XXV World Congress of Philosophy


Rome, 1-8 August, 2024

XXV Congresso Mondiale di Filosofia
La filosofia attraversa i confini

XXVe Congrès Mondial de Philosophie
La philosophie au-delà des frontières

XXV. Weltkongress für Philosophie
Philosophie über Grenzen hinweg

XXV Всемирный философский конгресс
Философия вне границ

XXV Congreso Mundial de Filosofia
La filosofía a través de los límites


المؤتَمَر العَالَمي الرّابع والعشرون للفلسفة
عبر الحدود الفلسفة

Philosophy across Boundaries is the general theme of the 25th World Congress of Philosophy, that will be held in Rome, Italy, from August 1st to August 8th, 2024. 

Under the joint responsibility of the International Federation of Philosophical Societies, the Italian Philosophical Society, and Sapienza University of Rome, the 25th World Congress intends to foster scholarly and public reflections on the future of our societies. By questioning human beings and their diverse ways of thinking, agency, and relationships, along with the social, economic, political, technological, and cultural destiny of our common world, it will: 

  • Use philosophical reflections as a springboard for public discourses on urgent shared concerns, including inequalities, cultural and gender diversity, natural environment, justice, rights, and political transformations on a global scale; 
  • Enlarge the scope of philosophical debates to involve representatives of the sciences, economy, information, medicine and public health, technology, and public institutions;
  • Actively encourage and defend diversity in all forms by bringing together ideas, traditions, and people from all continents and regions;
  • Dismantle rigid cultural and disciplinary boundaries by focusing on the complex interconnectedness of human civilizations from antiquity to the present. 

The 2024 Congress invites shared reflections and discussions on the models we would like our societies to be inspired by. It encourages large participation of students and young scholars from all continents and regions. It will provide a unique opportunity to present and share diverse philosophical concerns from all regions of the world. Finally, it is committed to pluralism and it aims at engaging reflectively and critically with the struggles of our time, addressing its main ethical, social, political, and spiritual concerns. 

We intend to hold the whole Congress in presence.

The Congress will focus on five Spheres of Boundaries, each of which will include one Plenary Session and two Symposia. There will also be eighty-nine Sections for Contributed Papers,  Endowed lectures, Special lectures, Round tables, Invited sessions, Society sessions, and Student sessions.

The Organizing Committee wishes the Congress to be preceded by preparatory events, meetings, conferences. To organize a cultural event under the auspices of the 25th World Congress of Philosophy, please send a request to secretariat@wcprome2024.com 

Spheres of Boundaries


Plenary session


Women in the History of Philosophy
Artificial Intelligence and Other Kinds of Minds


Plenary session

Vulnerability and Knowledge

Cross-Cultural Exchanges in the Ancient World
Translation, Imagination, Interdisciplinarity


Plenary session

Citizenship, Care, and Self-Determination

Epistemic injustice , Power, and Struggle
Trust, Truth, and Knowledge


Plenary session

Living in a Sustainable World

Biodiversity and the Environment
Ethics and the Living Beings


Plenary session

Emptiness and Experience

Beauty, Glamour, and Grace
Temporality and Agency

Sections for Contributed Paper

1. Aesthetics and Philosophies of Art

2. African Philosophy

3. Africana Philosophy

4. Bioethics and Medical Ethics

5. Buddhist Philosophy

6. Chinese Philosophy

7. Christian Philosophy

8. Comparative, Intercultural, and Cross-Cultural Philosophy

9. Confucian Philosophy

10. Contemporary Philosophy

11. Daoist Philosophy

12. East Asian and South-East Asian Philosophies

13. Economic Philosophy and Business Ethics

14. Environmental Philosophy and Sustainability

15. Ethics

16. Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

17. Experimental Philosophy

18. Feminist Philosophy

19. Games Theory

20. Gender and Queer Philosophy

21. Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Philosophy

22. Hermeneutics

23. History of Analytic Philosophy

24. History of Philosophy

25. Human Rights

26. Indian Philosophies

27. Intersectionality

28. Islamic Philosophy

29. Italian Philosophical Traditions

30. Jewish Philosophy

31. Latin-American Philosophy

32. Logic and Philosophy of Logic

33. Marxist Philosophy

34. Medical Humanities and Philosophy of Medicine

35. Medieval Philosophy

36. Metaethics

37. Metaphilosophy

38. Metaphysics

39. Mystical Traditions in Philosophy

40. Moral Psychology

41. Ontology

42. Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy

43. Philosophical Anthropology 

44. Philosophical Counseling and Practices

45. Philosophical Issues about Race

46. Philosophy, Film, and TV Series

47. Philosophy and Literature

48. Philosophy and Oral Traditions

49. Philosophy and Popular Culture

50. Philosophy and Psychoanalysis

51. Philosophy of Action

52. Philosophy of Aging

53. Philosophy of Argumentation

54. Philosophy of Birth

55. Philosophy of Childhood

56. Philosophy of Cognitive Neurosciences

57. Philosophy of Culture

58. Philosophy of Death

59. Philosophy of Dwelling

60. Philosophy of Education

61. Philosophy of Food

62. Philosophy of Globalization and Migrations

63. Philosophy of History

64. Philosophy of Indigenous Cultures

65. Philosophy of Information and Digital Culture

66. Philosophy of Language and Linguistics

67. Philosophy of Law

68. Philosophy of Liberation

69. Philosophy of Mathematics

70. Philosophy of Mind

71. Philosophy of Music and the Performing Arts

72. Philosophy of Physics

73. Philosophy of Religion

74. Philosophy of Science

75. Philosophy of Sexuality

76. Philosophy of Sport

77. Philosophy of Technology

78. Philosophy of the Human and Social Sciences

79. Philosophy of the Life Sciences

80. Philosophy of Values

81. Philosophy with Children

82. Political Philosophy

83. Renaissance and Early Modern Philosophy

84. Russian Philosophy

85. Social Epistemology

86. Social Philosophy

87. Teaching Philosophy

88. Theories of Knowledge and Epistemology

89. Utopia

Endowed Lectures

There will be at least seven endowed lectures:

Ibn Roshd by the Turkish Philosophical Society
Maimonides by FISP
Kierkegaard by the Søren Kierkegaard Research Center, University of Copenhagen
Dasan by the Korean Philosophical Society
Wang Yangming by Peking University
Simone de Beauvoir by the Gender Committee of FISP
Kant by the Kant-Gesellschaft

Submission of PaperS

Paper shall be submitted through the website of the Congress using the form at the link….

Only in exceptional circumstances papers can be submitted as an electronic version by attachment to an e-mail message addressed to the Italian Organizing Committee submitpaper@wcprome2024.com 

Submissions should not exceed 1800 words (or 3000 characters for papers submitted in Chinese) and be accompanied by a max 200-word abstract (500 characters in Chinese), and max 5 keywords (in alphabetical order). 

Submissions should clearly indicate the section for which the paper is intended  and shall be written in one of the official languages of the Congress.

The Organizing Committee reserves the right to accept or reject papers on the basis of scholarly quality. Only papers of a philosophical nature will be considered for inclusion in the program.

Proposals for Workshops and Round Tables

Proposals are invited for round tables and panels on specific topics. They should be sent to the following address submitpaper@wcprome2024.com. Round tables would usually include speakers from at least three different countries and are subject to the approval of the Steering Committee of FISP. All panelists shall be registered for the Congress.

Specific panels may be considered as Invited Sessions upon proposal by Steering Committee members.

Student Sessions

The Steering Committee of FISP, the Italian Organizing Committee, and the International Programme Committee are encouraging the participation of students by inviting proposals for student sessions, panels, and workshops. Student sessions and panels will be chaired by senior philosophers from all continents. To submit proposals, please email secretariat@wcprome2024.com 

Sessions of Member Societies of FISP

Member societies of FISP that wish to hold meetings during the Congress are kindly requested to apply to the President of FISP no later than February 1st, 2024. The number of sessions organized by each member society may be subject to limitations.

Important Dates

November 1st, 2023 is the deadline for submitting contributed papers and for proposals for round tables, workshops, and student sessions. Papers and proposals received after this deadline, but before February 1st, 2024, may be accepted depending on availability.


€ 200 for early registration prior to October 1st, 2023.
€ 225 for registration until January 31st, 2024.
€ 250 for registration from February 1st, 2024.
€ 100 for accompanying persons
€ 50 for students

For details about registration and the cancellation policy, see the website at wcprome2024.com
Info: wcp2024registration@thetriumph.com

Accommodation, Travel, and Social Program

Accommodation, travel info, social program will be announced later.

International Philosophy Book Fair

An International Philosophy Book Fair will take place during the Congress. Further information and conditions for publishers to apply will be announced later. 

For further information and assistance, please contact: 

wcp2024rome@thetriumph.com  for general questions about accommodation

wcp2024booking@thetriumph.com for hotel booking

Welcome to the
XXV World Congress of Philosophy

Website: https://wcp2024rome.com
Email: secretariat@wcp2024rome.com

Telephone: +39 06 8604360

Postal address:
Italian Organizing Committee
25th World Congress of Philosophy
c/o Società Filosofica Italiana
Via Carlo Fea 2
00161 Roma


The interactive program is now online. Check out it on the "program" page.

The program is always being updated. Times and days are subject to change.

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