particular emphasis on the features of dialectic and division which are relevant for the history of logic. Participants will consider how the theory of dialectic in Plato and Aristotle codified the objects, procedures, and goals of division through dihairetic trees, and the further background concepts associated with the procedures of dialectic and division. One paper will be devoted to Plato’s Philebus and the use of mathematical concepts of number and proportion, and their relationship to Aristotle’s syllogistic (Valentin Dietrich, Zürich). A further paper will treat the method of division as it is employed in Plato’s Sophist and Statesman and its relationship to dialectic (Anna Pavani, Cologne). A third paper will consider the description of dialectic in Plato as a game, and develop a game-theoretical conception of dialectical practices in the Academy (Jérémie Hébrard, Québec). A final paper will concern the testing and revision of rules of division under the influence of the theory of predication in Aristotle’s Topics (Colin Guthrie King, Providence College).
Interreligious dialogue, Chorology, and the LawPaolo Heritier (Italy)
ParticipantsRichard Sherwin, Seung Chul KIM, Flavia Monceri, Mario Ricca, Francesco Campagnola, Fernando Bellelli, Giovanni Bombelli
AbstractThe round table, in two sessions, moves from the connection with the panels “What do other religions want Christianity to learn from them?” presented by the Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture. The panel represents a first step toward future research entitled “What do other forms of social normativity want Western law and politics to learn from them?” Interreligious dialogue tends to pose itself as an understanding of values considered common (peace, solidarity, etc.), in the prevailing silence on the institutional aspects of the internal organization of religions and cults, as if the issues were not related. A chorological approach notifies that “no one can be the master of the whole truth”, going beyond the Western political theological model and any prospect of new imperialisms. A new model of interfaith dialogue could represent a starting point for conceiving a theory of law and politics that can go beyond the idea of 'human rights'?
Jewish Philosophy for the End of the WorldHanoch Ben Pazi (Israel)
ParticipantsLaurie Zoloth, Steven Kepnes, Yehudah Mirsky, Miriam Feldmann Kaye, Jan Jorrit Hasselaar
AbstractThis panel will consider this final question: whether philosophy can effectively address the significant and urgent issues we face today. In particular, we aim to pose this question to Jewish philosophy, to the ongoing development of religious philosophy in general, and to the exploration of the ways in which Jewish philosophy might turn to the task of creating the human future. To confront this challenge, we intend to bring several Jewish philosophers to the table that are grappling with these questions. Each philosopher will be asked to highlight one area in which the crucial questions of tomorrow become relevant to Jewish philosophy and in that raise the stake of the field to ones of deadly consequence. Thus, we will ask the participants to consider global warming and its relationship to the classic question of how to live a moral life, how to maintain a just relationship to one’s civil society, and how to think deeply and authentically about theological questions of fate, sin, and responsibility.
Le rappresentazioni della filosofia nella Grecia anticaOlimpia Imperio (Italy)
ParticipantsAda Caruso, Maria Elena De Luna, Pierre Destrée, Michael Erler, Olimpia Imperio, Giuseppe Solaro, Mauro Tulli
AbstractLa tavola rotonda, promossa dall’Associazione Universitaria per lo Studio del Mondo Greco “To Hellenikon”, propone un confronto tra filologi, storici, archeologi e studiosi della produzione letteraria della Grecia antica intorno alle variegate ‘rappresentazioni’ della filosofia nei testi e nelle arti figurative di età arcaica, classica, ellenistica e imperiale: il concetto di divenire nel logos eracliteo, la poetica di Platone sul comico e sul tragico, il suo impiego dello humour e della parodia, il dinamismo del dialogo platonico ‘aperto’ e l’idea di letteratura in Teofrasto, la dialettica fra teoria e prassi nella formazione filosofica dell’uomo politico di Aristotele e di Plutarco, la facies architettonica delle principali scuole (Accademia, Peripato e Kepos) ad Atene concorrono a offrire una panoramica ad ampio spettro e capillare della presenza pervasiva della filosofia in tutte le espressioni del pensiero e della civiltà dei Greci.
The Network “Philosophy in the modern Islamic world” - Philosophizing beyond boundariesKata Moser (Germany)
ParticipantsMansooreh Khalilizand, Sevinc Yasargil, Sarhan Dhouib
AbstractThe network “Philosophy in the Modern Islamic World”, funded by the DFG, explores philosophies from the Arabic-speaking world, Türkiye and Iran. It adopts a philosophical perspective that inter-connects the primarily regionally oriented study of these philosophies, transcends national, linguistic and disciplinary boundaries and explicitly takes into account philosophical contributions beyond established academic practice. In this round table, we will present some of the projects associated with this network and discuss the challenges and opportunities of the plurality of these perspectives and the associated philosophical practice. We will also address the question of recognizing philosophy: why is it important to engage with philosophy in the modern Islamic world? What contribution does this philosophy and our study of it make to modern and contemporary philosophy? And why is it important to do this work in a networked way?
Philipp Mainländer: rasgos de una filosofía por develarJose Alberto Cruzado De La Vega (Colombia)
ParticipantsManúel Peréz Cornejo, Oscar Fernando Burgos Cruz, Dayana Cecilia De La Rosa Carbonell
AbstractRasgos de una filosofía por devela, es una propuesta temática que enmarca la obra de Mainländer, en la esfera pública, dado que los aportes de este filósofo, poeta y dramaturgo, generó un impacto en el pensamiento contemporáneo, fue la génesis del pensamiento filosófico de la idea de la muerte de dios, el ateísmo científico y el mensaje de una filosofía social para la vida, que por los aspectos que dieron final a su vida, se mantuvo oculto, hasta principios del año 2.000, se inicia una tarea ardua de revelar la obra del filósofo en mención. El pensamiento mainländeriano se ubica en una línea de reflexión o corriente filosófica denominada filosofía pesimista que surge en el siglo XIX con Arthur Schopenhauer, pero que se remonta en el tiempo, como lo demuestran las tablas egipcias halladas alrededor del 2500 a C aproximadamente, la epopeya de Gilgamesh que nos muestra, la disputa de un hombre con su alma, y este hombre piensa aliviar sus penas, enfermedad y vida afligida con la muerte de la propia mano, es aproximación a lo que conocemos como filosofía pesimista.
Hans Jonas, his predecessors and his legacyNathalie Frogneux (Belgium)
ParticipantsRoberto Franzini Tibaldeo, Jelson Oliveira, Fabio Fossa, Daniel Herkovitz, Elad Lapidot, Michael Bongardt, Angela Michelis, Gregori De Souza, Thiago Vasconcelos, Nathalie Frogneux
AbstractHans Jonas, his predecessors and his legacy. A classic author of contemporary philosophy, Hans Jonas has developed a critique of the authors he has worked with. As a critic of both analytic philosophy and Heideggerian phenomenology, he stands at the crossroads of several contemporary and ancient philosophical traditions. The round table will explore his thought in the wake of the great thinkers who inspired him, and will also consider his fruitfulness, particularly for environmental philosophy, the ethics of nature and technology, and fundamental ethics. The round table will focus on texts published during his lifetime and recent publications from the Constance Archives.
Intentional Agency and Executive ThoughtLuca Ferrero (Italy)
ParticipantsSamuel Asamow, Carlos Nunez, Lilian O’Brien
AbstractThis panel focuses on controversies surrounding executive thought – that subspecies of practical thought that guides intentional action. It is argued that our executive failures, such as our failure to act upon a present-directed intention, present a challenge to widely-accepted views about the relationship between rational and mental facts. It is also argued that common views about the rational norms governing intention and belief are mistaken. These should be revised in favour of an approach that prioritizes acceptance rather than belief. Finally, the relationship between executive thinking and knowledge-how is explored, and the intellectualist view of knowledge-how is found wanting.
Agency, Reflection, and the Guise of the GoodLuca Ferrero (Italy)
ParticipantsSergio Tenenbaum, Keshav Singh, Scott Sehon
AbstractThis panel will first consider the limitations of three standard accounts of action: the event-causal theories of action, agent-causal theories, and theories according to which action is irreducibly teleological – and whether a Korsgaard's Kantian account, on which rational motivation has “an essentially reflexive structure” fares any better. It will then turn to the ‘guise of the good’ accounts with special attention to two problems: the under-specification of desire and allegedly intentional actions done for no-reason. First, tt seems that the agent's desires might fail to find satisfaction even if the world conforms to the content of the agent's will. How could we account for this potential mismatch? Shouldn't satisfaction be taken to be inseparable from at least the apparent good---as argued by the guise of the good theorists? Second, do intentional actions done for no reason pose problems for the guise of the good thesis? Once we admit the possibility of acting intentionally for no reason, it seems that we must admit the possibility of acting intentionally for a reason one does not see as good. Is this a fatal objection to the guise of the good theory? If not, how can the guise of the good theorist offer a principled denial of the existence of intentional actions done for no reason?
Agency and Artificial IntelligenceLuca Ferrero (Italy)
ParticipantsNate Sharadin, Kritika Maheshwari, Lindsay Brainard
AbstractThe panel explores the relationship between artificial intelligence (AI) and agency, with special focus on creativity and domination. First, can AI be considered a dominating agent? While AI possesses a minimal level of agency, it lacks moral capacities typically associated with dominating agency, which suggests that artificial domination as akin to domination by a deficient minimal agent. If so, what are the ethical implications of domination by AI? Second, what kind of genuine creative capabilities can be attributed to AI? Can only agents like human beings be truly creative? Can AI be deemed to be genuinely creative although in a non-traditional sense, even if AI lacks the self-awareness and personal disclosure found in human creative activities?
Competence and Skill: From Epistemic to Collective AgencyLuca Ferrero (Italy)
ParticipantsHille Paakkunainen, David Horst, Matthew Noah Smith
AbstractIt is common to associate proficient individual bodily agency with the manifestation of various competencies and skills. But what happens to the notions of competence and skill when they are applied to other forms of agency such as epistemic agency and collective agency? The panelists will consider such questions as: What kind of competence is exhibited in the selection of premises in reasoning? Is this competence sufficient to claim that there is genuine agency in reasoning? What is the relation between the normative competence exhibited in believing something for a reason and the kinds of skills familiar from the agency manifested in sports, games, and the arts? Finally, are there genuinely collective competencies and skills (such as those exhibited by sports teams) that are irreducible to the competencies and skills of individual agents?
Agency, Rationality, and the Practical QuestionLuca Ferrero (Italy)
ParticipantsMatthias Haase, Anton Ford, Oded Na’aman
AbstractThis panel will consider the relation between the practical question, "What to do?", agency, and rationality. First, what is the relation between the practical question and other questions that have guided traditional philosophical accounts of agency, such as the questions of whether to do something or why to do it? Are there distinct kinds of practical questions (say, moral, political, aesthetic) and, if so, how do they relate to each other? Second, the action that answers the practical question seems to have two dimensions: a general dimension of thought, in the form of the intended end, and a particular dimension, in the form of the concreteness of the realized end. How do these two dimensions relate to each other? Is the relation just that of an abstract type to one of its tokens or should it be conceived as the temporal realization of a concept via a form of practical reasoning that only concludes with the completion of the action? Finally, is the answer to the practical question necessarily cast in terms of reasons? It is customary to think that an agent is answerable only for actions and other agential items for which the agent could provide reasons, which reflect the agent's point of view on the world. But could some items be agential, in that the agent is answerable for them and they reflect the agent’s point of view, and yet they are not rationally evaluable? Love, maybe?
Intentional Action: What we can Learn from Cognitive (Neuro)scienceLuca Ferrero (Italy)
ParticipantsJeremy Pober, Piotr Makowski, Francesca Secco
AbstractThe ‘standard view’ takes intentional action to be action which has acertain kind of psychological cause. Possible causes include being a specific sort of belief-desire pair or an intention. This panel discusses the implications of empirical findings for variants of this standard view. First, it discusses how empirical findings show that some acts that are usually considered to be intentional, such as the act of reading, can happen automatically and in the absence of an intention. Second, the standard view requires the causes of action to have intentional content to allow them to enter into practical reasoning. But psychology has identified as causes of intentional action states, such as ‘motor intentions’, which lack propositional content. How can the standard view reconcile itself with these psychological findings? Finally, the panel will discuss how the affective neurosciences can help the standard view accommodate emotional and arational actions, such as kicking a table out of anger, which are often presented as counterexamples to the standard view.
On the impossibility of naming a philosophical educatorWalter Kohan (Brazil)
ParticipantsNatalie Fletcher, Alessandra Dibos, John Keenan
AbstractIs a philosophical educator a facilitator? The deepest dimension of this task has nothing to do with making things more simple or easy. The opposite word, difficultator, raises similar objections: educating in a philosophical inquiry is not only or not mainly about turning things more difficult. We are tracked in one of those strong philosophical and educational paradoxes, probably the most delicate and complex task. The troubles in naming this task has to do, in this sense, with its impossibility, to say it in Freudian terms. Or to say it in other terms the most courageous philosophical educator makes herself unnecessary, irrelevant, till she disappears.  At the same time, it is an indispensable figure to make a community of inquiry a philosophical one. This round-table aims to contribute to this fascinating philosophical and educational issue.
Philosophy for Children Hawaiʻi Style: Building Communities of Inquiry around the WorldGriffin Werner (USA)
ParticipantsTaketo Tabata, Benjamin Lukey, Jessica Ching-Sze Wang, Anja Thielmann, Verena Marke, Griffin Werner, Aya Watanabe
AbstractPhilosophy for Children Hawaiʻi (p4cHI) was developed by Thomas Jackson in 1984. Inspired by Matthew Lipman and Ann Sharp’s approach to p4c, p4cHI pedagogy is centered around four pillars: community, inquiry, philosophy, and reflection and the spirit of ‘Not being in a Rush!’ For practitioners of p4cHI, wonder is at the heart of our approach to engaging in philosophical inquiry with children. Using the Good Thinker’s Toolkit and Plain Vanilla Inquiry, students and teachers deepen their philosophical thinking skills by listening, wondering, and reflecting in community. This panel is about the comparative challenges of doing p4cHI internationally. How does this pedagogy function outside Hawaiʻi, such as with our various partners and collaborators in Japan, Taiwan, Canada, Switzerland, China, and Germany? After 40 years of development, how has Jackson’s vision of p4cHI adapted to the needs of students and educators around the globe?
Architectural and Urban AestheticsAndrea Borsari (Italy)
ParticipantsNaohiko Mimura, Dan Eugen Rațiu, Elena Girelli, Francesco Di Maio, Andrea Borsari
AbstractThis roundtable would like to discuss a line of research that has become increasingly popular in recent years within urban studies, namely the importance and usefulness of being able to analyze the phenomena of the city through the categories and tools of philosophical aesthetics. Therefore, this meeting would actually like to put this proposal to analysis by bringing together scholars from different backgrounds, not only geographical, but also fields of study. For that reason, not only philosophy, but also architecture, art, urban planning, geography will be involved in the dialogue. Among the various issues that could be focused on, we might find urban esthesiology, urban landscape, the relationship of art to urban space, the layering of time in the specifics of the city, and the chiasmatic kinship between image and city, that is, images of the city and the city of images.
Philosophy and GenreBenedetta Lanfranchi (Italy)
ParticipantsAlbert Kasanda, Emiliano Minerba, Michelle Clarke, Alena Rettova, Chantal Gishoma
AbstractThe "Philosophy and Genre: Creating a Textual Basis for African Philosophy" (PhiGe) ERC Consolidator Grant project team posits academic philosophy’s general disregard for the role of genre in philosophical production as one of the key causes of the historical exclusion of African traditions and modes of thought from philosophy. By going beyond the western-centric generic prejudice of philosophy as a type of intellectual discourse conducted mainly in non-fictional prose, our project aims to showcase a wealth of texts, written and spoken in a variety of genres and languages, that have much to contribute to our philosophical understanding of the world. This panel showcases our researches on speculative fiction in English, the essay in Ciluba, poetry in Wolof, digital texts in Luganda and English, and nonfictional prose in Kinyarwanda, Shona, and Ndebele.
Pletho’s Hellenism: a historical construct? On the reception of Pletho from the 15th to the 20th centuryPantelis Golitsis (Greece)
ParticipantsAslihan Akisik, Zoran Jovanović, Vasileios Nikas, Fabio Pagani, Georgios Savoidakis, Kyriakos Tounis, Pantelis Golitsis
AbstractThe Byzantine philosopher Georgios Gemistos/Pletho(n) (c.1355/60-1452) had extensive knowledge of the Platonic tradition, as well as of the Orphic and Chaldean (for himself Zoroastrian) wisdom. Starting from the fifteenth century, he has been variously described as “the second Plato”, a “Platonist”, a “radical Platonist”, a “reviver of ancient polytheism”, “the last of the Hellenes”, an “unorthodox Orthodox Christian”, a “crypto-pagan”, a “utopian”, a “major influence on the Italian Renaissance”, “the first of the Neo-Hellenes”. It is undeniable that not all of these descriptions can be accurate. This round table explores the historicity of these claims by tracing the reception of Pletho from Bessarion and Marcilio Ficino down to Alexandros Papadiamantis in the 19th century and Panagiotis Kanellopoulos in the mid-20th century.
Unconventional: Female Philosophical Identities in the Nordic EnlightenmentSabrina Ebbersmeyer (Germany)
ParticipantsJelena Bundalovic, Martin Arndal, Margherita Giordano, Sabrina Ebbersmeyer
AbstractThis panel examines the identities of women philosophers during the early modern era, a time when the idea of a female philosopher was often seen as contradictory. Focusing on Nordic women intellectuals, the panel compares their strategies with those developed in other regions of Europe. Topics include the notion of exceptionality, engagement with Stoic philosophy, use of the literary sphere for philosophical arguments, and conceptualization of female authorship within intellectual milieus.
Forty years of linear logic: what impact on the philosophy of logic?Mitsuhiro Okada (Japan)
ParticipantsPaolo Pistone, Elaine Pimentel, Michele Abrusci, Mitsuhiro Okada
AbstractA fundamental debate in the philosophy of logic is that between classical and constructive approaches: while the former ground logical validity on the notion of truth and accept classical logic, the latter ground validity on the notion of (constructive) proof and refuse the excluded middle law. Linear logic, introduced by Jean-Yves Girard in 1986, provides a way out of this opposition: it is at the same time a constructive refinement of classical logic and a classical refinement of intuitionistic logic. Thanks to its constructive and resource-sensitive character, ideas coming from linear logic have played in the last decades a pivotal role in many developments of theoretical computer science and have largely influenced the philosophical debate on the "proofs as programs" view on logic and foundations. The purpose of this Panel is to bring researchers working at the intersection of philosophy and computer science to discuss the impact of almost forty years of research in linear logic.
The Reverse Perspective of the Canon: Women Philosophers between the Russian Empire and the Soviet UnionTatiana Levina (Germany)
ParticipantsVladimir Keidan, Søren Hough, Anya Yermakova, Anna Reznichenko, Daniela Steila
AbstractThe aim of the roundtable is to contribute to the development of a new field of philosophical research - the study of Eastern European women philosophers. We will look at the individual figures of women philosophers from a historical and philosophical point of view and complement this research with a gender studies perspective. A fairly well-known figure in the philosophical canon is Lubov Aksel’rod (1868-1946), a Marxist and scholar of Spinoza. The study will also focus on philosophers such as Yekaterina Kuskova (1869-1958), an exile from the "philosophical steamship", and Julia Danzas (1879-1942), a prisoner of the Solovetsky camp and the Belomorkanal. The studies of the anarchist Marie Goldsmith (1871-1933) and Anna Kachorovskaya, who both promoted the theory of evolution and a new theory of knowledge, will be analysed. In contrast, the fates of Margarita Morozova (1873-1958), patron of the Russian Symbolism, and Elena Skrzynska (1894-1981), a medievalist, will be discussed.
La saggezza nella pratica di vita. La formazione di esperti in pratiche filosofiche, come intenderla?Patrizia Cipolletta (Italy)
ParticipantsSimonetta Esposto Gasparetti, José Barrientos Rostrojo, Rosa Isela Tequida, Ippolita Degli Oddi, Stefano Ugo Salvago
AbstractEsistono molte scuole di preparazione alle pratiche filosofiche, con indirizzi formativi diversi. Dalla nostra esperienza (Agape Scuola,, sorgono alcune domande, che vorremmo mettere in dialogo: Come formare esperti in filosofia capaci di diffondere saggezza? Quali sono i tempi auspicabili per una buona formazione? Quale valore hanno le competenze teoriche? Occorrono predisposizioni naturali…? È indispensabile un tirocinio guidato da un tutor esperto ed eventualmente anche da un supervisore? Come valutare la preparazione degli allievi alla fine del percorso?
Indigenous Philosophy and Future Commons: Building Sustainability and
Prasenjit Biswas (India)
ParticipantsWesley Bishop, Sunaryo, Siriporn Somboonboorana, Manbhalang Syiemlieh, Viriya Sawangchot, Prashant Kumar, Prasenjit Biswas, Sukalpa Bhattacharjee
AbstractSimilar Commons over Southern Appalachian mountains reveal habitats that mark farmland loss and hazards to local ecosystems. The mountains invite conservationist and other community ecosystem restoration work. Similarly Maori traditional wisdom of aroha constituting whole way of life that attributes personhood on distinctive natural objects goes into creation of Commons in relation to Pakeha. A cross-contextal and comparative knowledge of variation of finding commons in terms of properties ascribed upon them shall provide the necessary ground for a trans local notion of building sustainable habitats that would ultimately build capability among members of both in-group and out group. The Round table shall explore this cross contextual ways of philosophization of indigenous Life-Worlds by taking these cases from global North to global South.
#MeToo, Digital and AI Technology, and Gendered Oppression Across Borders and Disciplines: The United States, Italy, and South KoreaNatalie Nenadic (USA)
ParticipantsChristia Brown, Silvia Mazzuca, Hyomeen Keem, Tara Toth, Rachel Hwang
AbstractThe intersection of excellent journalism, which revealed decades of sexual harassment and assault by Harvey Weinstein, and social media sparked #MeToo. It exposed widespread sexual harassment and assault across borders and sectors of society and altered global consciousness. Yet much work remains. Through insights from the history of philosophy, feminist thought on sexual abuse and law, and psychology, we aim to better understand this oppression (e.g., PTSD, internalized objectification) and identify universal and culturally-specific obstacles to stopping these abuses. Some topics we address are: the pervasiveness of sexual harassment and assault and myths about them, which covers up their reality as simply ontological sexual differences; the inundation of society with sexually objectifying images of women and girls, including Internet and AI-generated deepfake pornography, which undermines survivors’ credibility; trauma; the costs of speaking up; and misuse of “cultural differences” to conceal and promote this dehumanization.
统一哲学及其对人类的影响 - The philosophy of unity and its impact on humanity希波 苟 (China)
ParticipantsTimothy Williamson, Lydia Amir, Piergiorgio Donatelli
The Transformative Power of Philosophy: Reimagining Our Futures TogetherAlessandro Volpone (Italy)
ParticipantsCarla Guetti, Adriano Fabris, Serenella Iovino, Marina Santi, Maura Striano, Félix García Moriyón
AbstractWe are proposing a two-hour SESSION [PANEL] with contributions based on the main themes of the Summer School entitled ‘Philosophical Practices for Sustainable Development’ — an annual initiative, now in its sixth edition, organised by the Italian Ministry of Education with the Centre for Research on Philosophical Inquiry, CRIF, under the patronage of the Italian National Commission for UNESCO, several universities (Bari, Naples Federico II, Padua) and the co-operation of other institutional organisations, public and private bodies. Pivoting on the goals of the 2030 Agenda, the central focus of this proposed THEMATIC SESSION is the innovation of schools and lifelong learning through the transformative power of philosophy, using the transversality of philosophical reflection to bridge the gap between humanistic and scientific culture in view of a conceptual rethinking of today's reality and the promotion of education to complex thinking in a critical, creative and caring perspective.
Anarchia e FilosofiaDonatella Di Cesare (Italy)
ParticipantsDonatella Di Cesare, Salvatore Vaccaro, Simona Forti, Stephen D. Dowden
AbstractIn recent years, a common thread has been emerging in contemporary philosophical debate, that of anarchism. By this is meant the reflections around the arché, a key term since Greek thought, in its meaning of beginning, command, foundation. Hannah Arendt (politics), Reiner Schürmann (ontology), Emmanuel Levinas (ethics), Jacques Derrida (grammatology), to mention but a few, have contributed to the deconstruction of this concept. The new anarchism not only concerns power and authority, but extends to many other areas, from politics to democracy, from sovereignty to responsibility, from the subject to the relationship. What are the implications today of a post-foundationalist philosophy, which stems from an-archy, from an archic foundation that has disappeared? The panel aims to offer an account of the current discussion that under different and complementary points of view clarifies the outlines of this new philosophical direction.
Il pensiero debole di Gianni Vattimo interpreta la società contemporaneaLucrezia Romussi (Italy)
ParticipantsStefano Zecchi, Luigi Antonio Manfreda, Marco Filoni, Edoardo Raimondi, Andrew Wiercinski, Kurt C.M. Mertel
AbstractAttraverso le riflessioni estetiche, teoretiche e politiche di Vattimo a partire da un inquadramento storico filosofico si analizzano alcuni aspetti sociali del ventunesimo secolo. Nella fattispecie si riflette in merito: alla globalizzazione, alla diffusione dei social media, alla nuova determinazione del concetto di verità nell'era di internet in cui notizie false e vere si diffondono senza una netta demarcazione. La tavola rotonda si pone l'obbiettivo di unire teoresi e prassi attraverso un dialogo che tenendo come punto di riferimento gli strumenti filosofici teorici approfondisce in maniera dinamica grandi temi d'attualità. Durante la discussione si ritiene di interesse affrontare certi cambiamenti sociali determinanti nell'era contemporanea. Come l'abbattimento dei confini spaziali e temporali in ambito commerciale, il senso di fragilità psicologica riscontrato nei giovani e negli adolescenti, il desiderio sempre più marcato di esercitare legami istantanei e non duraturi.
Dreamers: Adventures in dreams and dreams of adventures...”. International responses from the field to David Kennedy’s new philosophical adventure novel.Cristina Cammarano (ITA)
ParticipantsCristina Cammarano, Walter Kohan, Maughn Gregory, Stefano Oliverio, David Kennedy
AbstractIn 2023, David Kennedy, renown scholar of Philosophy for Children and Philosophy of Childhood with the IAPC, retired from teaching and published his new philosophical adventure novel for discus- sion with children aged twelve and up. The book narrates the adventures and dialogues of a group of four tweens who, in the author’s words, “Not only do (..) record and share their dreams with each other, they inquire together into the role and status of dreaming in cultures past and present, the interpretation of dreams, the scientific analysis of dreaming, and the role of dreams in mythology and religion.” With this book, Kennedy not only inserts himself in the tradition of writing books for philosophical discussion with children delineated by Lipman and Sharp’s novels, but he also pushes the tradition to embrace themes of relational ontology, panpsychism and posthumanism. We invite contributions by thinkers who want to respond to this book in a variety of ways: having read
Subjectivity and RationalityLilli Williams (UK)
ParticipantsLilli Williams, Tilman Williams, Wim Christiaens
AbstractAcross its diverse fields, academic philosophy develops rational arguments that are subject to the criteria of intersubjective verifiability. The thesis discussed in this panel is that philosophical arguments, even in academic contexts, proceed from implicit premises, which are based on highly individual and subjective experiences. Therefore, they only are rationally accessible to a limited extent. Would Nietzsche, for example, have written his philosophical polemics against Wagner if there had not been personal grievances years earlier? Our aim is to use selected examples to support our thesis and flesh it out drawing on Bas van Fraassens' empirical stance and Hartmut Rosa's concept of resonance. Furthermore, we would like to examine how, despite a non-rational, subjectively experienced foundation of philosophical positions, a discourse in the humanities is possible that neither negates the role of subjectivity in philosophical thought nor succumbs to an unscientific relativism.
Philosophy of Agency: Combining Chinese Philosophy with Anglo-European RelationalismMercedes Valmisa (USA)
ParticipantsVytis Silius, Mercedes Valmisa, Ady Van den Stock, Agnė Veisaitė, Robin Wang
AbstractIn this roundtable discussion, we challenge the dominant account of agency in contemporary analytic philosophy (i.e. standard theory of action), and combine tools offered by Chinese philosophy and contemporary Anglo-European thought to further develop alternative ways of understanding agency in a more expansive, distributive, relational, non-individualistic manner that has important social and political consequences for our ordinary lives.
What is Gender? Feminist Social OntologyCharlotte Witt (USA)
ParticipantsAsta Svensdottir, Esa Diaz-Lion, Mari Mikkola
AbstractA round table discussion of recent developments in gender theory and social ontology. Social ontology is the study of the basic structure and inhabitants of the social world. In the past social ontologists had focused on the problem of joint intentionality, which some argue is a condition of social or shared ontology. More recently feminist and other social theorists have broadened the field to include questions about the status and nature of social kinds and how they are implicated in hierarchical and oppressive social structures. The panelists represent different points of view on these questions—from realism about social categories to pragmatism and conferralism.The panel will also address questions about whether or not methodological individualism (which is the idea that ultimately the social world can be explained in terms of individuals, their attitudes and actions) provides a rich enough ontology to capture important features of the social world.
Marxism and Practical PhilosophyChangfu Xu (China)
ParticipantsSmail Rapic, Rodney Peffer, Moritz Kuhlmann, Prakriti Mukherjee, Feixia Ling, Xingsai Wang, Jiabin Ye, Tingting Li
AbstractPractical philosophy is a philosophy that takes human action as the object to be studied and improved. Any form of practical philosophy needs to be a philosophy both about and as practice, the former providing a system of original theoretical explanations about practice and the latter making actual impact on people’s practice based on its theory. Marxism is a product of Western intellectual and cultural traditions. The search for ways of political improvement in the polis was the practical theme of Plato and Aristotle in their times and regions, thereby shaping their particular paradigms of practical philosophy. For instance, Plato suggested that the best regime was the one devised by philosophy, while Aristotle held that it should also be the most practical one. Kant was concerned with universal moral principles and a universal political model built on them. In Marx’s time, the simultaneous success and evil of capital gave rise to two paradigms of practical philosophy—liberalism in a broad sense and Marxism.
The Social History of Analytic PhilosophyPaolo Tripodi - Guido Bonino - Franca D’Agostini (Italy)
ParticipantsGuido Bonino, Mike Beaney, Franca D’Agostini, Paolo Tripodi, Diana Perez, Christoph Schuringa, Yi Jiang, Elena Ficara, Melika Ouelbani
AbstractThere is a multifaceted network of relationships between the development and transformation of analytic philosophy, on the one hand, and the social and institutional context in which they took place, on the other hand. Historical-sociological tools may allow one to highlight the fact that the success and, to a certain extent, even the form and content of philosophical ideas and styles in the analytic tradition can be explained not only in terms of good theoretical, ideal, or even aesthetic "reasons", but also because of external "causes" of a social nature. A roundtable and a session in the World Congress will be devoted to the presentation and discussion of some case-studies, representative of the intertwining in the history of analytic philosophy between "internal" disciplinary dynamics and "external" causal factors (social, institutional, etc.). Related issues: the emergence of analytic philosophy in the US in the context of the so-called “new rigorism” in the human sciences, and its development in the era of McCarthyism; the influence on analytic philosophy of the institutional transformations in the Anglo-American academia; the emergence of analytic philosophy in non-Anglophone contexts and in countries associated with different, non-analytic or continental traditions, and its relationships with social and political factors; the analytic-continental divide (in its historical context); institutional and historical genealogies in the history of analytic philosophy.
Social Justice, Marxism, & Types of Socialism Rodney Peffer (USA)
ParticipantsRodney Peffer, Ľubos Blaha, Xu Changfu, Jiangli Song
AbstractThis session contributes to the important discussion about the relationship of social justice to both Marxism and socialism, as seen in such works as Rodney G. Peffer, Marxism, Morality, & Social Justice (Princeton University Press, 1990); Ľuboš Blaha, Back to Marx? (A Welfare State, Economic Democracy and Theories of Justice) (Bratislava: VEDA, 2009); and Xu Changfu, Marxism, China and Globalization (Parodos Verlag, 2016). Is Marxism compatible with theories of social justice? If so, which one or ones? Is social justice compatible with socialism? If so, which type of socialism? Command economy socialism? Market economy socialism? A hybrid planned-market economy socialism as may exist in contemporary China? Are social democratic forms of capitalism morally superior to any form of socialism? Is that form – or any form – of capitalism socially stable and environmentally sustainable over the long run? How about the political systems of actual and historically possible socialist societies? Can it be democratic? Is even a democratic state justified, or are classical anarchists correct in calling for the state’s abolition? Does the type of socialism that is justified for a society depend on that society’s level of economic development? On its history? On its political culture? If so, how so?
Hermeneutics of ArchitectureAndrzej Wiercinski (Poland)
ParticipantsAndrzej Wiercinski, Barbara Weber, Justin Snell, Luis Umbelino
AbstractHermeneutics of Architecture reflects on the important philosophical, cultural, and social significance of bringing about deepened and alternative approaches to human dwelling, built spaces, sustainable urbanism, cosmopolitan encounters, and inclusive, safe, and resilient cities. There is a major insight into a hermeneutic approach (one implicit in terms of expressing the experience of finitude or fragility) that condenses our main philosophical starting point as it reaches out to dialogue with architecture. The world begins in place, as does all engagement in and with the world. Our panel wishes to draw out some of the implications that require, on one hand, overcoming the tendency toward the oblivion of the spatial fabric of “being-in-the-world” and, on the other, consider topics such as ways of dwelling, the spacial grounds of belonging, the house as a reference of health and wellbeing; of safety and interpersonal encounter; of availability and sustainable management of resources; of affordable, reliable and sustainable access to energy; of built resilient spaces and infrastructure that promote inclusive and sustainable ways of life.
The Future of Hermeneutics and the Hermenemeneutic of the FutureAndrzej Wiercinski (Poland)
ParticipantsAndrzej Wiercinski, Carolyn Culbertson, Lech Witkowski, Monika Jaowrska-Witkowska, Jafe Arnold, Kirk Madison
AbstractAs the culture of questioning, hermeneutics is an invitation and encouragement to wonder at obvious perplexities of life and reflect upon human life. It is not a question of aiming at knowing everything but rather of facing the future creatively and imaginatively without attempting to domesticate the vision of the future. To aim at a holistic understanding of human life does not mean that we are unrealistic about the impossibility of grasping everything. Hermeneutics is this intellectual adventure in which we learn to understand ourselves, the other, and the world by exploring our inheritance, living in the present, and projecting into the future. Our origin determines our future; being our past, it is always ahead of us, meeting us from out of the future. A deeper understanding does not mean an increase in the information we accumulate about die Sache, but an understanding of its origins in the primordiality of what needs to be understood. The “perhaps” of the impossible, the possibility of the impossible, which is more than impossible, is the necessary condition of the possibility of every experience, which arises from the unpredictable otherness of the future.
Non-Ideal Epistemology: New Approaches to Intellectual Virtues and VicesAlice Monypenny (UK)
ParticipantsDominik Jarczewski, Angela O’Sullivan, Frances Darling, Taylor Matthews, Jakob Ohlhorst, Alice Monypenny
AbstractThe recent ‘non-ideal’ turn in social and applied epistemology has responded to the claim that ideal epistemology cannot give us informative answers about epistemic norms in the real world. There are a plethora of problems in our epistemic environments and communities – such as the spread of misinformation, widespread exclusion and marginalisation of certain social groups, and the influence of corrupting incentives. Our understanding of what it means to be an excellent or flawed inquirer must be responsive to the ways in which epistemic character is shaped by and shapes social relationships – including, and especially, those of power, privilege, and oppression. The aim of this roundtable is to explore several of the issues that arise when doing non-ideal virtue and vice epistemology, including: the extent to which we are responsible for our intellectual character; whether traits which are typically understood as intellectual vices can be virtues under certain non-ideal conditions, and whether there is a distinctive category of ‘liberatory’ intellectual virtues which are required for surviving and resisting oppression.
Truth and Contradiction - In honor of Newton Da Costa (1929-2024)Jean-Yves Beziau (Switzerland)
ParticipantsOtávio Bueno, Luis Felipe Bartolo Alegre, Alessio Moretti, Itala D'Ottaviano
AbstractTruth and contradiction are intimately linked since the antiquity, in particular as exemplified by the square of opposition where contradiction is defined on the basis of the dichotomy truth-falsity. On the other hand, truth is supposed not to be contradictory, as expressed by the ex falso sequitur quodlibet. In modern logic, a contradiction is defined as something which is always false, by contrast to a tautology which is always true (Wittgenstein, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, 4.46). In this round table we will discuss the articulation between these two concepts in view of the most advanced researches on the theory of oppositions, recent investigations about paradoxes and paraconsistent logic.
Nietzsche’s Philosophy of the Future Daniel Conway (USA)
ParticipantsDaniel Conway, Rebecca Bamford, Peter Stewart-Kroeker
AbstractThe German-born philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) is well known for his bristling critique of late modern European culture. By his own account, however, his confrontation with European modernity was meant to motivate a rejuvenated effort to secure a worthy future for a unified European culture. This round-table will take up the question of what a genuinely Nietzschean "philosophy of the the future" would (or must) entail.
Law and WarGülriz Uygur (Turkey)
ParticipantsGülriz Uygur, Nergis Canefe, Stephan Kirste, Muharrem Kılınç, Konstantinos Papageorgiou, Philipp Gisbertz-Astolfi
AbstractThere is an intimate relationship between law and war. What kind of understanding of law prevails in the framework of these wars? It is also necessary to determine the meaning of the phrase “lawful … under the international law”. What the law requires and permits is of the utmost importance for today's wars. The debate think about waging war. Such a debate needs to be discussed in the light of human dignity and vulnerability. Suffering is an cruciale element in that thinking. In this panel, the relationship between law and war will be discussed in different dimensions such as the concept of war in relation to the concept of law, different aspects of the ethics of war – ius ad bellum, ius in bello, ius post bellum –, reasons for war, and suffering, war and law from the critical perspective.
Pre-College Philosophy Around the World, Methods and IssuesMurphy Joseph Aloysius
ParticipantsAllison Cohen, Natalie M. Fletcher, Michael Picard, Joseph Aloysius Murphy
AbstractThis conference is organized under the WCP thematic section of Teaching Philosophy. Specifically it is a conference on the broad topic of pre-college teaching around the world and the many methods and issues that pertain to it primarily at the secondary level.The Pre-College Philosophy Around the World conference is generally divided into the sections that more or less correspond to the presenter’s geographical regions. The sections are divided into 1 or 2 panels. Each panel has three speakers who each speak for 20 - 30 minutes, then a moderator will guide questions and discussion for 20 - 30 minutes either after each speaker or at the end of the full panel.
Pre-College Philosophy Around the World, Methods and Issues . IMurphy Joseph Aloysius
ParticipantsMattie Olsen, Peter Worley, Benjamin Lukey, Allison Cohen
AbstractThis conference is organized under the WCP thematic section of Teaching Philosophy. Specifically it is a conference on the broad topic of pre-college teaching around the world and the many methods and issues that pertain to it primarily at the secondary level.The Pre-College Philosophy Around the World conference is generally divided into the sections that more or less correspond to the presenter’s geographical regions. The sections are divided into 1 or 2 panels. Each panel has three speakers who each speak for 20 - 30 minutes, then a moderator will guide questions and discussion for 20 - 30 minutes either after each speaker or at the end of the full panel.
Pre-College Philosophy Around the World, Methods and Issues. IIMurphy Joseph Aloysius
ParticipantsWalter Omar Kohan, Stephen Kekoa Miller, Joseph Aloysius Murphy, Maryann Woods-Murphy
AbstractThis conference is organized under the WCP thematic section of Teaching Philosophy. Specifically it is a conference on the broad topic of pre-college teaching around the world and the many methods and issues that pertain to it primarily at the secondary level.The Pre-College Philosophy Around the World conference is generally divided into the sections that more or less correspond to the presenter’s geographical regions. The sections are divided into 1 or 2 panels. Each panel has three speakers who each speak for 20 - 30 minutes, then a moderator will guide questions and discussion for 20 - 30 minutes either after each speaker or at the end of the full panel.
Pre-College Philosophy Around the World, Methods and Issues. IIIMurphy Joseph Aloysius
ParticipantsHazman M. B. Baharom, Sabina Ismatillaeva, Britta Jensen, Stephen Kekoa Miller
AbstractThis conference is organized under the WCP thematic section of Teaching Philosophy. Specifically it is a conference on the broad topic of pre-college teaching around the world and the many methods and issues that pertain to it primarily at the secondary level.The Pre-College Philosophy Around the World conference is generally divided into the sections that more or less correspond to the presenter’s geographical regions. The sections are divided into 1 or 2 panels. Each panel has three speakers who each speak for 20 - 30 minutes, then a moderator will guide questions and discussion for 20 - 30 minutes either after each speaker or at the end of the full panel.
Pre-College Philosophy Around the World, Methods and Issues. IVMurphy Joseph Aloysius
ParticipantsKate Kennedy White, Jessica Ching-Sze Wang, Maryann Woods-Murphy
AbstractThis conference is organized under the WCP thematic section of Teaching Philosophy. Specifically it is a conference on the broad topic of pre-college teaching around the world and the many methods and issues that pertain to it primarily at the secondary level.The Pre-College Philosophy Around the World conference is generally divided into the sections that more or less correspond to the presenter’s geographical regions. The sections are divided into 1 or 2 panels. Each panel has three speakers who each speak for 20 - 30 minutes, then a moderator will guide questions and discussion for 20 - 30 minutes either after each speaker or at the end of the full panel.
Pre-College Philosophy Around the World, Methods and Issues. VMurphy Joseph Aloysius
ParticipantsDésireé E. Moodley, Claire E. Katz, Jolanta Saldukaitytė, Stephen Kekoa Miller
AbstractThis conference is organized under the WCP thematic section of Teaching Philosophy. Specifically it is a conference on the broad topic of pre-college teaching around the world and the many methods and issues that pertain to it primarily at the secondary level.The Pre-College Philosophy Around the World conference is generally divided into the sections that more or less correspond to the presenter’s geographical regions. The sections are divided into 1 or 2 panels. Each panel has three speakers who each speak for 20 - 30 minutes, then a moderator will guide questions and discussion for 20 - 30 minutes either after each speaker or at the end of the full panel.
Pre-College Philosophy Around the World, Methods and Issues. VIMurphy Joseph Aloysius
ParticipantsMiha Andrič, Bruno Ćurko, Larisa Retyunskikh, Joseph Aloysius Murphy
AbstractThis conference is organized under the WCP thematic section of Teaching Philosophy. Specifically it is a conference on the broad topic of pre-college teaching around the world and the many methods and issues that pertain to it primarily at the secondary level.The Pre-College Philosophy Around the World conference is generally divided into the sections that more or less correspond to the presenter’s geographical regions. The sections are divided into 1 or 2 panels. Each panel has three speakers who each speak for 20 - 30 minutes, then a moderator will guide questions and discussion for 20 - 30 minutes either after each speaker or at the end of the full panel.
Pre-College Philosophy Around the World, Methods and Issues. VIIMurphy Joseph Aloysius
ParticipantsFrancesca Gambetti, Félix García-Moriyón, Marina Santi, Eleonora Zorzi, Joseph Aloysius Murphy
AbstractThis conference is organized under the WCP thematic section of Teaching Philosophy. Specifically it is a conference on the broad topic of pre-college teaching around the world and the many methods and issues that pertain to it primarily at the secondary level. The Pre-College Philosophy Around the World conference is generally divided into the sections that more or less correspond to the presenter’s geographical regions. The sections are divided into 1 or 2 panels. Each panel has three speakers who each speak for 20 - 30 minutes, then a moderator will guide questions and discussion for 20 - 30 minutes either after each speaker or at the end of the full panel.
Feminism-sMarina Calloni (Italy)
ParticipantsMarina Calloni, Angela Taraborrelli, Amrita Banerjee, Chiara Bottici, Debora Spini, Rocio Zambrana
AbstractThe panel is aimed at addressing the question whether the term “feminism” in the
singular is still relevant and moves from the assumption that it should be declined in the plural, so
as to reflect its diverse and polycentric nature. Yet, a minimal definition of “feminism” could be as
a critical perspective that takes gender as a point of reference to unveil forms of domination and
identify emancipatory practices. The matter at stake is whether feminism(s) still constitutes a form
of critique.
Capitalism and PrecarityMarina Calloni (Italy)
ParticipantsMarina Calloni, Debora Spini, Albena Azmanova, Leonard Mazzone, Alessandro Pinzani
AbstractThe condition of precarity is a long-standing feature of capitalism. The panel aims at
exploring the most recent forms of this connection, reconstructing how neoliberal capitalism
undermines its own economic and extra-economic conditions of reproduction by fostering the
precarization of work and, consequently, of human life. The analysis will respond to pathologies
such as growing unemployment, unpaid labour, the growing number of working poor and the
spreading of workaholism. The panel will also engage with the well-known diagnosis that sees
human work as an activity doomed to being replaced by Artificial Intelligence.
“Expected positive impact of the COP29 conference for the
development of environmental philosophy and sustainable development in
Allahyarova Tahira (Azerbaijan)
ParticipantsAllahyarova Tahira, Nigina Shermukhamedova, Alexsander Chumakov
AbstractThe 2024 United Nations Climate Change Conference or Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC,
more commonly known as COP29, will be the 29th United Nations Climate Change conference. The
COP29 conference will be held in Baku, Azerbaijan November 11, 2024 – November 22, 2024. As
its known the Conference of the Parties is the most global event dedicated to environment, climate
change and the climate crisis. In connection with the conference, research on ecology, environmental
philosophy and sustainable development, discussions, mutual exchanges of views, and the formation
of dialogue platforms have become quite intense. As local, as global philosophical community expects that COP29 conferences will contribute to the further development of environmental philosophy in the region and in the world. At the round table, ideas will be exchanged on this issue and possible possible positive scenarios will be discussed.
Phenomenology of Consonance and Dissonance. Philosophy and Naturalistic Perspectives of Tonal and Atonal MusicAlessandro Samsa (Italy)
ParticipantsLaurent Cugny, Dmitri Tymoczko, Stefan Lorenz Sorgner
AbstractThe question of consonance and dissonance has always permeated musical discourse, giving rise,
among other things, to the debate about the naturalizability of the tonal system. Over time, intervals
initially considered dissonant gradually became perceived as consonant and vice versa, until the
affirmation of an aesthetic based on dissonance between the end of the 19th and the beginning of the
20th century, first with atonal music and then with jazz. However, it would be reductive to consider
the question of consonance and dissonance from a mere musical-theoretical point of view, insofar as
it overlaps with other aspects, linked to the forms of thought and weltanschauung of each epoch (in
ancient Greece, the fundamental Pythagorean concept of Harmony, embodied by the tetrachord and
the fourth interval, had a strong musical basis). This round table aims to analyze the various aspects
related to the question of consonance and dissonance: theoretical, historical, philosophical
Philosophy of play and games. The theories, the practicesAlessandro Samsa (Italy)
ParticipantsShaun Gallagher, Ivana Zagorac, David Sumiacher, Edwige Chirouter, Alan Mattiassi
AbstractPlayful behavior is one of the most important, fascinating and mysterious areas of the living world,
as it is widely present in the animal kingdom and of which, not surprisingly, science has not yet come
to the formulation of a definitive explanation. This round table, to be considered as one of the rare moments of discussion on this topic in the scientific-academic context, aims to approach the playfulness from a multiplicity of perspectives, by reviewing, on the one hand, the theories formulated since ancient times by philosophy, psychology, pedagogy, anthropology, ethology and, today, neuroscience, on the other hand by examining the ludic practices in their concrete implications, in particular with regard to the field of digital culture, which involves issues - ethical, psychological, social - related to the practice of video games, which in turn push to consider the effects on the individual and collective mind of tools such as the metaverse,
augmented reality, machine learning/AI
Practicing Theory (L’esercizio della teoria)Rossella Fabbrichesi (Italy) - Adriano Ardovino (Italy)
ParticipantsMaurizio Ferraris, Sybille Krämer, Naoko Saito, Alexander Nehamas, Adriano Ardovino
AbstractThe Italian Society of Theoretical Philosophy brings together scholars whose research is focused primarily on pure theory, distinct from and not immediately aimed at any empirical and applicative reference. But what is 'pure theory'? What is the nature of theoretical work? What are its consequences? Philosophers have practiced theory in different ways over the centuries and in the various places where they have found themselves living and working. The panel's objective is to summon thinkers from different fields who have shown just how seminal the Husserlian idea of a "praxis of theory"- a praxis aimed at seizing meaning from life-world experience - is in the construction of philosophical systems and proposals. The theoretical linchpin is thus to address not the what, but the how of philosophical practice, in its varieties of methods, currents, genres, and cultures.
New directions in corporate responsibilityAllinson Robert (USA)
ParticipantsRobert Allinson, Michael Aßländer, Jacob Dahl Rendtorff
AbstractThe panel will discuss the ramifications of inducing corporate responsibility, both inside and outside the firm, through legal overregulation. On the one hand, it may be argued that government regulation can play an important role in reducing serious violations that can lead to financial disasters, e.g. Enron. On the other hand, it may be argued that over regulation may reduce corporate incentive to adhere to business ethics and even encourage unethical practices and policies by leaving regulation to external sources. It is hoped that such a discussion will raise awareness of both the issues that exist and the connection between ethics and corporate management, corporate self-responsibility and social awareness, interactions between government and corporations and the proper role of the business ethicist.
Cognitive Capacitism from Kant to CarnapAlberto Peruzzi (Italy)
ParticipantsCaterina Del Sordo, Kristina Engelhard, Naomi Osorio-Kupferblum
AbstractIn Kant’s transcendentalism, the mind’s cognitive capacities (e.g., intuitions and concepts, among others) relate to the laws of mathematics. This session questions this relation and the related understanding of mathematics within a capacitist framework. It focuses on the property of ‘response-dependency,’ stating that ‘X (i.e., something) is P (i.e., response-dependent) if and only if for any subject S: if conditions C obtain, then S judges that X is P.’ We will consider two instances from Carnap, i.e., his notions of ‘elementary experiences’ and ‘quasi-analysis.’ Although primarily mathematical, quasi-analysis is conceivable as a representation theorem underpinned by cognitive capacities that we aim to explore, especially in relation to Kant.
50 Years of the Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children: Looking Back to Look ForwardMaughn Gregory (USA)
ParticipantsClaire Katz, Roberto Tibaldeo, Lucy Elvis, Peter Elicore, Rose-Ann Reynolds, Nimet Küçük, Liza Haglund, Ewelina Grądzka, Félix Moriyón
AbstractNovember 2024 will be the 50 th anniversary of the founding of the Institute for the Advancement of
Philosophy for Children (IAPC) at Montclair State University. Co-founders Matthew Lipman and Ann
Margaret Sharp constructed a P-12 philosophy curriculum featuring philosophical children’s novels
(translated into dozens of languages) and constructed the practice of the “community of philosophical
inquiry” as a protocol for children’s philosophical practice. They created residential courses , programs
for visiting scholars, and graduate programs in philosophy for children. Affiliate centers of the IAPC
have been established around the world. In 1979 the IAPC launched Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for
Children, featuring the column Thinking in Stories, written by Gareth B. Matthews, which initiated the field
of philosophy in children’s literature. Participants in this round table will explore what can be learned
from the IAPC’s past 50 years. In addition to these accomplishments, they will discuss the cultural
controversy the Institute has generated (from the political right and left), the academic criticism it has
received (from philosophers, educators, and psychologists), how its programs have been adapted to fit
other cultural contexts, and how those programs must continue to evolve in order to continue the
Institute’s mission into the future.
Digital Technologies and Social Norm ChangeJohn Symons (USA)
ParticipantsJohn Symons, Hoda El Khouly, Hassan Al Sharif
AbstractThis roundtable explores the profound impact of emerging technologies, particularly AI and social media, on social norms and their ethical and political implications. We delve into how these technologies reshape our understanding of privacy,communication, and community, raising questions about individual autonomy, societal cohesion, and the distribution of power. Discussions will encompass the evolving nature of ethical decision-making in the digital age, the role of AI in shaping political discourse and participation, and the potential for these technologies to either exacerbate existing inequalities or foster more inclusive societies. We invite participants to engage in a critical examination of these issues, seeking insights from diverse perspectives to inform responsible technological development and policy frameworks.


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